Field day on Centella asiatica variety Arka Divya was organized at Kalasapur village, Gadag Taluk, Karnataka on 5th December 2024 in the field of Mr. Mahadev D Pawar as part of the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana project. About 60 farmers from Kalasapur and nearby villages participated in the event. Mr. Girish Hosur, SADH, Gadag, Mr. Manjunath Hugar and Mr. Sagaiah Hiremath, Horticultural Officers, Mr. Ramesh Annigeri, Red. Agricultural Assistant, Dr. G. R. Smitha, Principal Scientist and Dr. Rohini M.R, Scientist, Division of Flower and Medicinal Crops, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru were present on the occasion. The event aimed to raise awareness about the demand of medicinal crops and benefits of cultivating the high-yielding varieties among the local farming community. Mr. Manjunath welcomed the gathering, Dr. Smitha gave a brief introduction about the activities and technologies developed by ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru. Dr.Rohini M.R highlighted about the importance and significance of medicinal plant cultivation and the salient characteristics of Centella variety Arka Divya and also its uses. Mr. Hiremath expressed his interest in adopting the medicinal crop cultivation after witnessing the success of Mr. Pawar. Mr. Ramesh also appreciated the efforts and urged upon the need for exploring the marketing opportunities for medicinal herbs. The farmer Mr. Pawar explained how he is successful in adopting the variety in 4 acres of his land from the past 5 years. He expressed that there is a lot of demand for the medicinal crop varieties and the farmers need to come forward for starting the cultivation. He also mentioned about the guidance and support rendered by ICAR-IIHR in terms of providing the planting material and other inputs under the RKVY scheme. Further, the scientists distributed the inputs viz., planting material of Arka Divya, seeds of Arka Ashwagandha and Arka Daksha (Mucuna pruriens), Arka Microbial Consortium and Arka Vegetable Special to Mr. Pawar and other farmers for taking up further demonstrations and cultivation of IIHR varieties. The programme was organized and coordinated by Dr. M.R Rohini and Dr. G.R. Smitha under the RKVY scheme on “Demonstration and dissemination of flower and medicinal crop varieties and technologies of ICAR-IIHR to the farmers and FPOs of Karnataka for export promotion and livelihood security”