Sample Heading

Sample Heading


Annual Maintenance Contract for Operation and maintenance of Cold Storage Plant cum Gene Bank at ICAR-IIHR
Renovatioan of Potting Shed No.2 at Central Horticultural Experiment Station ,B'war, Odisha
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Renovatioan of Potting Shed No.1 at Central Horticultural Experiment Station ,B'war, Odisha at IIHR
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Supply of PCR Machine with accessories - 01 No to ICAR-IIHR
Renovation of Store Room Veradah, Vermi Compost-Hatchery Shed & main entry road (200 MTR) at Central Horticultural Experiment Station ,Bhubaneswar, Odisha
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Supply of Lab Air Screen Cleaner - 01 No. to Central Horticultural Experiment Station (CHES), Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Action Tender Tata Sumo 2000 MODEL KA 04 P 5980
Action Catlog Condemned Bus
Renovation of Potting Shed No.2 at Central Horticultural Experiment Station , Bhubaneswar, Odisha
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Fabrication, Supply and Installation of GI Diamond Shaped Chain Link Fencing @ 750 Rmt to cover the damaged portion of boundary wall of Central Horticultural Experiment Station ,Bhubaneswar, Odisha
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