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Research Highlights

Sl No. Title Description
11 Mushroom value added products- A blend of tradition, nutrition and taste


Arka Mushroom chutney powder

12 Crossandra variety: Arka Chenna

Flower of this variety is medium sized,  20 per cent bigger than the local.  Petal colour is  orange.  Yield is 4 times higher than the local variety i.e., 40 kgs/ week per 1000 plants,  The shelf life is 3.4 days. The stalk strength is 0.82kg/cm2 which is 20 per cent more than the local variety

13 Garden Rose Variety, Arka Sinchana

Arka Sinchana is highly floriferours  everblooming floribunda rose identified for garden display. It is a seedling selection from half sib population of variety Five Star.  Flowers are bright red in color (RHS colour chart Red Group-43-A) with flowers produced in bunches. Young leaves are bronze green in colour turning to deep green as the leaves mature.  Flowers are small in size (5.4cm), and filled with multiple petals ranging 40-45/flower.  On an average it produces 1250-1500 flowers/plant/year.

14 Garden Rose Variety, Arka Sharmeeli

Arka Sharmeeli  is an ever blooming floriferous Hybrid T rose identified for garden display.  Flower color changes from light pink to different shades of red from bud to different stages of blooming.  Flowers are produced in bunches of 2-3 flowers at the tip of long stalks.  It is a seedling selection from half sib population of IIHRR- 11 (IC-0617919).

15 Garden Rose Variety, Arka Kinnari Arka Kinnari is an ever blooming floriferous

Hybrid T rose identified for garden display .  It produces bicolor flower consisting vermilion red shading towards orient pink. High centered buds  with slow twisted opening makes it an attractive flower.  Arka Kinnari is characterised by long stalk with cluster of flowers.

16 Gladiolus variety, Arka Pratham

It is developed through hybridization and selection from Junior prom x Arka Poonum. It  is having attractive violet floret colour i.e., Purple Violet (82.A) having Purple (77.A) margin and Green White (157.C) line on lower lip, upright spikes and early flowering (58-65 days). This is suitable for cut flower and bedding purpose and the marketable spikes per corm were 1.59.

17 Gladiolus variety, Arka Ranjini

It is developed through hybridization and selection from Arka Poonum x Gold Medal – 412. It is having attractive floret colour i.e., Purple (78.A) middle, Red – Purple (72.A) margin with Green-Yellow (1.D) blotch,  florets arranged in double rows, short spikes and early flowering (62-68 days). This is suitable for cut flower and bedding purpose and the marketable spikes per corm were 1. 82.

18 Power operated Onion detopper

De-topping is one of the unique operations in cultivation of onion crop and it is tedious, laborious and time consuming operation demanding huge labour to the extent of 12.5 man-hrs/t. This power operated onion de-topper consists of a feed conveyor for feeding cured onion crop, de-topping rollers for shearing the leaves, separate collection chutes for the de-topped onion bulbs and leaves, main frame, power and power transmission system. The onion detopper was powered by a three phase, 2 hp, 900 rpm electrical motor with necessary speed reduction gear box.

19 Interspecific Grafting- A strategy for mitigation of flooding stress in tomato

Tomato is most susceptible to flooding stress. Since there are no flood-tolerant tomato genotypes available, root-stock grafting is considered as an effective and simple technique to combat flooding conditions.

20 Arka Automatic Dibbler cum Seeder for Vegetable Nursery

The machine designed is suitable for 98 protray cell  which is widely used for vegetable nursery raising.About eight man hours are required to sow 10 trays /hr, whereas with this machine 150 protrays/hr can be sown. With this, the seedling production cost will be reduced which will lead to reduce in input cost of farming. The present machine was calibrated for sowing tomato, capsicum, brinjal and chilli seeds.  There was 94% pick up by the machine sown trays and % germination by machine and manual methods were on par.