The ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) Bengaluru organized off campus training program on Kitchen Garden and Improved vegetable production technologies” and input distribution (vegetables seed) to the selected tribal beneficiaries of Karumandurai Hills of Salem district of Tamil Nadu consisting of Vadakunadu and Therkunadu panchayat. This program was organized under AINTHINAI Mission on October 7, 2024. Dr. D. Balu, President, Vivekanandha trust welcomed the gathering. Dr. R. Senthil Kumar, Principal Scientist and PI of the project narrated the objectives and importance of the training and delivered lectures about soil health and its management for successful cultivation of vegetables. Dr V. Sankar, Principal Scientist and CO-PI and Coordinator of the programme explained about significance of ICAR-IIHR vegetable technologies for increasing the income of the tribal farmers and importance of kitchen garden for nutritional security. Mrs. Kalaivani, Assistant Director of Horticulture from Pethanaikenpalayam block of Salem district of Tamil Nadu explained about the need of training for tribal women to fulfil nutritional security and prosperity and enumerated the departmental schemes for tribal farmers to increase their farm income. Vegetable seed pockets were distributed to selected tribal beneficiaries of Karumandurai hills. This programme was attended by 190 tribal farmers of Salem (Karumandurai Hills) district. This training program was coordinated by Dr.V.Sankar, Dr.R. Senthil Kumar and Mr K Suryamurthi, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru.