Latitude : 13o 7’ N Longitude: 77o29’ E Altitude: 890 M
Date |
Temperature |
Relative Humidity |
Evaporation |
Wind speed |
Rainfall |
- |
oC |
% |
mm |
km/h |
mm |
Mean Max. |
Mean Min. |
Mean At 8.30 am |
Mean At 1.30 pm |
06.03.2025 |
32.7 |
12.8 |
82 |
34 |
6.8 |
2.20 |
0.0 |
Period: 16th to 28th February 2025
Latitude : 13071 N Longitude : 720291E Altitude : 890 M
Fortnight |
Temperature (0C) |
Relative Humidity (%) |
Evaporation (mm) |
Wind speed (km/h) |
Total Rainfall (mm) |
Mean Max. |
Mean Min. |
Mean At 7.30AM |
Mean at 1.30 PM |
February (16-28) 2025 |
31.78 |
13.12 |
84.85 |
31.23 |
6.69 |
3.60 |
0.00 |
(31.79) |
(13.70) |
(68.93) |
(34.97) |
(6.06) |
(4.22) |
(3.04) |
- * Figures in the parentheses indicate the mean values during the corresponding period for the previous 5 years
- Fortnight from 16th to 28th February, 2025
During the second fortnight of the month i.e., 16th to 28th February 2025, the mean maximum and minimum temperature increased by 0.53ºC and 1.69ºC respectively as compared to the previous fortnight. The mean maximum and minimum temperature increased by 1.0ºC and 0.63ºC respectively as compared to the mean values of the corresponding period for the previous five years. The percent relative humidity in the morning decreased by 8.55% and in the afternoon increased by 0.83% as compared to the previous fortnight. The rainfall was Nil during this fortnight.
- Crop weather situation
Frequent irrigation water needs to be supplied to fruits and vegetable crops as the evaporation rates are high. Application of Boron may be done for mango to avoid fruit drop and nitrogen and potassium for better size. Measures to conserve soil moisture can be followed and soil application of fertilizers may be avoided.
- Incidence of insect pests
Under the prevailing weather situation, following pests are expected under Bangalore conditions on various horticultural crops. Various management options are mentioned below.
Hoppers on mango:
- Incidence of hoppers is expected on mango. Spray Azadirachtin 10000 ppm @ 3 ml/L, if the hopper population is low to moderate. If the number exceeds 4 per panicle spray with *imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5 ml/l or *oxydemeton – methyl 25% EC @ 2 ml/l or *dimethoate 30% EC @ 2ml/litre at early panicle emergence.
- Addition of sticker is essential. Avoid spraying on full bloom to protect pollinators.
- For organic orchards, application of entomopathogen Metarhizium anisopliae formulation @ 5ml/L is recommended.
Flower webbers/inflorescence caterpillars on mango
- Besides hoppers, inflorescence caterpillars which web the flowers and feed inside are potential pests on mango during January. Application of lambda cyhalothrin 5EC @ 0.5ml/L or cypermethrin 25 EC @1ml/L are useful to control the pest.
Mango Fruit Borer
- Collect the fallen fruits at regular intervals and destroy or bury them in a pit
- First spray has to be given when fruits are at lemon size with any one of the insecticides viz., Lambda cyhalothrin 5EC @1ml/l or indoxacarb 14.5SC@ 0.75ml/l or spinetoram 11.7SC @ 1.25ml/l. This has to be followed by second spray after 12-15 days with a botanical pesticide, azadirachtin 10000ppm @2ml/l or IIHR neem soap @10g/l.
- In case of orchards following organic /non chemical farming, first spray can be taken up with either Bt@1ml or Azadirachtin 1% @2ml/l
Banana skipper
- Skipper butterfly is becoming is serious pest on banana. Larva rolls the leaves and feeds by remaining inside. Affected leaves to be mechanically removed and destroyed. In case of severe infestation, spraying of quinolphos 25EC@ 2ml/L or chlorpyrifos 20EC @ 2.5ml/L is advised.
