Principal Scientist
Division of Fruit Crops
Horticulture- Crop improvement
Research Accomplishments:
- Working on the crop improvement of guava and papaya including the maintenance of Field Gene Bank.
- Involved in the development of two guava hybrids viz., Arka Kiran and Arka Rashmi and one mango hybrid Arka Udaya .
- Involved in the Characterization of guava, papaya and mango accessions as per the standard descriptor.
- Involved in the characterization of 40 unique indigenous ‘appemidi’ mango types using SSR markers including documentation.
- Involved in the development of DUS guidelines for papaya and recorded DUS traits for guava and mango.
- Involved in the development of technologies to extend the papaya seed viability during storage and SSR based DNA barcodes as a tool for identification of guava hybrids
- Involved in documenting pollinator diversity in mango growing areas of Konkan Region, Lucknow and Kanyakumari including floral biology study.
- Involved in the characterisation and documentation of unique indigenous mango varieties of Chitoor including documenting information on Custodian farmers and field demonstrations under UNEP-GEF Project.
Research papers :
- K.V. Ravishankar, Bommisetty Padmakar, Anju Bajpai, Navin Srivastava, B.H.Mani, C.Vasugi, S.Rajan M.R.Dinesh. 2015 Genetic Diversity and Population structure of Mango (Mangifera indica) cultivars assessed by SSR markers. Trees- Structure and Function. 29(3);773-783.
- Kanupriya Chaturvedi, Padmakar Bommisetty,Arpita Pattanaik,Vasugi chinnaiyan, Dinesh M.Ramachandra and Aswath Chennareddy.2014. PCR detection assay For sex determination in papaya using SCAR marker Acta Bot. Croat. 73 (2), 291–298, 2014
- M.R.Dinesh, G.L.Veena, C.Vasugi, M.Krishna Reddy, K.V.Ravishankar.2013. Intergeneric Hybridization in Papaya for ‘PRSV’ tolerance. Scientia Horticulturae, Vol.161 pp.357-360
- H.S.Yogeesha, C.Vasugi, Somashekar, Bhanuprakash, and L.B.Naik, 2013. Papaya (Carica papaya L.) seed quality as influenced by stage of harvest, postharvest ripening and seed extraction- Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences.83(9):928-32
- Vasugi, C., Dinesh, M. R., and R.Chithiraichelvan. 2013. Genetic diversity in Appemidi pickle mangoes. Journal of Horticultural Sciences. 8(2):224-227
- Vasugi, C., Sekar, K., Dinesh, M. R., and Venugopalan, R.2013. Studies on genetic divergence in unique indigenous mango accessions of Western Ghats. International Journal of Current Research, Vol., 5(9), pp 2494-2499.
- Kanupriya., M. Shobhana., C. Vasugi., C. Aswath., V. Radhika., Laxman Reddy and M.R. Dinesh., 2012. Genetic relationship among papaya (Carica papaya L) and wild papaya (Vasconcellea species) using RAPD and ISSR markers. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 82 (4):366-9
- C.Vasugi, M. R. Dinesh, K. Sekar, K. S. Shivashankara, B. Padmakar and K. V. Ravishankar., 2012. Genetic diversity in unique indigenous mango accessions (Appemidi) of the Western Ghats for certain fruit characteristics. Current Science 103(2):199-207.
- Vasugi, C and M.R.Dinesh, 2007. Genetic variability in some Psidium species Indian J. of agricultural Sciences, 77(1):420-23.
- M.R. Dinesh and C. Vasugi 2010. Phenotypic and Genotypic variations in fruit characteristics of guava (Psidium guajava)’ Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 80 (11) :998-999.
Book Chapters
- Vasugi, C., Dinesh, M. R., Ravishankar, K.V. and Chithiraichelvan, R. 2014. Ex-situ conservation and evaluation: A method for selection of indigenous varieties of mango. In ;Perspectives on biodiversity of India. Vol.I, Biju Kumar et al.(Eds), CISSA, pp.258- 265.
- Dinesh,M.R. Veena , G.L. and Vasugi, C. 2014. Breeding of guava In: Fruit breeding .M.R Dinesh (Eds), New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.pp. 277-288
- C. Vasugi, M. R. Dinesh, R Chithiraichelvan and M.Senthil Kumar 2013. Tender Mango: Genetic Characteristics and evaluation . In: Book on Horticulture published by Secretary, All India Scientific Tamil Association, Thannambikkai Off set printers, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. pp.87-88
- Ravishankar KV., Kanupriya, Rekha A., Anuradha Upadhyay, Vasugi C, Vijayakumari N., Pooja Kishnani and Dinesh MR. 2013 Omics approaches intropical fruit crops. In; OMICS Applications in Crop Science, Barh,D. et al,( Eds), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA,pp, 285-324
- M.R.Dinesh., C.Vasugi and C.P.A. Iyer., 2012. Floral biology, Cytology and Breeding of mango. In; Mango: Vol 1.Production and processing Technology, Sudha G Valavi, et al(Eds),Studium Press LLC.Houston, Texas, USA, ISBN-1-933699-93-0:Series ISBN; 1-9336999-92-2, pp 82-111
Books/Technical bulletin
- Production technology of Fruit crops, 2012. Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta, Bengaluru., Chithiraichelvan et al(Eds), Published by Director, ICAR- IIHR, Bengaluru. pp 154
- M.R. Dinesh., C. Vasugi, K.V. Ravishankar and Y.T.N.Reddy, 2012. Mango Catalogue (South Indian varieties), IIHR ,Bangalore, 468 P
- M.R.Dinesh, K.V.Ravishankar, T.M.Gajanana, Srinivasa Reddy, C.Vasugi, Sudha Mysore, Padmakar Bommisetty, D.Dakshinamurthy, S. Thippeswamy, Hariram, H.V. Manoj Kumar, C.Lavanya, K.Bharathy, B.S.Sandhya and D.R.Padmavathi 2013.Catalogue on Indigenous Mango Varieties of Chittoor. Published by Director, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore-89. 90P
Awards & Recognitions:
- C. Vasugi, M. R. Dinesh, K.V. Ravishankar and R. Chithiraichelvan , 2012, has been awarded best paper (oral) for Ex situ conservation and evaluation: A method for selection of indigenous varieties of mango at Second Indian Biodiversity Congress (IBC 2012),9-11 December 2012, J.N. Tata Auditorium¸ Bangalore, Karnataka
- M.V. Naga Chaithanya, C.Ashwath, M.R.Dinesh, C.Vasugi, D.C.Lakshmana Reddy has been awarded best paper (oral) for the Assesment of genetic diversity in Guava (Psidium guajava) germplasm using microsatellites. In;First International and Third National Conference on Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Bioengineering at Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh during 28-29 June 2013
- M.V. Naga Chaithanya, M.R.Dinesh, C.Vasugi, D.C.Lakshmana Reddy, D.Sailaja and C.Aswath, 2014. has been awarded best paper (oral) for Micro satellite based DNA finger printing of Guava (Psidium guajava) genotypes. In;International conference on Bio diversity, Bioresources and Bio-technology held at Mysore, Karnataka on 30-31 January 2014
Address for Communication:
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(080) 23621248