Training program on “Cultivation practices and export protocol for Vegetables, Fruits & Ornamental crops” was conducted for the Extension Officers’ of Kerala from 21st to 23rd August, 2024 at ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru. The main objective of the programme was to develop awareness and orient officers on the ICAR-IIHR technologies for cultivation practices of vegetables, flowers and fruits and their export orientation for economic security of farmers. Twenty five trainees actively participated in training from Kerala sponsored through Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council Kerala (VFPCK), Govt of Kerala.
Twenty sessions were conducted and the technical sessions covered the topics viz., Improved production practices for domestic and export markets of major ornamental crops (Rose, Gerbera, Carnation, Tuberose, Chrysanthemum, Marigold, Aster, Gladiolus etc.), Improved production techniques of Mushroom, Improved production practices in vegetable for export (Open cultivation, Protected cultivation and Organic cultivation), Business plan preparation for agricultural enterprises, Improved production practices in Fruits for export, Pest and Disease Management in major horticulture crops (Panel Discussion), Pre and postharvest handling and value addition of fruits, vegetables, and flowers for export, Biofertilizers for soil nutrient management, Export protocol for horticultural crops, Design & fabrication of greenhouse structures/ machinery for production of quality seedlings and high value flowers and vegetables under protected environment.
Field visits to commercial floriculture units, CoE in IIHR, Nurseries and International flower auction centre (IFAB) were arranged. The valedictory program on 23/08/2024 was chaired by Dr. Tusar Kanti Behera, Director, ICAR-IIHR and he enlightened the gathering on importance and scope of horticulture and improved Technologies from IIHR and different livelihood opportunities in horticulture in promoting hortipreneurs, post harvest technologies, off season cultivation in green house etc. He also stressed on the need for training and capacity building for promotion of horticulture and motivated the participants for effective utilization of training with supportive network between IIHR Scientists.