Tomato fruit borer:
- With the prevailing weather, incidence of tomato fruit borer may increase on tomato. For its management, spray HaNPV @ 250 LE/ha during evening hours or spray indoxacarb 14.5 SC @ 0.75ml/l, if the incidence is very high. Proper waiting periods are to be followed before harvest of tomatoes.
Tomato moth
- Install tuta pheromone traps for monitoring of the adults @ 4-6 traps/acre
- Spray indoxacarb 14.5 SC @ 0.75 ml/litre or spinosad 45 SC @ 0.3ml/l
Mites on Tomato:
- Incidence of mites is observed and may increase on tomato. For their management spray spiromesfin 22.9 SC @ 1 ml/l or fenazaquin 10 EC@ 3 g/L
Midge on chillies
- Severe incidence of midges is observed on chilli which causes maximum damage at flowering stage. Spray thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 0.3 g/l for their management
Black Thrips (Thrips parvispisnus) on chilli
- Black thrips incidence is increasing on chilli and capsicum; it is advised to farmers to raise seedlings under Nylon mesh thrips proof conditions, use thrips free seedlings
- Barrier crop: sow maize all along the border 30 days before chilli transplantation
- Root dipping of the seedlings in imidacloprid 17.8 SL solution @ 0.5 ml per litre of water for one hour during transplanting
- After planting: regular alternate weekly spraying of imidacloprid 17.8 SL 0.5ml/litre+ neem oil 2.5ml/litre, fipronil80WG@40g/acre, Fipronil 40%+ imidaclorpid40%@40g/acre, Cyantraniliprole10OD@240ml/acre, acetamiprid20SP@40g/acre, spirotetramat150 OD@160ml/acre, pongamia oil 2.5ml/litre
- Spray twice @ minimum 15 days interval in a crop cycle Isocycloseram 9.2% (w/w DC) + Isocycloseram10% (w/v DC) * @ 1.2ml/liter
- Every 15days interval (depending upon the outbreak) chlropyrifos 50EC (2.5ml/l) soil drenching is required to kill pupa that are in soil.
- Note: none of these chemicals approved by CIBRC except isocyloseram
*CIBRC label claim available
Mites on Chillis
- For their management spray spiromesfin 22.9 SC @ 1 ml/l or fenazaquin 10 EC@ 3 g/L.
Aphids on cucurbits
- Aphid infestation may increase on different cucurbits. Spray imidacloprid 200 SL @ 0.5 ml/l or thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 0.3 g/l for their management.
Aphids on Beans and rose
- Aphids incidence is observed on beans and rose. Thoroughly spray neem soap or Pongamia soap (1 %) or pulverised neem seed powder extract (NSPE) 4 % for their management
Thrips on rose
- For the management of thrips on rose, spray fipronil 5 SC @ 1.5 ml/litre or imidacloprid 200 SL @ 0.5 ml/l.
Mites on Rose
- During the period, incidence of mites is observed heavily on roses grown under polyhouse conditions. Spray spiromesfin 22.9 SC @ 1 ml/l for their management
- Disease scenario
Disease scenario in relation to the weather data during second fortnight of February, 2025.
Fruit Crops
- To avoid anthracnose infection give foliar sprays with Chlorothalonil75 WP @2g/L or Thiophanate methyl 70% WP @1g/L at 15 days interval beginning fruits attaining pea nut size.
- To manage wilt, soil drench with propiconazole 25% EC @ 2 ml/L + chlorpyriphos 20% EC @ 2 ml/L
Vegetable Crops
- Change in weather especially low humidity with increase in temperature favours sucking pests which are vectors of many virus diseases in tomato. To manage virus diseases give foliar spray with Neem oil (Azadirachtin 10000ppm) @2ml/L. Give foliar spray of Arka Vegetable Special @ 2g/L (a micronutrient formulation) followed by foliar spray of Sagarika (Organic bio-stimulant /Sea weed extract-IFFCO) @ 2ml per litre to enhance disease tolerance
*CIBRC approved, others not in the CIBRC list are based on reports
Disclaimer: Wherever label claim not available, recommendations are made based on experimental results