A 3-day Capacity building training programme on “GAP for fruit and vegetable crops” was organized at this station during 21-23 August 2024 as part of externally-funded project DBT-Establishment of BioTech Kisan Hub. The programme was organized in collaboration with DBT-Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar. Sri S K Pattanayak, Former Secretary, DAC; Dr Rajeev Swain, Sr Scientist, DBT-ILS; Dr Amitav Routray, ILS; Dr D K Patsani, Nirmal Seeds and Dr G.C Acharya, Head, CHES, IIHR attended the inaugural programme. Different aspects of GAP were covered in the programme. Hands-on training was also arranged for the participants. Exposure visits were organized for the participants to Tissue culture laboratory, OUAT, Centre of Excellence, Deras under Govt of Odisha and CHES, IIHR Bhubaneswar. Around 22 participants from Koraput and Nabarangpur attended the training programme.