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- 80 दिनों की फसल-अवधि में इसकी उपज क्षमता 8 टन प्रति हेक्टेयर है।
Sample Heading
Sample Heading
Primary tabs
Marigold - Arka Madhu
Marigold - Arka Madhu: French marigold photo insensitive variety with double coloured flower. Border is orange (RHS colour chart Orange group N-25C) and center is dark red (RHS colour chart red group 44-A). Plants are dwarf with spreading habit and floriferous. Flowering is observed throughout the year.
- Days to flower initiation:30-35 days after planting with a flowering duration of 6 weeks.
- Duration of crop: 3 months
- Flower size: 4.8 cm
- Flower yield/acre: 5.8 tons/acre
Marigold - Arka Pari
Marigold variety, Arka Pari: French marigold photo insensitive variety with dwarf plant habit with spreading habit and floriferous nature. Flowers are orange in colour. Colour changes into different shades of orange depending upon light, temperature and stage of flower (RHS colour chart -Orange Group N-25B in the beginning changes N-25 C and N-25 D). Flowering is observed throughout the year. Flower initiation starts 30 days after planting with a flowering duration of 9 weeks.
- Duration of crop: 3 months
- Flower size: 4.3 cm
- Number of flowers : 500-600/plant
- Flower yield/acre: 4.7tons/acre
Gerbera - Arka Pink
Gerbera - Arka Pink
- Average Stalk length more than 62 cm
- Average Flower diameter more than 11 cm
- Average number of flower are more than 2.8 flower/plant/month
- Average vase life is more than 7.2 days
Gerbera - Arka White
Gerbera - Arka White
- Gerbera variety, Semi doubleflower with white colour and green disc
- Average Stalk length more than 60 cm
- Average Flower diameter more than 10 cm
- Average number of flower are more than2.7 flower/plant/month
- Average vase life is more than 7.0 days
Arka Supriya
Arka Supriya: Pole type, photo-sensitive, white flower. Pods setting from base from the first node. Pods are light green, flat and long bearing in clusters. Pods green, long (16 -18 cm). Suitable for fresh market. The pods are excellent for dry and wet culinary preparations. When the fresh pods have medium matured seeds they are nutrionally rich in protein and minerals. Pod yield 27 to 28 t/ha. This variety has been recommended for release for Zone 7 [MP (excluding eastern area) & Maharastra] and 8 (Karnataka, TN & Kerala) at the central level.
Tomato Arka Aditya
Arka Aditya: Plants are semi-determinate with dark green foliage, fruits are oblate-round, firm, medium large (90-100g), resistant to Tomato Leaf Curl Disease (Ty2+Ty3), Bacterial wilt and Early blight. It is suitable for fresh market & yields 60-65 t/ha in 140-150 days. Recommended for zone VIII (Karnataka, TN & Kerala) at National level.
Mango hybrid, Arka Suprabhath
Arka Suprabhath (H-14) - Mango hybrid H-14 is a double cross hybrid between Amrapali (Dashehari x Neelum) X Arka Anmol (Alphonso x Janardhan Pasand). It is a medium vigorous, regular and bunch bearing, high yielding (35-40 kg / plant after 4 years of planting) hybrid. The fruit weight ranges from 250-300g, the fruit shape resembles like Alphonso. The pulp resembles Amrapali and is deep orange in colour and firm. Pulp recovery is >70%, TSS (>22°B), acidity (0.12%), carotenoids (6 mg/100g FW) and flavonoids (3.44 mg/100g FW). It has a shelf life of 8-10 days at room temperature.
Tomato Triple disease resistant Hybrid, Arka Vishesh
Arka Vishesh (H-391) is a high yielding F1 hybrid developed by crossing ITHR 2834 and ITHR 2917. It has triple disease resistance to Tomato Leaf Curl Disease (7y/+7y2), bacterial wilt and early blight. Plants are semi-determinate with dark green foliage and joint-less pedicle. Recommended for summer, kharif & rabi cultivation. It has a yield potential of 43.3-90 t/ha in 140-150 days. Fruits are firm, deep red, oblong and medium large (90-100g). Fruits have a TSS of 4.6o Brix), acidity (0.36%) and lycopene content of 14.14 mg / 100 g fresh weight.
Tomato Triple disease resistant Hybrid, Arka Apeksha
Arka Apeksha (H-385) is a high yielding hybrid developed by crossing ITHR 2834 and ITHR 2918. It has triple disease resistance to Tomato Leaf Curl Disease (Ty1+Ty2), Bacterial wilt and Early blight. Plants are semi-determinate with dark green foliage. Fruits are firm, deep red, oblong, medium large (90-100g) with iointless (j2) pedicel. Fruits are suitable for processing as they have TSS (4.7° Brix), acidity (0.36%), lycopene (14.15mg/100g fresh weight). Recommended for summer, kharif & rabi cultivation. It has a yield potential of 43 to 90 t/ha in 140- 150 days.
Yard Long bean - Arka Mangala
Arka Mangala:
It is pole, vigorous, photo insensitive, Pods are long (75 cm) green round an cross section, stringless with smooth surface, Pod yield of 25 t/ha, Suitable for both Kharif and rabi seasons
Coriander - Arka Isha
Arka Isha
Coriander variety developed through mass selection from an exotic introduction from Japan, IIHR ACC. No.19528. It is a multi-cut type, bushy plants, broad leaves, with good aroma, good keeping quality (21 days under refrigeration), rich in Vitamin C (167mg/100g FW), yields 12 t/ha in 3 cuttings in 70 days.
Palak - Arka Anupama
Arka Anupama
Palak variety developed by pedigree method of selection from F7 generation of the cross between IIHR-10 X IIHR-8. It is a multi-cut type, late flowering, medium large, dark green, thick and succulent leaves, low in oxalates, yields 40t/ha from 4 cuttings in 75-80 days
Cauliflower - Arka Spoorthi
Arka Spoorthi
Early cauliflower variety developed by the mass pedigree method of selection from IIHR Acc.No.21957. It has compact white curds, good seed set under tropical conditions, curd yield 15-16 t/ha in 65-75 days, moderately resistant to downy mildew and Alternaria leaf spot
Cauliflower - Arka Vimal
Arka Vimal
Early cauliflower variety developed by the mass pedigree method of selection from IIHR Acc.No.21250. It has compact creamy white curds, good seed set under tropical conditions, curd yield 17-18 t/ha in 75-80 days, moderately resistant to downy mildew and Alternaria leaf spot.
Amaranthus - Arka Varna
Arka Varna
It is a high yielding amaranth variety, with high antioxidant activity of 499mg (AEAC units) and minimum nitrate content of 27.3 mg and 1.34g of oxalates per 100g fresh weight of leaves. It is a pulling type amaranth variety with green leaves 3and stem, yields 10.9t/ha in 30-35 days duration.
Amaranthus - Arka Samraksha
Arka Samraksha
It is a high yielding amaranth variety, with high antioxidant activity of 499mg (AEAC units) and minimum nitrate content of 27.3 mg and 1.34g of oxalates per 100g fresh weight of leaves. It is a pulling type amaranth variety with green leaves 3and stem, yields 10.9t/ha in 30-35 days duration.
Amaranthus - Arka Arunima
Arka Arunima
Amaranth variety developed by pure line selection from IIHR Acc. No.18384. Fast growing multicut variety with purple colored leaves and stem. It has got excellent cooking quality and is rich in vitamins and minerals. Resistant to white rust, yields 26-28 t/ha from 3 cuttings in 60 days duration.
Amaranth - Arka Suguna
Arka Suguna
Multi-cut Amaranth variety developed by pure line selection from exotic introduction from Taiwan, IIHR Acc. No.13560. Light green leaves and succulent stem, rich in calcium and iron, moderately resistant to white rust, yields 25-30 t/ha in 8 cuttings in 90 days duration
Onion - Arka Yojith
Arka Yojith
ArkaYojith is white onion variety developed for dehydration. It is white in colour, flat globe shape, bulb weight 60-80g, TSS 18-20%, dry matter content 18-20%, bulb weight 60-80g, diameter 4.5-5cm,bulb yield 25-30t/ha with duration 110-120days.
Onion - Arka Bheem
Arka Bheem
It is a tri-parental synthetic variety with Red to pinkish red elongated globe shaped bulbs. Average bulb weight is 120 g. Yield 47t/ha in 130 days.
Onion - Arka Sona
Arka Sona
Arka Sona is a yellow onion developed for export market for Asian countries. Developed by pedigree method.
Bulb yield: 45t/ha in 120 days. -
Onion - Arka Vishwas
Arka Vishwas
Rose onion developed for export market (Asia) developed through selection.
Bulb yield: 30t/ha. -
Onion - Arka Ujjwal
Arka Ujjwal
True seed multiplier onion developed for export market developed through pedigree breeding with TSS 180brix.
