Developed the high yielding varieties of Coconut (4no), Sweet potato (2no), Greater yam (2 no), Elephant foot yam (1no), Ashgourd (1no), 2 Dolichos bean (2no) and 2 Brinjal varieties. Surveyed and collected 16 accessions of various tuber crops, 20 accessions of mango and 35 coconut accessions from A&N Islands which includes three dwarf type and a makapuno type. The makapuno type with soft endosperm is first report and collection from the A&N islands. Characterized the 24 Pacific Ocean accessions and 6 Nicobar Island accessions and a descriptor has been prepared according to COGENT Descriptor (64 traits). About 66 underutilized vegetables were documented in Tripura, the proximate and mineral composition of 16 underutilized vegetables have been estimated (a technical bulletin has been published). Studied the physiological and biochemical aspects of bud dormancy in pomegranate and standardised the method for induction of flowering in pomegranate. “Discovered the genes responsible for drought and biomass production in Cassava”. Developed databases on Biodiversity of Horticultural Crops, Butterflies of A&N Islands and 35 years of dedicated service of CARI to the Islanders.
Research Papers
- M.Sankaran, V.Damodaran, D.R.Singh, I.Jai Sankar & B.A.Jerard.2015. Genetic analysis in World Coconut Germplasm being grown Andaman Islands. Indian J. Hort. 72(1), March 2015: 117-120
- M.Sankaran, V.Damodaran, D.R.Singh & B.A.Jerard.2012. Occurrence of Vivipary in Cocos nucifera L. var.Andaman Green Dwarf, Current Science: 103, 10(25), 1139-1140.
- M.Sankaran, V.Damodaran, D.R.Singh, I.Jai Sankar & B.A.Jerard.2012. Characterisation and Genetic Assessment of Pacific Ocean Coconut accessions in comparison with Nicobar accessions, India. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(97), 16320-16329.
- M.Sankaran, P.Chandrasekar, D.R.Singh and V.Damodaran.2013. Genetic Diversity Analysis in Arecanut by using RAPD markers. Indian.J.Horti. 70(3):428-430.
- M.Sankaran, I.Jaisankar, D.R.Singh, S.Pramod Kumar, T.Rajesh Kannan and S.Dam Roy.2013 Morphometric traits and molecular characterization by using ISSR and RAPD markers in Jatropha curcus L. accessions grown in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology Vol. 1 (03), pp. 029-035, October, 2013
- M.Sankaran, Jai Prakash, N.P.Singh, K.Chattopadyay, S.P.Das and S.V.Ngachan.2011.Genetic analysis of Indian bean germplasm under Tripura agroclimatic condition, Indian.J.Horti. 68(1), 128-130
- M.Sankaran, S.K.Singh, Room Singh and H.C.Kapoor.2008.Studies on hydro peroxidase enzymes and phenols in dormant buds of pomegranate. Indian J. of Agri.Sci 78(6); 522-25.
- M.Sankaran, N.P.Singh, K.Chattopadyay, Jai Prakash, N.Rai and S.P.Das.2008.Genetic divergence for certain economic traits in Indian bean germplasm grown in Tripura. Indian J. of Gen & Pl. breeding., 68 : (3), 347-349
- M.Sankaran, S.K.Singh, Room Singh and R.K.Sairam.2006.Studies on changes in phytohormones and total phenol contents in dormant buds of pomegranate during winter. Indian J. of Hort.63(2),199-201.
- M.Sankaran, Room Singh, S.K.Singh, P.C.Jindal and Rajkumar Sairam.2005.Effect of hydrogen cyanamide and thiourea on bud burst, flowering and fruiting in pomegranate. Indian J. of Hort. 62(1), 81-82.
- M.Sankaran, RoomSingh, S.K.Singh and S.Gupta.2004.Endogenous levels of IAA, GA and ABA in dormant buds of some pomegranate cultivars. Indian J. of Hort 61(4), 305-307.
- M.Sankaran, Jai Prakash, N.P.Singh and A.Suklabaidya.2006.Wild Edible fruits in Tripura. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources (CSIR), July-August.
- M.Sankaran, V.Damodaran D.R.Singh, , I.Jaisankar & B.A.Jerard 2013. Descriptor for World Coconut Accessions conserved in Andaman Islands, 126 pages . Published byCARI, Port Blair
- M.Sankaran, S.Dam Roy, & S.K.Zamir Ahmed.2013 Four Decades of dedicated service of CARI. Volume-I, Published by CARI, Port Blair.
