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Balakrishna B

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Principal Scientist (Agricultural Extension)
Division of Social Sciences and Training
Participatory Research and Extension, Market Driven Extension, Training Technology
M.Sc. (Agril. Extn.), Ph.D (Dairy Extension Education)
Research Accomplishments: 

1. Conducted extensive PRA on fruits, vegetables, ornamental and Medicinal crops, Post Harvest Technology, Horticulture Seed Industry

2. Developed and Implemented various technological modules using participatory research techniques in agriculture, horticulture and animal science through TAR-IVLP

3. Developed and used market integrated participatory extension techniques and feedback analysis system to promote integrated crop, insect pest, disease, water and nutrient management techniques in fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops through

4. Identification of research and extension needs in climate resilient technologies (CRT's) for effective management of horticultural crops

5. Transfer of Climate Resilient Technologies in vegetable crops for enhancing quality, increasing production and productivity of fruit and vegetable crops among small and marginal farmers

6. Developmental of market integrated technology transfer module (with multiple stakeholders) for protected cultivation and precision farming in vegetable crops

7. Development and promotion of technological products of IIHR using research inputs and feedback analysis of farmers and scientists for the first time in IIHR


A. Research Papers

1. George, S., Hegde, M.R. and Balakrishna, B. 2009. Evaluation of model training course on IPM in horticultural crops. Agricultural Extension Review Jan-Mar 2009

2. George, S., Hegde, M.R., Paripurna, A., Balakrishna, B., and Khandekar, N. (2008). Constraint analaysis in Mnago Produciton – Farmers’ Pespective. Enviornment & Ecology, 26 (4A): 1718-1721.

3. Khandekar, N, R. Venugopalan, M. R Hegde, B. Balakrishna, S. George, Achala Paripurna, Shamasundaran.(2006) Prioritization of Horticultural Technologies through Rank based Quotients technique. Environment and Ecology 24S (4):1071-1074.

4. Khandekar, N, R. Venugopalan, M. R Hegde, B. Balakrishna, S. George, Achala Paripurna, Shamasundaran.(2006) Prioritization of Horticultural Technologies through Rank based Quotients technique. Environment and Ecology 24S (4):1071-1074.

B. Books and Book Chapters

1. Sidhu, A.S., Rao, N.K.S., Balakrishna, B. and Doijode, S.D.Awareness on Climate change and resilience of horticultural crops, January 2012. IIHR, Bangalore.

2. Dr.S.Shankar Hebbar Dr.B.Balakrishna, Dr.M.Prabhakar, Dr.N.K. Krishnakumar, Dr. Girija Ganeshan, Dr.S.D.Doijode. Dr.M.R.Hegde, Dr.M.S.Rao, Mr.V.Srinivas, Mr Gaddagimath, Miss Manasa.B Protected cultivation of Capsicum (Kannada) 2010.

3. Balakrishna, B and Doijode, S.D. Knowledge, perception and technological requirement of farmers in Horticultural crops under climate change Scenario – PP. 33-36. IIHR Technical Bulletin, 2012. Sidhu, A.S., Rao, N.K.S., ........ Balakrishna, B. and Doijode, S.D. Awareness on Climate change and resilience of horticultural crops, January 2012. IIHR, Bangalore.

4. Dr.Shankara S Hebbar Dr. B.Balakrishna, Dr.M.Prabhakar,Mr.V.Srinivas, Dr.Anil Kumar nar, Mr.G.S.Ravikumar, Dr. Girija Ganeshan, Dr.Debi Sharma, Dr.D.V.Sudhakar Rao, Dr.S.D.Doijode, Dr.M.R.Hegde and Dr.M.S.Rao, Protected cultivation of Capsicum (English) April, 2012. Technical bulletin no. 22 (Revised Edition), IIHR, Bangalore

5. Balakrishna, B. and Prasanna Kumar, B. 2004. Computer assisted horticulture extension system for higher and sustained productivity in horticulture. Communication support for sustaining extension services. Ganga kaveri publishing house, Varanasi. 2004.pp 274-275

6. Gadgimath P.B., Khandekar, N., Balakrishna, B., George Saju, Hegde, M.R. Doijode, S.D. (eds) 2011. Samrudhi: Farm School on Akashwani (Kannada) July-October 2011, IIHR Bangalore.

7. Balakrishna, B., Raja, M.E., and Krishna Moorthy,P.N. 2004. Integrated communication approach of multidisciplinary teams for higher and sustained horticultural productivity. Communication support for sustaining extension services. Communication support for sustaining extension services. Ganga kaveri publishing house, Varanasi. 2004.pp 282-283

8. Dr.Shivaputra C.Kottur, Dr.M.Prabhakar, Dr.S.Shankar Hebbar, Dr. Srinivas Murthy, Dr.B.Balakrishna, Mr P.B. Gaddagimath, Dr.M.R.Hegde Innovative Horticulture Farmers -Farmers Endeavour (Kannada) 2011

C. Paper Published in Proceedings/ Souvenir

1. Balakrishna, B., Prabhakar, M., Hebbar, S.S., and S.D.Doijode, 2011. Integrated technology dissemination system (ITDS) for enhancing quality and productivity of vegetable business through market integration. International Conference on Innovative Approaches for Agriculture Knowledge Management: Global Extension Experiences. 9th to 12 November 2011 organised at New Delhi.

2. Balakrishna, B., M.R. Hegde and V. Srinivas (2008). Market led extension approach for promotion of quality and safe exotic commercial vegetable production and marketing: A field experience . Golden Jubilee and National Seminar on Innovative Extension strategies for Agricultural Development and Rural Prosperity from Dec 18-20, 2008 at Department fo extension Education, RAU, Pusa. PP168.

3. Hegde, M.R, Balakrishna, B and George, S. 2007. Constraint analysis in adoption of plant protection technologies and their popularization in horticulture. III National symposium on plant protection in horticulture organized by Association for advancement of pest management in horticultural ecosystems at IIHR, Bangalore from March 7-9, 2007. pp 31-32.

4. Khandekar, N, Hegde, M.R., Balakrishna, B., Paripurna, A., S. George and. 2007.Impact of Mushroom cultivation in Karnataka. Appropriate Extension Strategies for Management of Rural Resources. Dec. 18-20 , 2007 at UAS, Dharwad, 126

5. Hegde, M.R., George, S., Balakrishna, B. and Narayana swamy.B. 2008. Transfer of technology approaches for promoting organic horticulture. National conference on organic farming in horticultural crops with special reference to plantation crops from Oct 15-18, CPCRI, Kasargoad,. Kerala .lead lecture SIX-13, pp179.

Permanent Address: 
Kodihalli, HAL 3rd stage, Jeevan Bhima Nagar, Banaglore.
Address for Communication: 

Division of Social Sciences and Training, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore- 560 089.

Email Address:
Telephone #: 
080-23086100 Extn 417