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Tenders |
Auction Notification towards the disposal of vehicle (Tractor-01 No) at IIHR, Bangalore.
(309.78 KB) |
Auction Notification towards the disposal of scrap items at IIHR, Bangalore
5-105-2024-25-SP-939-Scrap Auction.pdf
(303.67 KB) |
procurement of Ball Mill for Laboratory / Mixer Mill -01 No to IIHR Bangalore vide GeM Bid No: GEM/2024/B/5729502 Dated: 19.12.2024.
MIXER Mill GeM-Bidding-7274508.pdf
(101.7 KB) |
Procurement of Tissue lyser (24 x 2) -01 No to IIHR Bangalore vide GeM Bid No: GEM/2024/B/5724702 Dated: 18.12.2024
Tissue lyser -24 x2 GeM-Bidding-726909.pdf
(102.54 KB) |
Procurement of Tissue lyser (96 x 2) -01 No to IIHR Bangalore vide GeM Bid No: GEM/2024/B/5724422 Dated: 18.12.2024
Repair of CTGC facility at ICAR-IIHR H’ghatta to IIHR, Bangalore vide CPP Bid No 2024_DARE_839210_1 Dated 14-11-2024.
Repairs to curtain wall of two numbers poly house of sizes (30mt x 12 mt) and (24 mt x 16 mt)@ IIHR poly house complex and at Block-III at ICAR-IIHR H’ghatta
Supply of High Speed centrifuge Flour Mount (1 nos) to IIHR, Bangalore vide GeM Bid No: GEM/2024/B/5614688 Dated : 16-11-2024
Procurement of Gel Documentation (Chemi) system (01 no) to IIHR, Bangalore vide GeM Bid No: GEM/2024/B/5675901 Dated : 07.12.2024
Gel Documentation (Chemi) system.pdf
(110.95 KB) |
Eddy covariance measurement system (01 no), through CPP portal (2024_DARE_838592_1 Dated: 07.12.2024)
Eddy covariance measurement system.pdf
(1005.9 KB) |