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Research Highlights
Sl No. | Title | Description |
1 | Application of GIS Tools & Technologies |
At ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (ICAR-IIHR), Bengaluru, Geographic Information System (GIS) technology is being employed to drive research and innovation. The following are key highlights of how GIS is being utilized for horticultural advancements and addressing critical challenges in horticulture and environmental management:
2 | Spray Dried Avocado Powder |
3 | Embryogenic Cell Suspensions for mass multiplication of banana (cv Elakki bale) |
Bananacv Elakki bale (AB) is one of the commercially grown cultivars in southern parts of India. Due to its low multiplication rate, the commercial propagation using apical meristems is unable to meet the growing demand for planting material. The large scale micropropagation of elakki bale using embryogenic cell suspension (ECS) has been developed (one lakh plants/embryogenic calli) and field evaluation of embryo derived plantlets showed normal phenotype as compared to sucker or shoot tip plants. |
4 | Marigold variety, Arka Madhu |
French marigold photo insensitive variety with double coloured flower. Border is orange (RHS colour chart Orange group N-25C) and center is dark red (RHS colour chart red group 44-A). Plants are dwarf with spreading habit and floriferous. Flowering is observed throughout the year.
5 | Gerbera variety, Arka Pink |
6 | Gerbera variety, Arka White |
7 | Jackfruit Products |
8 | ICAR-IIHR developed new mango hybrid, Arka Suprabhath (H-14) |
ICAR-IIHR developed a new double cross hybrid between Amrapali (Dashehari x Neelam) x Arka Anmol (Alphonso x Janardhan Pasand). |
9 | Solar Power Integrated Outdoor Mushroom Growing Unit |
The present technology relates to the production of oyster mushroom by using low cost Solar Power Integrated Outdoor Mushroom Growing Unit which can be at both rural and urban levels. Presently most of the growers are using permanent or semi permanent structures for growing these mushrooms. |
10 | Mushroom value added products- A blend of tradition, nutrition and taste |
Arka Mushroom chutney powder |