Bulb yield: 30 t/ha -
Onion - Arka Swadista
Arka Swadista
White onion developed for fermented preservation with TSS 20 0brix.Developed through pedigree breeding.
Bulb yield: 30 t/ha -
Onion - Arka Lalima
Arka Lalima
Medium to big sized bulbs with globe shape and firm texture.Developed through heterosis breeding (MS based). Field tolerance to diseases and pests.Suitable for kharif and rabi.
Bulb yield: 47t/ha. -
Onion - Arka Kirhiman
Arka Kirhiman
Medium to big sized bulbs with globe shape.Developed through heterosis breeding (MS based). Field tolerance to diseases and pests.Suitable for kharif and rabi.
Bulb yield: 45 t/ha. -
Onion - Arka Pitamber
Arka Pitamber
Bulbs uniform yellow. Medium size with globe shape and thin neck. Less pungent with TSS 11% and total sugar 9.81%. Tolerant to purple blotch, basal rot diseases and trips with long shelf life (3-4 months). Suitable for export market.
Yield 35 t/ha. -
Onion - Arka Bindu
Arka Bindu
Highly pungent, export oriented rose onion variety. Exported to Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Bangladesh. Bulbs are attractive shining dark red, flat globe. Suitable for rabi and kharif.
Bulb yield: 25t/ha -
Onion - Arka Pragati
Arka Pragati
Globe shaped bulbs with thin neck. Medium size bulbs with deep pink coloured outer scales and high pungency. Average bulbs weight: 100-160 g.
Yield 35 t/ha. -
Onion - Arka Niketan
Arka Niketan
Light red bulbs of medium size with pungent flavor. Good storability for 5 months under room temperature. Suitable for rabi.
Bulb yield is 34-37 t/ha -
Onion - Arka Kalyan
Arka Kalyan
Bulbs are attractive red, flat globe,weighing 100-140g. Resistant to purple blotch disease.
Very popular variety and well adopted variety for many agro ecological zones of the countryBulb yield 40t/ha.
Carrot - Arka Suraj
Arka Suraj
Flowers and sets seeds under tropical condition.Deep orange roots with self colour core. Smooth root surface. Conical shape. Root length 15-18 cm, root diameter 3-4 cm. TSS 8-10%. Carotene content 11.27 mg%. Tolerant to powdery mildew and nematodes.
Radish - Arka Nishant
Arka Nishant
Roots long, marble white in colour with crisp texture and mild pungency. Resistant to pithiness, premature bolting, root branching and forking.
Yield 35-40 t/ha. -
Garden Pea - Arka Chaitra
Arka Chaitra
Tall, mid-season variety, tolerant to high temperature (upto 350 C). Pods are long and light green coloured. Seeds are light green, round in shape and sweet.Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F6 generation involving (Arka Ajit X Arka Sampoorna) X (Arka Pramodh X Oregon Sugar).
Pod yield: 7.0 t/ha in 90 days. -
Garden Pea - Arka Uttam
Arka Uttam
Tall, mid-season variety, tolerant to high temperature (upto 350 C). Pods are long and dark green coloured. Seeds are dark green, round in shape and sweet.
Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F6 generation involving(Arka Ajit X Arka Sampoorna) X (Arka Pramodh X Oregon Sugar).
Pod yield: 7.0 t/ha in 90 days. -
Garden Pea - Arka Tapas
Arka Tapas
Medium tall, mid-season variety, tolerant to high temperature (upto 350 C). Pods are short and dark green coloured. Seeds are dark green, round in shape and sweet.Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F6 generation involving (Arka Pramodh X Oregon Sugar) X Arka Priya).
Pod yield: 6.0 t/ha in 90 days. -
Garden Pea - Arka Mayur
Arka Mayur
Early variety, suitable for both kharif and rabi. Pods are short, straight and oval. Seeds are dark green, bold and sweet. Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F6 generation involving(IIHR 105 X Arka Pramodh) X Oregon Sugar).
Pod yield: 8.0 t/ha in 60 days. -
Garden Pea - Arka Harini
Arka Harini
Early variety, suitable for both kharif and rabi. Pods are straight and round with dark green, bold and sweet seeds. Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F6 generation involving(IIHR 103 X Arka Pramodh).
Pod yield: 8.0 t/ha in 60 days
Garden Pea - Arka Nirmal
Arka Nirmal
Early variety, suitable for both kharif and rabi. Pods are short, round and straight. Seeds are dark green and bold.Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F6 generation involving (IIHR 103 X Arka Pramodh).
Pod yield: 8.5 t/ha in 60 days. -
Garden Pea - Arka Apoorva
Arka Apoorva
Mid-season and Whole pod edible pea variety. Pods are medium long, dark green coloured. Seeds are medium bold, dark green and very sweet, crisp in texture. Resistant to rust and powdery mildew. Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F7 generation involving(Arka Pramodh X Oregon Sugar)
Pod yield: 11.0 t/ha in 90 days. -
Garden Pea - Arka Pramodh
Arka Pramodh
Mid-season variety. Pods are green, broad and long. Seeds are bold, round, sweet and dark green in colour. Resistant to powdery mildew and rust.Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F7 generation involving(Arka Ajit X IIHR 562) X CHPMR-1).
Pod yield: 12.0 t/ha in 90 days. -
Garden Pea - Arka Priya
Arka Priya
Mid-season variety. Both pods and seeds are round and dark green coloured. Seeds are very sweet and bold. Resistant to powdery mildew and rust.Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F7 generation involving(Arka Ajit X IIHR 562).
Pod yield: 12.0 t/ha in 90 days.Identified for National level release during 34th AICRP workshop on vegetable crops for zones I, IV and VIII underPowdery mildewresistance trial & notified for central release.
Garden Pea - Arka Sampoorna
Arka Sampoorna
Mid-season and Whole pod edible pea variety. Pods are medium long, light green coloured. Seeds are medium bold, light green and sweet. Resistant to rust and powdery mildew. Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F7 generation involving(Bonneville X IIHR 209) X Freezer 656 X Oregon Sugar).
Pod Yield: 8.0 t/ha in 90 days. -
Garden Pea - Arka Karthik
Arka Karthik
Mid-season variety. Pods are medium long, green coloured. Seeds are medium bold, green and sweet. Resistant to rust and powdery mildew. Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F7 generation involving (Arka Ajit X IIHR 554).
Pod Yield: 11.0 t/ha in 90 days. -
Garden Pea - Arka Ajit
Arka Ajit
Mid-season variety. Pods are medium long, light green coloured. Seeds are bold, green and sweet. Resistant to powdery mildew and rust. Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F6 generation involving(Bonneville X IIHR 209) X Freezer 656).
Pod Yield: 10.0 t/ha in 90 days. -
Dolichos Bean - Arka Adarsh
Arka Adarsh
Pole type and photo-insensitive and early variety. Pods are borne in clusters and dark green coloured. Suitable for Karnataka. Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F7 generation involving (IIHR 178 X Arka Swagath).
Pod Yield: 30.0 t/ha in 120 days. -
Dolichos Bean - Arka Krishna
Arka Krishna
Pole type and photo-insensitive and early variety. Pods are borne in clusters and dark green coloured. Suitable for Karnataka. Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F7 generation involving (IIHR 178 X Arka Swagath).
Pod Yield: 30.0 t/ha in 120 days. -
Dolichos Bean - Arka Pradhan
Arka Pradhan
Pole type and photo-insensitive variety. Pods are green in colour, smooth and shiny with undulating surface. Suitable for cultivation in Maharashtra.Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F7 generation involving(IC 556824 IPS-2 X Arka Swagath).
Pod Yield: 35.0 t/ ha in 120 days. -
Dolichos Bean - Arka Visthar
Arka Visthar
Pole type and photo-insensitive variety. Pods are long, thick, very broad and dark green coloured. Suitable for cultivation in Tamil Nadu and North Eastern states.Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F7 generation involving (IIHR 178 X Arka Swagath).
Pod Yield 37.0 t/ha in 120 days. -
Dolichos Bean - Arka Bhavani
Arka Bhavani
Pole type and photo-insensitive variety. Pods are slender, wavy and dark green coloured. Suitable for cultivation in Andhra Pradesh.Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F7 generation involving(IIHR 178 X Arka Swagath).
Pod Yield: 32.0 t/ha in 120 days. -
Dolichos Bean - Arka Prasidhi
Arka Prasidhi
Pole type and photo-insensitive variety. Pods are dark green, long, flat and slightly curved. Resistant to rust. Suitable for south Indian states. Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F7 generation involving (IC 556824 IPS-2 X Arka Swagath).
Pod Yield: 37.0 t/ha in 120 days. -
Dolichos Bean - Arka Swagath
Arka Swagath
Pole type and photo-insensitive variety and suitable for round the year cultivation. Pods are light green, medium long and suitable for Karnataka.Developed by Pureline selection from IC 556736.