- M.Sankaran, S.Dam Roy, & S.K.Zamir Ahmed.2013. Four Decades of dedicated service of CARI. Volume-II, Published by CARI, Port Blair
- M.Sankaran, S.Dam Roy, & S.K.Zamir Ahmed.2013. Four Decades of dedicated service of CARI. Volume-II, Published by CARI, Port Blair
- M.Sankaran, S.Dam Roy, & S.K.Zamir Ahmed.2013 . Four Decades of dedicated service of CARI. Volume-IV, Published by CARI, Port Blair
- M.Sankaran, T.V.R.S.Sharma, S.Dam Roy, C.Murugan and Rokkala Srinivas.2014. Lesser known and under exploited plant genetic resources of A&N Islands,( In Press): Published by CIARI, Port Blair.
- S.R.Anil, M.S.Palaniswami and M.Sankaran.2008.Bibliography on Amorphophallus., Published by AICRP on Tuber crops, ICAR.
Abstract Books/Souvenir Books
- M.Sankaran, A.Abirami, D.R.Singh, V.Damodaran S.K.Ambast.2012.Book of Abstracts, National Seminar on Technologies in improving productivity of spices and plantation crops, 1-145pp, CARI, Port Blair
- M.Balakrishnan, K.Devakumar, M.Sankaran, S.Jeyakumar S.K.Ambast.2012. Book of Abstracts, International Conference on Molecular Structures and functions -2012, CARI, Port Blair
- D.R.Singh, M.Sankaran, Shrawan Singh, K.Abirami, R.Sudha,V.Baskaran, A.K.Singh, S.Dam Roy.2012. Book of Abstracts, National Seminar on innovative technologies for conservation and sustainable utilization of Island Biodiversity 1-113pp, CARI, Port Blair
- D.R.Singh, M.Sankaran, Shrawan Singh, K.Abirami, R.Sudha,V.Baskaran, A.K.Singh, S.Dam Roy.2012, Book of Souvenir, National Seminar on innovative technologies for conservation and sustainable utilization of Island Biodiversity 1-111pp
- Gautam, R.K. , Verma, S.K., Krishnan, P., Sankaran, M., Zamir Ahmed, S.K., Grinson-George, Dev Kumar, K., and Jeyakumar, S. 2011 (Eds). Souvenir, International Conference on Tropical Island Ecosystems – Issues related to livelihood, sustainable development and climate change; 23-26 Mar 2011. Central Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair, pp218. 1ISBN: 978-93-80766-01-1
- Gautam, R.K. , Verma, S.K., Krishnan, P., Sankaran, M., Zamir Ahmed, S.K., Grinson-George, Dev Kumar, K., Jeyakumar, S. and Kiruba Sankar, R. 2011 (Eds). Book of Abstracts, International Conference on Tropical Island Ecosystems – Issues related to livelihood, sustainable development and climate change; 23-26 Mar 2011. Central Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair, pp218. ISBN: 978-93-80766-01-0.
Book Chapters
- M.Sankaran, R.Sudha, P.Sureshkumar, Jai Prakash& K.N.Shiva (2013). Genetic Resources of Banana in India: Tropical Fruits of India, Ghosh (ed.), BCKV,Kalyani, WB, India
- M.Sankaran, Jai Prakash & K.Dinesh Babu, (2013). Genetic Resources of Pomegranate in India: Tropical Fruits of India, Ghosh (ed.), BCKV,Kalyani, WB.
- M.Sankaran, Jai Prakash & K.Dinesh Babu, 2012. Genetic Resources of Underutilized Horticultural Crops in India: Strategies for conservation and utilization, 275-297pp, K.K.Behera (ed.) Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi.
- M.Sankaran, A.Kumaresan, B.Santhosh and K.M.Bujarbaruah .2007.Root and tuber crops for food Security in North Eastern States. In Book: Root and tuber crops in India. M.S.Palaniswami and K.V.Peter (ed.) , Chapter 10
- M.Sankaran, Jai Prakash, N.P.Singh and M.Datta .2008. Climate and Horticultural Crops, In Book: Climate and food security, M. Datta et al., (ed.), pp251-263.
- M.Sankaran, N.P.Singh and Jai Prakash 2007. Genetic Resources of Underutilized Horticultural Crops in Tripura. In Book: Underutilized and Under exploited Horticultural Crops, K.V.Peter (Ed.), pp.1-20
- M.Ishitani, J.Rane, S.Beebe, M.Sankaran, M.Blair and I.M.Rao, 2011. Molecular Breeding approaches in managing abiotic stress in legumes, In Book: Biology and Breeding of food legumes, Published by CABS International, 276-295pp.
- Fakruddhin Ali Ahmed Award for improving farming system, ICAR-2014, GOI
- Best Institute Building Award-2013,ICAR- CIARI, Port Blair
- IARI Merit Felloship
- Best Poster Paper Awards (3No)
- Science Communicator Award, ISCA, GOI
Division of Fruit Crops, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta,Bangalore, Karnataka