Capacity building programme on Medicinal plants was organized under AICRP-SCSP programmes of ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru in collaboration with Department of Horticulture, Pollachi on 27th October 2023. Dr. R. Senthilkumar, Principal Scientist & Nodal Officer (SCSP) welcomed the gathering and elucidated the role of SCSP programmes in serving the farming community through agricultural extension activities. Dr K. Hima Bindu explained about the importance of medicinal plants their conservation and specifically multiple uses of velvet bean. The farmers who have taken up velvet bean as intercrop in coconut gardens shared their experience. According to farmers, intercropping of velvet bean resulted in conservation of moisture, control of weeds and reduction in damage due to wild animal.
Dr Senthil Kumar, Principal Scientist, ICAR-IIHR enlightened the farmers about ICAR-IIHR technologies in fruit crops specifically canopy management in mango, guava and custard apple. The inputs such as velvet bean seeds, planting material, biofertilizers and biopesticides were distributed to farmers. Dr. Gopinath Asst. Director of Horticulture, Pollachi interacted with farmers. The programme ended with concluding remarks and vote of thanks. The entire programme was co-ordinated by Dr. R. Senthilkumar, Principal Scientist & Nodal Officer (SCSP), Dr K. Hima Bindu, Principal Scientist, Division of Flower and Medicinal crops, ICAR–IIHR. Around 40 SC/ST farmers were benefitted by this programme. Interactions were held with growers of two demonstration plots of velvet bean at their fields.