Pod Yield: 26.0 t/ha in 120 days. -
Dolichos Bean - Arka Amogh
Arka Amogh
Plants are medium tall and photo-insensitive. Pods are wavy, green, medium long and ready for harvest in 55 days. Suitable for Maharashtra. Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F7 generation involving(Arka Jay X Arka Vijay) X Konkan Bhushan).
Pod Yield: 19-20 t/ha in 75 days. -
Dolichos Bean - Arka Sambhram
Arka Sambhram
Plants are medium tall and photo-insensitive. Pods are flat, light green, medium long, medium width and ready for harvest in 55 days. Suitable for Tamil nadu.Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F7 generation involving(Arka Jay X Arka Vijay) X Konkan Bhushan).
Pod Yield: 19-20 t/ha in 75 days. -
Dolichos Bean - Arka Soumya
Arka Soumya
Plants are medium tall and photo-insensitive. Pods are slender, wavy, medium long and ready for harvest in 55 days. Suitable for Andhra Pardesh. Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F7 generation involving(Arka Jay X Arka Vijay) X Konkan Bhushan).
Pod Yield: 19.0 t/ha in 75 days -
Dolichos Bean - Arka Vijay
Arka Vijay
Plants dwarf, bushy, erect and photo-insensitive. Pods short, dark green. Seeds bold. Pods with characteristic aroma and without parchment. Tolerant to low moisture stress. Developed byPedigree method of selection from F7 generation involvingHebbal Avare x IIHR 93.
Pod Yield: 12 t/ha in 90 days. -
Dolichos Bean - Arka Jay
Arka Jay
Plants dwarf, bushy, erect and photo-insensitive. Pods long, light green slightly curved, without parchment. Vegetable type with excellent cooking qualities. Tolerant to low moisture stress.
Pod Yield: 12 t/ha in 90 days. -
Cowpea - Arka Mangala
Arka Mangala
Plants tall (3-4 m), pods are very long (80 cm), light green, stringless, round, tender with crisp texture and matures in 60 days. Suitable for kharif and rabi.
Pod yield: 25 t/ha in 100 days. -
Cowpea - Arka Samrudhi
Arka Samrudhi
Plants erect, bushy and photo-insensitive. Pods green, medium thick, medium long round, tender, fleshy without parchment with good cooking qualities.
Pod Yield: 19 t/ha in 70-75 days -
Cowpea - Arka Suman
Arka Suman
Plants erect, bushy and photo-insensitive. Pods medium long, tender, fleshy, crisp, without parchment with good cooking qualities.
Cowpea - Arka Garima
Arka Garima
Plants tall, photo-insensitive. Pods light green, long, thick, round, fleshy and stringless. Suitable for vegetable purpose. Tolerant to heat and low moisture stress.
Pod Yield: 18 t/ha in 70-75 days. -
French Bean - Arka Arjun
Arka Arjun
Plants are bushy, vigorousand photo-insensitive. Pods are green, stringless with smooth surface. Suitable for both rabi and summer. Resistant to MYMV disease.
Pod Yield: 17 t/ha in 70 days. -
French Bean - Arka Sharath
Arka Sharath
It has round, string less, smooth pods suitable for steamed beans. Pods are crisp, fleshy with no parchment and perfectly round on cross section. Plants are bushy and photo insensitive and it is suitable for both
seasons. It has high pod yield potential of 18.5 t/ha in 70 days. -
French Bean - Arka Anoop
Arka Anoop
Plants bushy, photo-insensitive. Resistance to both rust and bacterial blight. Pods long, flat and straight.
Pod Yield: 20 t/ha in 70-75 days. -
French Bean - Arka Bold
Arka Bold
Plants bushy and photo-insensitive. Pods flat string less, fleshy, crisp, extra-large and medium long. Resistant to rust.
Pod Yield: 15 t/ha in 70-75 days. -
French Bean - Arka Suvidha
Arka Suvidha
Plants bushy and photo insensitive. Pods straight, oval, light green, fleshy, string less and crisp.
Pod Yield: 19 t/ha in 70-75 days. -
French Bean - Arka Komal
Arka Komal
Plants erect and bushy, photo-insensitive. Flat, green straight pods. Good for transportation and excellent cooking quality.
Pod Yield: 20 t/ha in 70-75 days. -
Okra - Arka Nikitha
Arka Nikitha
This okra hybrid between GMS-4 X IIIHR-299-14-11-585, has been identified for release by the Institute VTIC during 2017. It is developed through geneic male sterile line Early flowering and first female flower appears at 9th node from the base of the vine. Takes 39 days for the first flower appearance and 43 days for first picking of fruits. Produces dark green, medium, smooth and tender fruits. Excellent cooking quality, nutritionally rich in antioxidant activity, high mucilage content(1.08 % (FW) and high edible fiber content (8.85 % (DW) . It is rich in minerals like potassium (3.7 %), calcium 997 mg /100 g)and magnesium . Rich in iodine content (33.31µ g/kg).Yields 21-24 t/ha in 125 -130 days duration.
Okra - Arka Anamika
Arka Anamika
Developed by interspecific hybridization of (AbelmoschusesculentusXA. manihotspptetraphyllus var.tetraphyllus) followed by back cross method of breeding. Fruits lush green, tender and long. Fruits free from spines having 5-6 ridges, delicate aroma. Good keeping and cooking qualities. Field tolerant to YVMV. Yield 20 t/ha.
Okra - Arka Abhay
Arka Abhay
Developed by interspecific hybridization of (Abelmoschusesculentus XA. manihotspptetraphyllus var.)tetraphyllus followed by back cross method of breeding. Fruits lush green, tender and long. Fruits free from spines having delicate aroma. Good keeping and cooking qualities. Field tolerant to yellow vein mosaic virus (YVMV). Yield 18 t/ha.
Ridge gourd - Arka Vikram
Arka Vikram
Hybrid developed by crossing the inbreds, IIHR-6-1-1 x IIHR-53-1-3. Early flowering hybrid (46 days for first picking), green, long, tender fruits, excellent cooking quality, nutritionally rich in antioxidant activity and minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, zinc and manganese. Yields 34.0 t/ha in 120-135 days.
Ridge gourd - Arka Prasan
Arka Prasan
Open pollinated variety developed by inbred selection from the segregating germplasm, IIHR-53. Early variety (42-45 days for first picking), green, long, tender fruits, excellent cooking quality, nutritionally rich in antioxidant activity and minerals like phosphorus, Calcium and zinc. Yields 26.0 t/ha in 120-135 days.
Ridge gourd - Arka Sumeet
Arka Sumeet
Developed by pedigree method of breeding between IIHR-54 X IIHR-18 followed by selection. Lush green and tender long fruits (50-65 cm) with prominent ridges and delicate aroma. Good transport and cooking qualities. Yield 50 t/ha
Bitter gourd - Arka Harit
Arka Harit
Pure line selection from IIHR-4. Fruits spindle shaped, glossy green skin colour without tubercles. Medium-sized fruits, Thick flesh, moderate bitterness, with less seeds. Yield 12 t/ha.
Ridge gourd - Arka Sujat
Arka Sujat
Developed by pedigree method of breeding between IIHR-54 X IIHR-18 followed by selection. Lush green and tender, medium long (35-45 cm) fruits with prominent ridges and delicate aroma. Good transport and cooking qualities. Yield 53 t/ha.
Bottle gourd - Arka Bahar
Arka Bahar
Pure line selection from IIHR-20A. Fruits medium long, straight without crookneck. Light green shining fruit skin when tender (1 kg). Tolerant to blossom end rot. Yield 40-45 t/ha.
Bush Squash - Patty Pan
Patty Pan
An introduction from USA. White, disc shaped fruits with notches along the margin. Fruit weight 350-400g. Duration 75-80 days. Yield 55 t/ha.
Pumpkin - Arka Chandan
Arka Chandan
Pure line method of selection from IIHR-105. Fruit round with pressed blossom end. Rind colour green with white patches when immature which turns to light brown colour with self-colored patches on maturity. Thick orange flesh, solid cavity. Fruit weight 2-3 kg. Rich in carotene (3333 IU). Yield 33 t/ha.
Pumpkin - Arka Suryamukhi
Arka Suryamukhi
Pure line method of selection from IIHR-79. Fruits round with pressed ends. Rind colour orange red with white stripes when mature. Fruit stalk round with flared ends. Average fruit weight 1 kg. Resistant to fruit fly. Yield 34 t/ha.
Round melon - Arka Tinda
Arka Tinda
Hybrid between Rajasthan Local and T8
(Punjab) followed by pedigree method of selection. Fruits round with lush green shining skin covered with soft hair when young and tender (60 g). Yield 10 t/ha -
Watermelon- Arka Madhura
Arka Madhura
Triploid seedless watermelon hybrid between Tetra-1 X Arka Manik. Fruits round with dark green rind colour with light green broad stripes. Crimson red flesh with pleasant aroma without seeds, TSS 140 Brix. Average fruit weight 6 kg. Yield 50-60 t/ha. In 100-110 days
Watermelon - Arka Muthu
Arka Muthu
Selection from IIHR-81-1-1. It has unique character of dwarf vine (vine length 1.2m), shorter internodal length and early maturing type (75-80 days). It has Round to oval fruits with dark green stripes and deep red flesh. Average fruit weight is 2.5-3 kg with TSS ranging from 12 to 14 0 Brix. Fruit yield 85 to 90 t/ha.
