Sample Heading

Sample Heading


Purchase of seed Pouches through Gem portal (GEM/2023/B/3696251 Dated : Dated: 15.07.2023)
Purchase of Refrigerator to ICAR-IIHR, through Gem portal​ (GEM/2023/B/3656872​​ Dated : Dated: 10.07.2023)
Construction of Polyhouse at ICAR-IIHR,KVK-Gonikoppal, Kodagu, through CPPP portal (CPPP Tender ID: 2023_DARE_76066_1​​)
Supply of GC – transfer line temperature controller - 01 No. to ICAR-IIHR​ ,through CPPP portal​ (CPPP tender ID : 2023_DARE_760311_1)
Construction of pedestrian bridge at ICAR-IIHR, Farm Hirehalli,Tumkur through CPPP portal (CPPP Tender ID: 2023_DARE_759905_1​​)
Supply of Shaker (Reciprocating Type) 01 No. to ICAR-IIHR ,through Gem portal​(GEM/2023/B/3558721 ​: Dated: 12-06-2023)
Purchase of Desktop computer, through Gem portal​ (GEM/2023/B/3535102 ​ : Dated: 07-06-2023)
Construction of Vermicompost pit and Ladies and Gents toilet at COE facility @ Block-I at ICAR-IIHR, Bangalore​ through CPPP portal (CPPP Tender ID: 2023_DARE_756418_1​​)
AMC for CCTV , through Gem portal​ (GEM/2023/B/3501189 ​ : Dated: 29-05-2023)
Purchase of weighing balance to ICAR-IIHR, CHES - Chettalli, through Gem portal​ (GEM/2023/B/3482962​ Dated : Dated: 24-05-2023)