Principal Scientist
Division of Fruit Crops
Research Accomplishments:
- Associated in establishment of field gene bank of underutilized fruits like mangosteen, durian, rambutan, avocado, passion fruit, jamun, karonda, longan, Garcinia , Macadamia nut, Malayan apple, velvet apple, carambola and pummelo etc.
- Associated in identification of hermaphrodite and free stone rambutan clones for commercial cultivation
- Identified high yielding disease free Coorg mandarin clones for production of quality planting material of Coorg mandarin
- Evaluated acid lime varieties like Rajraj, Jai Devi, Sai-Sharbati, Vikram, Pramalini, Balaji, Kagzi lime and Coorg lime under humid tropical ecosystem
- Associated in selection of avocado clone which is having field tolerance to Anthracnose.
- Associated in selection of stable hermaphrodite genotypes in Coorg Honey Dew papaya
- Coordinated the programme on development of technology for rejuvenation of Coorg mandarin.
- Associated on Production of quality planting material of Coorg mandarin
- Continuing research on genetic improvement of Annona and popularization of Annona hybrid Arka Sahan
Research papers :
- Sakthivel, T. and Thamburaj, S .2000. Studies on moringa (Moringa pterigosperma Gaertn.) oil and water coagulation by press cake. Veg. Sci., 27( 2) :205-207
- Karunakaran, G., Chithiraichelvan, R., Sakthivel , T and Sudhir Kumar. 2007. Study on seedling growth of Citrus species accelerated by foliar application of urea, gibberellic acid and zinc sulphate. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science 77(5) : 299 – 301
- Sudhir Kumar., Chithiraichelvan ,R., Karunakaran , G and Sakthivel , T. 2008. Studies on propagation of passion fruit cv. Kaveri by cuttings under Coorg conditions. Indian J. Hort. 65 ( 1 ) : 106-109
- Duleep Kumar Samuel., Dheeraj Shetty., Ravishankar, H., Gopalakrishna Pillai , K., Sakthivel, T., Karunakaran , G., Raghupathi, H.B and Sudhir Kumar. 2007. Molecular detection and analysis of asian strain specific las fragment of huanglongbing bacterium (Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus ) vectored by Diaphorina citri Kumayama ( Hemiptera : Psyllidae ) associated with decline of Coorg mandarin ( Citrus reticulata Blanco ) . Pest management in Horticultural Ecosystems. 13 (2): 91-101
- Ragupathi,H.B., Sakthivel, T and Ravishankar, H. 2010.Multivariate nutrient diagnostic norms for Coorg mandarin ( Citrus reticulata Blanco) .Indian J. Agric Sci., 80(9):835-837
- Sakthivel,T., Ravishankar,H., Krishna Reddy, M., Samuel, D.K., Pillai,G.K., Karunakarn ,G. and Ragupathi,H.B.2012. Identification of superior clones for production of quality planting material of Coorg mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco).In: Quality Seeds and planting material in Horticultural Crops.( Eds-Singh, H.P., A.S.Siddu., B.P.Singh., A.Krishnamurthy., T.S.Aghora., Nita Khandekar., Leela Sahijram., N.Mohan and A.Rekha..ISBN 978-93-5104-485-7.p.60-63
- Hazarika,S., A.N.Ganeshamurthy and T.Sakthivel.2011.Long term management effects on spatial variability of quality characteristics of soils under guava ( Psidium guajava L.) and sapota ( Manilkara achras L.) orchards in South-Western climate of India. Indian J. Agric Sci., 81(2):119-124
- Shivaramu,K., Sakthivel,T and Rami Reddy, P.V.2012.Diversity and foraging dynamics of insect pollinators on rambutan ( Nephilium lappaceum L.). Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems. 18 (2):158-160
- Shivaramu,K and Sakthivel,T. 2012. Preliminary observations on insect pollinator activity on macadamia nut (Macadamia integrifolia Maiden & Betche) in Kodagu, Karnataka. Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems.18 (2):233
- Ragupathi, H.B., T.Sakthivel and H.Ravishankar.2013.Priliminary DRIS ratio norms for diagnosis for nutrient imbalance in Coorg mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco). Indian J.Hort.70 (1): 33-36
- Samarendra Hazarika ., Dwipendra Thakuria., A.N. Ganeshamurthy and T. Sakthivel.2014. Soil quality as influenced by land use history of orchards in humid subtropics. Catena. 123:37–44
- G.Karunakaran. , H. Ravishankar., T. Sakthivel and D.K. Samuel.2014.Optimization of micro-budding technique in Coorg mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) . Indian J. Hort. 71(3): 311-314
Book Chapters :
- Ravishankar, H. and Sakthivel, T. 2009. Clonal selection in Coorg mandarin. In: 60 years of Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Chettalli, Kodagu , Karnataka, Diamond Jubilee publication, published by Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake, Bangalore . p:11
- Ravishankar, H. and Sakthivel,T. 2009. Crop diversification strategies – Banana. In: 60 years of Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Chettalli, Kodagu , Karnataka, Diamond Jubilee publication, published by Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake, Bangalore . pp:44-45
- Ravishankar, H. and Sakthivel,T. 2009. Crop diversification strategies – Under utilized fruits. In: 60 years of Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Chettalli, Kodagu , Karnataka, Diamond Jubilee publication, published by Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake, Bangalore . pp:45-48
- T.Sakthivel.2014. Breeding sugar apple / sweetsop. In: Fruit breeding M.R Dinesh ( Ed ), New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.
Permanent Address:
H-352, TNHB, Thendral Nagar, Brindhavan Nagar Extension, Phase VII, Hosur,-635 109, Tamil Nadu
Address for Communication:
Principal Scientist, Division of Fruit Crops, IIHR, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore - 560 089.
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