Watermelon - Arka Aiswarya
Arka Aiswarya
F1 hybrid between IIHR-86-3 X Arka Manik,high yielding (80-90 t/ha) with high TSS (10-11 0Brix). Fruits oblong.
Watermelon - Arka Akash
Arka Akash
F1 hybrid between IIHR-60-1 X Arka Manik, high yielding (90-100 t/ha) with high TSS (11-12 0Brix). Fruits oval round.
Watermelon - Arka Manik
Arka Manik
Developed by modified back cross breeding method from cross IIHR-21 X Crimson Sweet followed by selection in the advanced generation. Fruits oval with light green rind colour and green to dark green stripes. Deep crimson flesh with granular texture, pleasant aroma, very sweet, TSS 12-15%. Average fruit weight 6 kg. Seeds small with dark brown specks on the testa. Triple resistant to powdery mildew, Downey mildew and anthracnose. Yield 60 t/ha.
Capsicum - Arka Basant
Arka Basant
Improvement over IHR 225-1-1 (Var. Soroksan) followed by mass selection.Indeterminate plant habit with yellowish green foliage, thick fleshed, 2-3 lobed, conical fruits, average fruit weight 50-80g, fruits erect, cream coloured, which turn orange red on maturity, yields 15t/ ha in 180 days. Recommended for release in 1984 by SVRC and 1n 1986 by AICRP (VC) at national level. Notified for entire country in 1986 by CSC on CSN & RV.
Capsicum - Arka Gaurav
Arka Gaurav
Improvement over IIHR-214-1 (Golden Calwonder) followed by mass selection. Indeterminate plant habit with green foliage, thick fleshed, 3-4 lobed, green, blocky fruits, average fruit weight 130-150g, fruits erect which turn orange yellow on ripening, yields 16t/ ha in 150 days. The variety was released in 1984 by State Varietal Release Committee and in 1986 by AICRP (VC) workshop for national level. Notified in 1986 by CSC on CSN & RV.
Capsicum - Arka Mohini
Arka Mohini
Improvement over IIHR-214-1 (Golden Calwonder) followed by mass selection. Indeterminate plant habit with green foliage, thick fleshed, 3-4 lobed, green, blocky fruits, average fruit weight 130-150g, fruits erect which turn orange yellow on ripening, yields 16t/ ha in 150 days. The variety was released in 1984 by State Varietal Release Committee and in 1986 by AICRP (VC) workshop for national level. Notified in 1986 by CSC on CSN & RV.
Chilli - Arka Khyati
Arka Khyati
It is a CMS based high yielding F1 hybrid for fresh market. Fruits 12 X 1cm; light green and turn deep red on maturity, medium pungent, fruits smooth and turn wrinkled after drying, tolerant to CMV, yields: 40-45 t/ha (fresh) & 5-5.5 t/ha (dry) in 180 days
Chilli- Arka Sweta
Arka Sweta
F1 hybrid of the cross IHR 3903 (CGMS line) X IHR 3315. High yielding hybrid with 28-30t / ha fresh yield and 4.5t/ ha dry yield; fruits are smooth, light green and turn to red on maturity; field tolerant to viruses. Recommended for release at National level during XXIII AICRP-VC Group, 2005. ArkaSweta was recommended for notification for the entire country at 14th meeting of CSC on CSN & RV of Horticultural crops, 2007.
Chilli- Arka Meghana
Arka Meghana
F1 hybrid of the cross IHR 3905 (CGMS) X IHR 3310. High yielding F1 hybrid with 30-35t / ha fresh yield and 5t/ ha dry yield; very early; fruits are dark green and turn to deep red on maturity; field tolerant to viruses and sucking pests. Recommended for release at National level during XXIII AICRP-VC Group meeting, 2005 and notified in 2006.
Chilli- Arka Harita
Arka Harita
F1 hybrid of the cross IHR 3905 (CGMS)X IHR 3312. High yielding hybrid with 35-38t / ha fresh yield and 5-5.5t/ ha dry yield; fruits are green and turn to red on maturity, smooth and highly pungent; tolerant to powdery mildew & viruses. Recommended for release by Karnataka state varietal release committee in March 2007.Gazette notified on 16th March 2012.
Chilli - Arka Abhir
Arka Abhir
A pure line selection from DyavanurDubba (a local Byadagi variety grown in Kundgoltaluk, DharwadDist). Plants tall, fruits light green, wrinkled turning deep red on maturity and less pungent. Yields 2t/ ha dry chilli in 160-180 days. Recommended for release in 1995 by Institute Varietal Release Committee.
Chilli - Arka Suphal
Arka Suphal
Developed through pedigree method of selection and is F9 derivative of the cross (Pant C1 X IHR 517 A). Fruits green, smooth, medium long (6-7 cm x 1cm), pendent, turning deep red on maturity; suitable for irrigated and rainfed cultivation; tolerant to powdery mildew & viruses; yield 25 t/ha. (Green Chilli) and 3t/ha. (Dry Chilli). Recommended for release in 2002 at AICRP (VC) workshop as National release.
Chilli - Arka Lohit
Arka Lohit
A pure line selection from IIHR 324 (local collection). Plants tall, fruits straight, smooth with pointed tip, fruitcolour dark green changing to deep red and highly pungent. Suitable both for irrigated and rainfed cultivation. Yield 25t/ ha (green)or 3t/ ha (dry). Recommended for release in 1990 at AICRP (VC) workshop for national level.Notified in 2003 by CSC on CSN & RV.
Brinjal - Arka Unnathi
Arka Unnathi
High yielding bacterial wilt resistant variety derived from cross between Arka Kusumakar X IIHR-3. Fruits green long with fleshy green calyx. Yield: 34-36 t/ha. in 90-110 days.
Brinjal - Arka Harshitha
Arka Harshitha
High yielding bacterial wilt resistant variety derived from cross between Arka Kusumakar X IIHR-3. Fruits green long with fleshy green calyx. Yields 36-38 t/ha in 120 days
Brinjal-Arka Avinash
Arka Avinash
High yielding bacterial wilt resistant variety derived from cross between Arka Kusumakar X long with fleshy green calyx. Yields40-42 t/ha in 95-115 days IIHR-3. Plants tall and spreading. Fruits green
Brinjal-Arka Neelkanth
Arka Neelkanth
Derivative of cross between Dingras Multiple Purple X Arka Sheel. Fruits tender with slow seed maturity with no bitter principles. Resistant to bacterial wilt. Yields: 43 t/ha. In 150 days
Brinjal- Arka Keshav
Arka Keshav
Derivative of cross between Dingras Multiple Purple X Arka Sheel. Fruits with red purple glossy skin with green calyx. Fruits tender with slow seed maturity with no bitter principles. Resistant to bacterial wilt. Yields 45 t/ha.in 150 days
Brinjal- Arka Nidhi
Arka Nidhi
Derivative of cross between Dingras Multiple Purple X Arka Sheel. Fruits purple, tender with slow seed maturity with no bitterness. Resistant to bacterial wilt. Yields 48 t/ha. In 150 days
Brinjal- Arka Shirish
Arka Shirish
It is a pure line selection from IIHR-194-, a local collection from Karnataka. Fruits are green, extra-long with solitary bearing habit.
Yield: 39 t/ha. In 140-150 days. -
Brinjal- Arka Kusumakar
Arka Kusumakar
It is a pure line selection from IIHR-193, a local collection from Karnataka. Fruits are green small borne in clusters. Soft texture with good cooking quality. Yields 40 t/ha. In 140-150 days.
Brinjal-Arka Anand
Arka Anand
High yielding F1 hybrid developed by crossing IIHR-3 X IIHR-322 with resistance to bacterial wilt. Fruits are green, medium long withexcellent cooking quality. Yield: 55-60t/ha in 145-150 days
Tomoto-Arka Rakshak
Arka Rakshak
High yielding F1 hybrid developed by crossing IIHR-2834 X IIHR-2833. First F1 hybrid with triple disease resistance to ToLCV, BW and early blight. Fruits square round, large (90-100g), deep red colored and firm. Suitable for fresh market and processing.
Yield: 75-80 t/ha.in 140 days. -
Tomoto-Arka Samrat
Arka Samrat
High yielding F1 hybrid developed by crossing IIHR-2835 X IIHR-2832. First F1 Hybrid with triple disease resistance to ToLCV, BW and early blight. Fruits oblate to high round, large (90-110g), deep red and firm. Suitable for fresh market.
