A capacity building programme, to create awareness on “ICAR-IIHR technologies” was organized as part of TSP of ICAR-IIHR to boost the production of horticultural crops of the tribal farmers of Lapathy village, Carnicobar in collaboration with ICAR-CIARI, and ICAR KVK CIARI, Nicobar Island on 16th May, 2024.
Dr. R. Senthil Kumar, Principal Scientist, ICAR-IIHR Bangalore briefed about the important varieties and technologies of IIHR Bengaluru and advised the farmers to grow cover crop (velvet bean) in coconut plantations in order to improve the soil fertility and boost coconut productivity by fixing atmospheric nitrogen in addition to suppressing weeds.
The necessity for value addition and processing in areas of coconut jaggery, virgin oil production etc. that have the potential to improve both income and employment generation was emphasized by Dr. Santosh Kumar, Senior Scientist and Head, KVK, Nicobar.
Towards the end, the trainees received ICAR-IIHR vegetable seed kits that included eight different kinds of vegetable seeds, velvet bean seeds and biostimulants. It was advised that these inputs should be utilized in a scientific manner for the best outcome. The trainee’s feedback was documented. A few women farmers conveyed their requirements for technologies and seeds pertaining to ornamental and floral crops.
A total of 33 farmers (21 women and 12 men) including all four captains of the village, were participated in the program. Afterwards, Mr. Patrick, a progressive farmer from Tapoiming village, is felicitated for his remarkable achievement, and Mrs. Laieesa is also honoured for her accomplishments. This programme was coordinated by Dr.T.H. Singh, Nodal Officer TSP, Dr. R. Senthil Kumar, member of TSP, ICAR-IIHR and Dr. Santosh Kumar, Head, KVK, Car Nicobar.