On the third day of NHF 2023 (24.2.2023) farmers from various places enthusiastically participated in fair. More than 12000 people attended including farmers from various states and students from schools and colleges. Forty people attended the training workshop on Hi-Tech farming Techniques (Hydroponics, Aeroponics, Aquaponics, Vertical farming) was conducted at Centre of Excellence in collaboration with Society for the Promotion of Horticulture (SPH). IIHR stall sales of seeds and planting materials exceeded Rs. 3 Lakh whereas the private stalls also made good business. Today also nearly 300 farmers found solutions to their problem through one of one consultancy. Besides eight progressive farmers, who have been successfully adopting the institute technologies in were felicitated. Dr. D.V.S. Reddy, Principal Scientist, ATARI, Bengaluru was the chief guest of the program. Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh, Director, ICAR-IIHR, Dr. Prakash Patil, Project Co-ordinator (PC Fruits), Dr. C.K.Narayana, CEO, BESTT-HORT and Dr. C. Aswath, Vice President, SPH, Dr. R. Venkattakumar, Organizing Secretary, NHF2023 graced the occasion. Mr. Manoj.B. from Chitradurga, Mr. Suresh Chandra Hota from Odisha, Mr. Ragipati Davedu from Andhra Pradesh, Mr. Ashwatappa from Chikkaballapur, Mr. Mahesh Naik from Chamrajnagar, Mr. Satisha Nanjundiah from Benagaluru, Mr. R.S. Patil from Bijapur and Mr. Veerakyatharayappa from Tumkuru were felicitated with Best Farmer award. Chairman of the award ceremony, Dr. S.K. Singh, Director, ICAR-IIHR, appreciated the efforts of the awardee farmers in spreading the institute technologies throughout the country.