Yields:80-85 t/ha. in 140 days. It was recommended at National level to zone VIII (Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala) during 33rd AICRP (VC) meeting held at IIVR, Varanasi from 21-24, May 2015. It was notified for central release in 24thCentral Sub Committee meeting on Crop standards, Release and Notification of Horticultural Crops held at Krishi Bhavan on 22nd Sept. 2016. -
Tomoto-Arka Ananya
Arka Ananya
A F1 hybrid of the cross TLBR-6 X IIHR-2202. Medium fruits (65-70g), firm and deep red colored having combined resistance to ToLCV and bacterial wilt. Suitable for fresh market.
Yield: 65-70 t/ha. -
Tomoto-Arka Meghali
Arka Meghali
A pedigree selection (F8) of the cross Arka Vikas x IIHR-554. Fruits medium (65g), oblate with light green shoulder and deep red fruits. Suitable for fresh market. Bred for rainfed cultivation.Yields 18 t/ha. In 125 days.
Tomoto-Arka Ahuti
Arka Ahuti
A pure line selection from IHR 143-3-7-SB-1 (Ottawa 60 from Canada). Fruits oblong with 2-3 locules. Thick fleshed fruits with light green shoulderturning to dark attractive red at ripening with TSS of 5.2%. Bred for processing.
Yields 42 t/ha. In 140 days -
Tomoto-Arka Ashish
Arka Ashish
Developed by massing IHR-674 from UC 82 B line from USA. Fruits oval, very firm, thick fleshed with 2 locules. Excellent fruit colour (lycopene 10 mg/100g) with TSS 4.8%. Bred for processing. Tolerant to powdery mildew and fruit cracking. Yields 38 t/ha in 130 days
Tomoto- Arka Alok
A pure line selection from IIHR-719-1-6 (CL-114-5-1-0) from AVRDC, Taiwan. Fruits on the lower clusters are round, large (120g) and in later clusters oblong, medium (80g) firm fruits with light green shoulder. Resistant to bacterial wilt. Bred for fresh market.
Yields 46 t/ha in 130 days -
Tomoto-Arka Abha
A pure line selection from IIHR-663-12-3-SB-SB-SB (VC-8-1-2-1) from AVRDC, Taiwan.
Fruits oblate with light green shoulder havingstylar end scar with average fruit weight of 75g. Develops deep red color on ripening. Resistant to bacterial wilt. Bred for fresh market.
Yields 43 t/ha 140 days -
Tomato-Arka Saurabh
A pure line selection from as Canadian breeding line V-685.Fruits medium large, (70-80g), round with light green shoulder, deep red firm fruits with nipple tip. Bred for both fresh market and processing. Yields 30-35 t/ha in 140 days.
Tomato - Arka Vikas
Arka Vikas
A pure line selection from as American Variety Tip-Top. Fruits medium large (80-90 g), oblate with light green shoulder, which develop deep red on ripening. Bred for fresh market. Adapted to both rainfed and irrigated conditions.
Yields 35 t/ha in 140 days -
Rose - Arka Ivory
It is rose variety Ideal for cut flower production under protected cultivation. Potential yield of 110 fls/sq.mit. It is moderately resistant to mites.
Rose - Arka Pride
It is a cut flower rose variety suitable for protected cultivation Potential yield of 120fls/sq.mt
Rose - Arka Sukanya
It is a fragrant rose variety with 0.22% of concrete yield in fresh flowers. With floriferous nature and being tolerant to pest and diseases, it is ideal choice for garden display. The variety has potential for various forms of aroma extraction and aroma therapy.
Lemon - Rasraj
Rasraj is an inter-specific polyembryonic hybrid developed for resistance to bacterial canker disease by breeding. The hybrid derives genes for canker resistance from the Nepali Round lemon parent and other characters from the acid lime parent. The fruit is yellow coloured, weighs on an average about 55 g containing 70% of juice and 12 seeds. The rind is thicker than lime. The acidity is 6% and TSS is around 8°B.
Pomegranate - Ruby
It is a multiple hybrid of pomegranate developed for aril colour and seed mellowness. A fully grown plant of Ruby is about 2.72 m tall and less spreading (4.7 m). The mature fruits resemble in size and shape the fruits of cv. Ganesh, however, the skin colour of Ruby is reddish brown with green streaks. The rind is thin (0.24 cm), fruit contains red bold arils (37.2 g/100 arils) which yield (72%) thick (1.83 cps) dark red (4.71 at 540 nm) sweet (16oB) juice having tanin content of 173 mg per 100 ml juice. Under Bangalore conditions its performance is comparable with cv. Ganesh in respect of seed softness (2.19 kg/cm2), fruit weight (270 g) and yield (16-18 tonnes/ha). Better adoptability to milder climate.
Custard Apple - Arka Sahan
Arka Sahan
It is a progeny of Island gem (Annona atemoya Hort.) X Mammoth (A. squomosa L.). Arka Sahan fruits come to harvest in September-October and mature fruits (210 g) take about 6-7 days to ripe. The skin has a waxy bloom, light green in colour, moderately thick (0.5 cm) with large, flat eyes. The creamy white colour flesh is juicy with mild pleasant aroma and tender with scarce seeds (9/100 g) and large segments. The edible pulp is remarkable for its sweetness with 22.8% total sugars and measures more than 30 B as against 24 B in Mammoth. A 100 g pulp of Arka Sahan contains 2.49 g of crude protein, 42.29 mg P and 225 mg Ca against 1.33 g, 17.05 mg and 159 mg respectively in Mammoth. On an average, 12 tonnes of fruits can be harvested / ha. and resistant to drought.
On an average, 12 tonnes of fruits can be harvested / ha. It requires assisted pollination for fruit set.( 70.0%) and good shelf life ( 6days). ( 9seeds per 100g pulp), high pulp recovery ( 30.0°B), fewer seeds Average fruit weight is 410.0g.High TSS
अमरूद - अर्का रश्मि
अर्का रशमी
यह कमसारी x पर्पल लोकल के संकरण से विकसित संकर है। यह संकर काफी फलदार है और इसमें अपने जनकों की तुलना में अगेती फलन होता है। इसके फलों का आकार (180-200 ग्रा.) गोलाकार होता है, इसके गूदे का रंग गहरा गुलाबी, मध्यम मुलायम बीज और टीएसएस (12° ब्रिक्स) होता है, इसमें उच्च लाइकोपीन एवं एस्कोर्बिक अम्ल (235 मि.ग्रा./100 ग्रा.) होता है तथा इसका फल बहुत स्वादिष्ट होता है। इसकी उपज क्षमता 30-35 टन/हे. है।
Guava - Arka Kiran
Arka Kiran
It is a pink pulp variety with average fruit weight of 200-220g with medium soft seeds (9 kg/cm2). Fruits have TSS of 11-120 brix and lycopene content of 7.14 mg/100g. Crop will come to harvest after two years of planting. Economic yield starts after five years with average fruit yield of 20 t/acre in a spacing of 4m x 3m.
Guava - Arka Amulya
Arka Amulya
It is a progeny from the cross Allahabad Safeda x Triploid. Plants are medium in vigor and spreading type. Fruits are round in shape. Skin is smooth and yellow in colour. Fruits on an average weigh about 180 - 200 g, flesh is white in colour and firm. TSS is around 12 Brix, soft seeded, weight of 100 seeds is 1.80 g. Keeping quality is good.
Guava - Arka Mridula
Arka Mridula
It is a selection from open pollinated seedlings of Allahabad Safeda. Plants are semi-vigorous in nature and spreading. Fruits are round in shape and weigh about 180 g. Skin is yellow in colour and smooth. Flesh is white in colour. TSS is around 12 & Brix. Fruits are soft seeded, weight of 100 seeds is 1.60 g. Keeping quality is good. The pectin content is 1.041%. It is good for jelly making.
Papaya - Arka Prabhath
Arka Prabhath
It is from the cross (Surya x Tainung-1) x Local Dwarf. It is gynodioecious in nature. The plants are semi-vigorous and bearing starts at a lower height (60-70 cm). Since the variety is gynodioecious, seed production is easy, as bagging of bisexual flowers ensures true to type plants. The pulp is firm (5.9 kg/cm2) and colour is deep pink. The fruit weight on an average is 900-1200 g, the TSS is 13-14 & Brix and yield per plant is 90-100 kg. The keeping quality is good.
Papaya - Surya
It is the offspring of Sunrise Solo x Pink Flesh Sweet. It was selected from F14 generation. Hence, seeds can be produced by bagging the hermaphrodite flowers or by crossing the female flowers with hermaphrodite flowers. The plant is gynodioecious in nature with no male plants. Fruits resemble Sunrise Solo in shape. The plants are shorter compared to Solo. Skin is smooth, becomes uniformly yellow in colour on ripening. Fruits are medium in size of about 600 to 800 g with a small fruit cavity. Pulp is about 3 & 3.5 cm thick, deep red in colour and sweet with a TSS of 13.5 & 15 Brix. It does not have the odd flavour. Keeping quality of fruits is good. Yield per plant is approximately 55 & 65 kg (60 & 65 t/acre).
