Vigilance Awareness Week was observed at CHES (ICAR-IIHR), Bhubaneswar from 27th Oct. to 2rd Nov., 2020 under the theme of “SATARK BHARAT: SAMRIDDH BHARAT” (Vigilant India: Prosperous India)”. Dr G C Acharya, Head I/C administered the Integrity Oath Pledge to the staff at the administrative building on 27th October at 11.00 AM. He appealed to all the staff of the research station to actively work towards promotion of integrity, transparency in all aspects of life. A debate program was also organized during the Vigilance Awareness Week. Scientific, technical and administrative staff of the station expressed their views on importance of transparency and accountability in making the system corruption-free. Videos on ‘integrity and transparency in life’ were also screened in the valedictory function of the program. The program was coordinated by Dr. Kundan Kishore, Vigilance Officer.