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Research Highlights
Sl No. | Title | Description |
41 | A new whole pod edible dual purpose Pea variety Arka Apoorva |
A new whole pod edible dual purpose Pea variety Arka Apoorva Garden pea (Pisum sativum L. var. hortense) also called sweet pea is a choice vegetable grown for its shelled green seeds rich in protein (7.2 %). In India, it is grown in an area of 0.35 million ha. with the production of 2.91 million metric tonnes and productivity is 8.31 t/ha. In garden peas, though whole mature fresh pods are purchased by the consumer, the fibrous pod walls are discarded and only the shelled fresh the fresh green seeds are consumed. |
Mushroom Fortified Instant Rasam Mix Mushrooms, a rich source of proteins superior to most common fruits and vegetables with the exception of beans and peas provide 29% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) for vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and 23% of the RDI for niacin and are the only natural vegetarian source of vitamin D. Mushrooms are a better source of iron as compared to vegetables and thus can be an effective tool to mitigate iron malnutrition in the country. Due to their low glycemic index and zero cholesterol, they are specially recommended for diabetics and cardiac health. |
43 | National Conference on 'Fruit Breeding in Tropics and Subtropics - An Indian Perspective' |
National Conference on "Fruit Breeding in Tropics and Subtropics - An Indian Perspective" Fruit breeding has seen a paradigm shift from the conventional methods viz., introduction, selection, hybridization and mutation to next generation high throughput sequencing. Research in breeding of fruit crops encompassing a wide array of unique questions cannot be extrapulated based on the results of Arabidopsis. Availability of valuable germplasm is a prerequisite for crop improvement.There is an urgent need for conservation and evaluation of indigenous varieties in various fruit crops. |
44 | Technology (Sealer cum healer) for Mango Trunk borer management |
Technology (Sealer cum healer) for Mango Trunk borer management: The mango stem borer (Batocera rufomaculata Cerambycidae: Coleoptera)is increasingly becoming a menace in the older (>10 years) mango orchads across the country. Several thousands of trees have been lost in the last decade. The borer, a beetle of almost 4- 5 cm length, lays eggs on the main trunk of relatively older mango trees during May and December. The grubs bore and eat below the bark. As it grows, the tunnelling is extensive but below the bark, mostly invisible from outside. |
45 | New Yard Long Bean Selection Arka Mangala for high yield |
ICAR-IIHR identified a new Yard Long Bean Selection Arka Mangala for high yield Yard Long Bean (Vigna unguiculata sub sp sesquipedalis L.) is an important legume vegetable grown for its tender long green pods. Arka Mangala had maximum number of pods per plant (42). Yield performance during the kharif seasons of 2009 to 2010 has indicated that Selection Arka Mangala has given average yield of 25 t /ha, while the check varieties Lola and Vyjayathi gave pod yield of 20.75 and 19.75 t/ha respectively. |
NEW RAMBUTAN VARIETIES IDENTIFIED Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum var. lappaceum L.) is currently emerging as a high demand future fruit crops in world wide. It is very rich in sugar, vitamin and mineral contents. Rambutan is originated in the Malayan archipelago, which includes Indonesia, Malaysia and Southern Thailand. In India, rambutan cultivation is limited to some parts of Southern states like Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Major constraints faced by growers are unavailability of true to type planting material, long juvenile period, less productivity. |
47 | New Gerbera Lines 3-34 and 8-45 were identified |
New Gerbera Lines 3-34 and 8-45 were identified Gerbera is the fourth important cut flower in India with a production of 17,500 t from total area of 820 ha. Most of the planting material comes from international companies and costs around 18 lakhs for 1 ha area. Therefore, two lines viz., 3-34 and 8-45 have been developed indigenously through half sib selection from IIHR-3 and IIHR-1 respectively. The line, 3-34 produces double type flowers belonging to red purple group (68D RHS) while, line 8-45 produces double type flowers belonging to Red group (50A RHS). |
48 | Method of mass production of soil-less arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal inoculums |
Method of mass production of soil-less arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal inoculums As per the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) specifications, an AM fungal inoculum should contain a minimum of 100 propagules per gram of substrate. Traditionally, the inoculum is multiplied on live host plant roots grown on different substrates like sand: soil mixture, vermiculite, perlite, etc which are bulky materials for handling and transport. Further, propagule count on such media does not meet the standards often. |
49 | Centella asiatica genotypes, IIHR CA-1 and IIHR CA-13 |
Centella Asiatica genotypes, IIHR CA-1, and IIHR CA-13 genotypes were identified In India, to date there is only one variety Vallabh Medha developed at DMAPR. Considering its importance, the work was initiated on this crop at IIHR and, 16 germplasm lines have been collected and maintained. The systematic assessment of this collection for biomass yield and quality has lead to identification of two genotypes namely, IIHR CA-1 and IIHR CA-13. The method of breeding for the development of these varieties is Single plant clonal selection. |
50 | Onion varieties and F1 hybrids suitable for development of Paste |
Developed onion varieties and F1 hybrids suitable for Paste India is the second largest producer of onion in the world accounting for 16 % area and 10 % of production. In our country, onion is grown in 0.5 million hectare with production of 5.5 million tones. The major onion growing states are Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Bihar, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Nearly 40 % of onion produced does not reach the consumers because of various types of losses due to PLW, handling and storage loss, etc. |