Grapes - Arka Hans
Arka Hans
It is a cross between Bangalore Blue and Anab-e-Shahi. Vine is vigorous, seeded, medium yielder, bunch small, well filled, berries greenish white, medium, spherical pulp soft, good quality, mid maturity, suitable for white wines but not suitable for distant transportation due to poor pedicel attachment.
Grapes - Arka Shyam
Arka Shyam
It is a cross between Bangalore Blue and Black Champa. Vine is moderately vigorous, medium yielder, bunch is small well-filled to compact winged, cylindrical, i berries blackish blue, medium, spherical, pulp soft, good I quality, mid to late maturity, suitable for double cropping, , good for juice and vine.
Grapes - Arka Kanchan
Arka Kanchan
Arka Kanchan is a cross between Anab-e-Shahi and. Queen of the Vineyard. Vine is of medium vigour, seeded, medium yielder, bunch medium large, loose, berries, gol- den yellow, medium oval, pulp meaty; good quality, I muscat flavour, very late maturity.
Grapes - Arkavati
It is a hybrid cultivar of Black Champa and Thompson seedless. Vine is vigorous, medium yielder, bunch medium large loose, berries greenish white, small spherical, pulp soft, very good quality, late maturing, very good for raisin making.
Grapes - Arka Soma
Arka Soma
This hybrid is a cross between Anab-e-Shahi x Queen of Vineyards. The plants are vigorous with a yield potential of 40 tons/ha and 36 kg/vine. Time required for harvest from pruning is 158-160 days. The bunches are well filled, weighing an average of 410 g, greenish yellow, round to ovoid and average berry weight is 3.8 g. T.S.S. varies from 20-21 ° B and acidity from 0.5 per cent. Vines are heavy croppers, pulp is meaty and has muscat flavour and it makes very good white dessert wine. It is possible to take two crops in a year.
Grapes - Arka Majestic
Arka Majestic
This hybrid is a cross between Angur Kalan and Black Champa. The plant is vigorous with a yield potential of 38 tons/ha and 34 kg/vine. Time required for harvest from pruning is 160-163 days. The bunches are well filled, weighing an average of 370 g, deep tan coloured, uniform round berries, having 2-3 small seeds per berry and bold roundish berries weighting on an average 7.7 g. T.S.S. is 18 to 20 ° B and acidity is 0.4 to 0.6 per cent. All the buds are fruitful and therefore no specific pruning requirement. It is suitable for head system of training and possible to take two crops in a year. This hybrid is tolerant to Anthracnose disease.
Grapes - Arka Shweta
Arka Shweta
This hybrid is a cross between Anab-e-Shahi and Thompson Seedless. The plant is moderately vigorous with a yield potential of 31 tons/ha and 28 kg/vine. Time required for harvest from pruning is 153-155 days. The bunches are well filled, weighing an average of 260 g, greenish yellow coloured, obovoid uniform seedless berries and average berry weight is 4.08 g, T.S.S. varies from 18-19 °B and acidity from 0.5-0.6 per cent. It is good for table purpose and has good export potential. It responds to gibberellic acid treatment for thinning as well as berry enlargement.
Grapes - Arka Chitra
This hybrid is a cross between Angur Kalan and Anab-e-Shahi selected. The plant is moderately vigorous with a yield potential is about 38 tons/ha and 34 kg/vine. Time required for harvest from pruning is 154-158 days. The bunches are well filled, weighing an average of 310 g, golden yellow with pink blush, slightly elongated and average berry weight is 3.18 g, T.S.S. varies from 20-21°B and acidity from 0.4-0.6 per cent. Vines are prolific yielders with very attractive berries. It is good for table purpose. All the buds are fruitful and therefore no specific pruning is required. It is also suitable for head system of training and possible to take two crops in a year. This hybrid is tolerant to powdery mildew.
Grapes - ArkaTrishna
This hybrid is a cross between Bangalore Blue and Convent Large Black. It is an improvement over Bangalore Blue cultivar. The plant is vigorous with a yield potential of 26 tons/ha and 23 kg/vine. Time required for harvest from pruning is 148 days. The bunches are well filled, weighing an average of 130 g, deep tan coloured, round to ovoid and average berry weight is 3.34 g. T.S.S. varies from 22-23 ° Brix and acidity from 0.3-0.4 per cent. Vines are good croppers. This hybrid is resistant anthracnose and tolerant to downy mildew diseases and good for wine. It is possible to take two crops in a year and it is also suitable for head system of training.
Grapes - Arka Neelamani
Arka Neelamani
This hybrid is a cross between Black Champa and Thompson seedless. The plant is vigorous with a yield potential of 28 tons/ha and 25 kg/vine. Time required for harvesting from pruning is 150-155 days. The bunches are well filled to slightly compact, weighing an average of 360 g, black, seedless and average berry weight is 3.2 g with crispy pulp. T.S.S. varies from 20-22 °B. It is possible to take two crops in a year and it is also suitable for head system of training. It is tolerant to anthracnose disease. It is very good for table and also for red dessert wine making.
Mango - Arka Aruna
Arka Aruna
Fruit weighs on an average about 500 g. Pulp is pale yellow in colour, free from fibre and spongy tissue. Pulp recovery is about 80%. TSS is around 20°Brix. Regular bearing, dwarf statured, suitable for backyard planting, and amenable for 5 x 5 m planting, a mid- season variety.
Mango - Arka Puneet
Arka Puneet
It is the progeny from the cross Alphonso x Banganapalli. It is a mid- season variety. Plants are vigorous and regular bearing. Fruit stalk is attached vertically. Fruits are elliptical and on ripening become yellow coloured with red blush. Pulp is firm, orange coloured and is free from fibre and spongy tissue. TSS is around 21°Brix. The pulp recovery is about 65-70%. Keeping quality is good.
Mango - Arka Neelkiran
Arka Neelkiran
It is the progeny from the cross Alphonso x Neelum. It is a late season variety, fruits come to harvest during last week of June. Tree is semi-vigorous in nature.Fruit is elliptic in shape, medium sized weighing on an average about 270-280g.Fruit stalk is inserted vertically.Fruits on ripening get golden yellow blush.Skin is smooth, medium thick. The pulp is deep yellow in colour and firm. It is free from fibre and spongy tissue.Pulp recovery is 70%. Keeping quality is good.
Mango - Arka Anmol
Arka Anmol
It is derived from the parentage Alphonso x JanardhanPasand. It is a semi-vigorous type, regular bearing and is amenable for high density planting. It is a late season variety, fruits coming to harvest during second to third week of June.Fruits are oblong in shape, medium sized, weighing on an average about 300-330g. Stalk is inserted vertically. Fruits on maturity will be dull green in colour, attaining uniform golden yellow colour on ripening. Skin is thin and smooth. Pulp is orange coloured, firm and free from fibre and spongy tissue with good sugar-acid blend. TSS is around 19° Brix. The pulp recovery is about 70-75%. Keeping quality is good.
Flowers are of yellow gold colour with RHS colour chart No. 12-A in Yellow Group. The variety comes to flowering by 40-45 days and continues to flower for next 65 -70 days. Flowers are medium in size with 5-6.5 cm in diameter. Yield potential of the variety is 18 tons/acre. Distinct features of the variety is its petaloid sterile flowers
Sporeless mutant of Pleurotus florida
Country’s first sporeless mutant of Pleurotus was produced through UV radiation mutation. This mutant was produced to counter the respiratory allergy caused due to inhalation of spores in the commercial farms. The sporeless mutant does not produce any spore as compared to the parent P. florida which produced 9478444 spores/ml This character has been stable since the past 15 years. The yield of this mutant had increased by 38%.
Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes)
Mushrooms brown in color, gills and stalks white. It can be grown on sterilized sawdust and wood chips mixture of hard wood trees. Optimum temperature requirement for spawn running 25-28°C. Spawn running period 80-90 days. Cold water shock treatment essential to induce fructification. Cropping requires an optimum temperature of 22-26°C, humidity of 80-85%, diffused light and ventilation. Mushrooms can be harvested in 3-4 flushes after which the entire cycle is repeated. Total cultivation cycle of 110-120 days. Biological efficiency potential 50-100%. Shelf life 2-3 days at 25-30°C and 10 - 12 days at 4°C. For natural growing any region in India having a temperature range between 20-25°C. Under controlled environment all the regions. All year round natural cultivation can be undertaken in Kodagu, Chickmangalur, Kodaikanal, Ooty, Connoor, North eastern states of Manipur, Meghalaya, Mozoram, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh. Seasonal cultivation can be done in other regions. It can be marketed as fresh, dry or as mushroom powder. Spent mushroom substrate (SMS) can be used as an excellent organic manure or for vermicomposting.
Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)
Mushrooms brown in color with shining cap. The lower pore surface creamy to white changing color on bruising. Spores brown. It can be grown on sterilized sawdust or paddy straw. Optimum temperature requirement for spawn running 30-32°C. Spawn running period 25-30 days. Cropping requires an optimum temperature of 30-32°C, humidity of 80-85%, light and ventilation. Mushrooms can be harvested in 2-3 flushes after which the entire cycle is repeated. Total cultivation cycle of 120-150 days. Biological efficiency potential 25-30%. Since this mushroom is woody it can be dried and stored for several months. It can be marketed as powder. Reishi mushroom by virtue of being a plant pathogen, demands that utmost care be taken during disposal of the spent mushroom substrate. The spent substrate may be burnt off to avoid its spread to other trees. It is an excellent medicinal mushroom. Species of Ganoderma have been used traditionally as medicinal mushrooms in China and Southeast Asia. Ganoderma nutriceuticals are used for treating patients suffering from cardiovascular problems, leukemia, leucopoenia, hepatitis, nephritis, gastritis, insomnia, asthma, bronchitis and for cholesterol-lowering. Modern research has shown that polysaccharides and tri-terpenoids are the major active ingredients triggering the human immune system. Recent pharmacological and clinical studies suggest that this mushroom is a blood-thinner and exhibits anti-cancer/anti-tumour effects. It is effective against Hepatitis – B and lowers blood glucose and blood pressure.
Elm oyster mushroom (Hypsizygus ulmarius)
It was introduced for commercial production for the first time in India by IIHR. Mushrooms initially gray in color, fading on maturity. Gills and stalks white. Mushrooms large and fleshy with excellent taste. Mushrooms occuring in clusters. Shelf life 36-48 hours at 25-30°C and 4-5 days at 4°C. Commercial cultivation has been standardized on pasteurized (80-85°C for 2 hours)/ sterilized (121 °C, 15 lb pressure for 15 minutes) paddy straw. It completes spawn run in 25-30 days in a temperature range of 25-30°C. Pinhead initiation begins after 4-7 days of opening of the bags and matures for harvest within 2-3 days. The total cropping cycle of this variety from spawning to harvesting 37-42 days. The average biological efficiency of 60-80% can be obtained within this period. It can be marketed as fresh, dry or as mushroom powder. For natural growing any region in India having a temperature range between 20-25°C. Under controlled environment all the regions. All year round natural cultivation can be undertaken in Kodagu, Chickmangalur, Kodaikanal, Ooty, Connoor, North eastern states of Manipur, Meghalaya, Mozoram, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh. Seasonal cultivation can be done in other regions. Spent mushroom substrate (SMS) can be used as an excellent organic manure or for vermicomposting.
Milky mushroom (Calocybe indica)
This is the first indigenous mushroom to be commercialized in the country. Mushrooms white in color, gills and stalks white. Mushrooms large with long, thick fibrous stalk. It can be grown on pasteurized or sterilized wheat or paddy straw. Optimum temperature requirement for spawn running 30-35°C. Spawn running period 24-28 days. Casing essential for fructification. Cropping requires an optimum temperature of 35-38°C, humidity of 85-90%, diffused light and ventilation. Mushrooms can be harvested in 2 flushes after which the entire cycle is repeated. Total cultivation cycle of 57-60 days. Biological efficiency potential 50-100%. Shelf life 2-3 days at 25-30°C and 10-15 days at 4°C. It can be marketed as fresh, dry or as mushroom powder. Spent mushroom substrate (SMS) can be used as an excellent organic manure or for vermicomposting. It is an excellent edible mushroom with high fiber.
Important special traits:
- High temperature species
- Excellent shelf life and no browning
- High fiber content
गार्डन मटर (sativumL Pisum) - Arka अजित
- माता पिता Bonneville, 209 IIHR & 656 फ्रीजर .. शामिल चयन के पीछे पार और वंशावली पद्धति के माध्यम से विकसित
क्रिसनथेमम - Nilima
- यह बैंगनी रंग के फूल सजावटी भालू. Floriferous, कट फ्लावर के लिए अच्छा है और 14 दिनों के गुलदस्ते जीवन है. (नेगी, एस एस, Nancharaiah, डी, Raghava, एसपीएस, राव, TM शर्मा, TVRS और Janakiram, 1998 टी.).
अंगूर - Arka सोमा
- यह संकर Anab के बीच एक पार ई शाही x दाख की बारियों की रानी है.
- संयंत्र जोरदार है.
- प्रशिक्षण पर कुंज 3 एमएक्स 3 मीटर प्रणाली दूरी रोपण, अपनी उपज क्षमता के बारे में 40 टन / हेक्टेयर और 36 किग्रा / दाखलता है .
- pruning से फसल के लिए आवश्यक समय 158-160 दिन है.
- bunches अच्छी तरह से भरा, 410 ग्राम / गुच्छा, हरे पीले, ovoid और औसत बेरी वजन के दौर 3.8 जी है की एक औसत वजन रहे हैं T.S.S. 20 से लेकर-21o Brix और 0.5 फीसदी से अम्लता.
- बेलें भारी croppers हैं, लुगदी और भावपूर्ण है मस्क़ट स्वाद है और यह बहुत अच्छा सफेद मिठाई शराब बनाता है. कम कलियों और इसलिए उपयोगी हैं कोई विशिष्ट pruning है जरूरी है. यह एक वर्ष में दो फसलें ले सकता है. इस संकर Anthraconse, कोमल और वृक्षों का एक रोग ख़स्ता फफूंदी से सहनशील है. इस प्रकार 1994 में जारी किया गया था.
आम - Arka Neelkiran
- यह पार Alphonso से संतान x Neelum है.
- यह एक देर से मौसम विविधता है, फल जून के अंतिम सप्ताह के दौरान फसल के लिए आते हैं.
- ट्री अर्ध है प्रकृति में जोरदार.
- फलों का आकार अण्डाकार है, मध्यम 270 के बारे में एक औसत वजन 280g-पर आकार.
- फल डंठल खड़ी डाला जाता है.
- स्वर्ण पीले लाल हो पकने पर फल
- त्वचा, सहज मोटी माध्यम है.
- पल्प रंग और फर्म में गहरे पीले रंग की है.
- यह फाइबर और चिमड़ा से मुक्त ऊतक है.
- वसूली 70% है. रखते हुए गुणवत्ता अच्छी है.
आम - Arka अनमोल
- यह व्युत्पत्ति Alphonso x जनार्दन Pasand से ली गई है.
- यह एक अर्द्ध जोरदार प्रकार, नियमित रूप से प्रभाव पड़ता है और उच्च घनत्व रोपण के लिए उत्तरदायी है.
- यह एक देर से मौसम विविधता, फल जून के तीसरे सप्ताह के दौरान दूसरी फसल के लिए आ रहा है
- फल आकार में आयताकार हैं, मध्यम आकार, 300 330g के बारे में एक औसत पर वजन.
- डंठल खड़ी डाला जाता है.
- परिपक्वता पर फल रंग में हल्का हरा सकता है, तो पकने पर वर्दी सुनहरा पीला रंग प्राप्त होगा.
- त्वचा पतली और चिकनी है. गूदा नारंगी रंग का है, कंपनी और फाइबर और चिमड़ा से मुक्त अच्छा चीनी-एसिड मिश्रण के साथ ऊतक.
- TSS 19 ° Brix के आसपास है.
- गूदा वसूली के बारे में 70-75% है. रखते हुए गुणवत्ता अच्छी है.
क्लस्टर सेम - गोमा मंजरी
- प्रतिरोधी ख़स्ता फफूंदी, बैक्टीरियल तुषार और पत्ती जगह
अंगूर - Arka Neelamani
- यह संकर चम्पा काले और थॉमसन बीजरहित के बीच एक अंतर है.
- संयंत्र जोरदार है.
- प्रशिक्षण पर कुंज 3 एमएक्स 3 मीटर प्रणाली दूरी रोपण, अपनी उपज क्षमता 28 टन / हेक्टेयर और 25 किग्रा / दाखलता है.
- pruning से फसल कटाई के लिए आवश्यक समय 150-155 दिन है. Bunches तरह थोड़ा कॉम्पैक्ट को भर रहे हैं, 360 ग्राम / गुच्छा, काले, बीजरहित के एक औसत और औसत बेरी वजन वजन 3.2 जी है T.S.S. 20 से लेकर-22oBrix और अम्लता प्रतिशत 0.6-0.7 से.
- बेलें बहुत उपयोगी हैं.
- सभी गन्ना पर कलियां और इसलिए उपयोगी हैं कोई विशेष आवश्यकता pruning. यह एक वर्ष में दो फसलें ले संभव है और यह प्रशिक्षण के प्रमुख प्रणाली के लिए भी उपयुक्त है. यह रोग anthracnose सहिष्णु है. क्योंकि चीनी उच्च गुणवत्ता की सामग्री और जामुन की खस्ता लुगदी के बेहतर है. यह टेबल के लिए बहुत अच्छा है और भी लाल मिठाई बनाने के लिए शराब. इस संकर का परीक्षण किया है नासिक और सांगली में महाराष्ट्र के क्षेत्रों में किया गया है. यह बहुत अच्छा प्रदर्शन कर रहा है दोनों स्थानों. यह बेरी वृद्धि के लिए GA उपचार के लिए बहुत अच्छी तरह से प्रतिक्रिया करता है. इस प्रकार वर्ष 1992 में जारी किया गया था.
अंगूर - Arka सोमा
- यह संकर Anab के बीच एक पार ई शाही x दाख की बारियों की रानी है.
- संयंत्र जोरदार है.
- प्रशिक्षण पर कुंज 3 एमएक्स 3 मीटर प्रणाली दूरी रोपण, अपनी उपज क्षमता के बारे में 40 टन / हेक्टेयर और 36 किग्रा / दाखलता है .
- pruning से फसल के लिए आवश्यक समय 158-160 दिन है.
- bunches अच्छी तरह से भरा, 410 ग्राम / गुच्छा, हरे पीले, ovoid और औसत बेरी वजन के दौर 3.8 जी है की एक औसत वजन रहे हैं T.S.S. 20 से लेकर-21o Brix और 0.5 फीसदी से अम्लता.
- बेलें भारी croppers हैं, लुगदी और भावपूर्ण है मस्क़ट स्वाद है और यह बहुत अच्छा सफेद मिठाई शराब बनाता है. कम कलियों और इसलिए उपयोगी हैं कोई विशिष्ट pruning है जरूरी है. यह एक वर्ष में दो फसलें ले सकता है. इस संकर Anthraconse, कोमल और वृक्षों का एक रोग ख़स्ता फफूंदी से सहनशील है. इस प्रकार 1994 में जारी किया गया था.
Arka Neelamani
- यह संकर चम्पा काले और थॉमसन बीजरहित के बीच एक अंतर है.
- संयंत्र जोरदार है.
- प्रशिक्षण पर कुंज 3 एमएक्स 3 मीटर प्रणाली दूरी रोपण, अपनी उपज क्षमता 28 टन / हेक्टेयर और 25 किग्रा / दाखलता है.
- pruning से फसल कटाई के लिए आवश्यक समय 150-155 दिन है. Bunches तरह थोड़ा कॉम्पैक्ट को भर रहे हैं, 360 ग्राम / गुच्छा, काले, बीजरहित के एक औसत और औसत बेरी वजन वजन 3.2 जी है T.S.S. 20 से लेकर-22oBrix और अम्लता प्रतिशत 0.6-0.7 से.
- बेलें बहुत उपयोगी हैं.
- सभी गन्ना पर कलियां और इसलिए उपयोगी हैं कोई विशेष आवश्यकता pruning. यह एक वर्ष में दो फसलें ले संभव है और यह प्रशिक्षण के प्रमुख प्रणाली के लिए भी उपयुक्त है. यह रोग anthracnose सहिष्णु है. क्योंकि चीनी उच्च गुणवत्ता की सामग्री और जामुन की खस्ता लुगदी के बेहतर है. यह टेबल के लिए बहुत अच्छा है और भी लाल मिठाई बनाने के लिए शराब. इस संकर का परीक्षण किया है नासिक और सांगली में महाराष्ट्र के क्षेत्रों में किया गया है. यह बहुत अच्छा प्रदर्शन कर रहा है दोनों स्थानों. यह बेरी वृद्धि के लिए GA उपचार के लिए बहुत अच्छी तरह से प्रतिक्रिया करता है. इस प्रकार वर्ष 1992 में जारी किया गया था.
अंगूर - Dogridge
- संस्थान फल फसलों में सूखे और पानी के तनाव को सहिष्णु rootstocks की पहचान पर काम शुरू किया था. इस दिशा में संस्थान की पहचान की है rootstock "Dogridge" जो कि बहुत अच्छी तरह में उत्तरी कर्नाटक और महाराष्ट्र के सूखा बेल्ट प्रदर्शन करती है. प्रक्रियाओं गया है इन rootstocks गुणा मानकीकृत किया है और जरूरतमंद उत्पादकों को वितरित के रूप में इन rootstocks आंध्र प्रदेश में उत्तरी आंतरिक कर्नाटक, मध्य महाराष्ट्र और तेलंगाना में भारी मांग है.
श्वेता बीजरहित
- पौधे मध्यम जोरदार है.
अनार - रूबी
- यह अनार की एक बहु संकर aril रंग और मधुरता बीज के लिए विकसित की है. रूबी की एक पूर्ण विकसित संयंत्र के बारे में 2.72 मीटर लंबी और कम (4.7 m2) फैल रहा है. परिपक्व फल आकार में समान और CV का फल आकार. गणेश बहरहाल, रूबी की त्वचा का रंग लाल हरे रंग की धारियाँ भूरे रंग के साथ है. छिलका (0.24 सेमी) पतली है, फल लाल बोल्ड arils (37.2 g/100 arils) जो 173 की उपज (72%) मोटी (1.83 सीपीएस) गहरे लाल 4.71 (कम 540 एनएम) मिठाई 16oB () रस होने tanin सामग्री है 100 मिलीलीटर रस प्रति मिग्रा. बंगलौर शर्तों के तहत अपने प्रदर्शन CV के साथ तुलनीय है. बीज कोमलता (2.19 kg/cm2), फलों के वजन के संबंध में गणेश (270 ग्राम) और आय (16-18 टन / हेक्टेयर). बेहतर मामूली जलवायु को adoptability.
Arka बेहतरीन
- यह संकर Angur कलां और काले चम्पा के बीच एक अंतर है.
- संयंत्र जोरदार है.
- प्रशिक्षण पर कुंज 3 एमएक्स 3 मीटर प्रणाली दूरी रोपण, अपनी उपज क्षमता के बारे में 38 टन / हेक्टेयर और 34 किग्रा / दाखलता है .
- pruning से फसल के लिए आवश्यक समय 160-163 दिन है.
- bunches अच्छी तरह से भर रहे हैं 370 ग्राम / गुच्छा, गहरे भूरे रंग का, एक समान गोल जामुन, 2-3 होने के एक औसत वजन औसतन 7.7 जी पर बेरी और साहसिक गोलाकार जामुन भार के अनुसार छोटे बीज T.S.S. 18 से 0.4 से 20o Brix और अम्लता प्रतिशत 0.6 है. डंठल लगाव है और बहुत अच्छा है, इसलिए निर्यात के लिए जा सकते हैं. सभी कलियों और इसलिए उपयोगी हैं कोई विशेष आवश्यकता pruning. यह प्रशिक्षण के प्रमुख प्रणाली और एक वर्ष में दो फसलें ले संभव के लिए उपयुक्त है. इस संकर को रोग Anthracnose सहिष्णु है. यह वर्ष 1994 में जारी किया गया था.
अमरूद - Arka अमूल्य
- यह पार इलाहाबाद Safeda x Triploid से एक संतान है.
- संयंत्र शक्ति में मध्यम और प्रकार फैला रहे हैं.
- फल आकार में गोल है.
- त्वचा चिकनी और रंग पीला है.
- एक औसत पर फल के बारे में 180 - जी, मांस रंग और फर्म में सफेद वजन है 200. <आइएमजी alt = "" src = "App_Layout / images / bullets.gif" /> TSS 12 ° Brix, नरम वरीयता प्राप्त 100 बीजों के वजन के आसपास है 1.80g है.
- रखते हुए गुणवत्ता अच्छी है.
अमरूद - Arka मृदुला
- यह इलाहाबाद Safeda के खुले pollinated seedlings से एक चयन है.
- संयंत्रों अर्द्ध प्रकृति में जोरदार और फैला रहे हैं.
- फल आकार में गोल कर रहे हैं और 180g वजन के बारे में.
- त्वचा का रंग और चिकनी में पीला है.
- मांस सफेद रंग की है.
- TSS 12 ° Brix के आसपास है.
- फल नरम वरीयता प्राप्त, 100 बीज का वजन 1.60g है. रखते हुए गुणवत्ता अच्छी है. पेक्टिन सामग्री 1.041% है.
- यह जैली बनाने के लिए अच्छा है.
TUBEROSE - Suvasini
This tuberose hybrid is multi-whorled with bold, large, pure white fragrant flowers borne on long spikes in contrast to off-white flowers of local cv. 'Double'. The number of flowers per spike is more and flower opening is uniform in this hybrid as compared to the local 'Double' cultivar. Spike yield is 26 percent more compared to the local 'Double' cultivar. Spikes are best suited for cut flower purpose. Identified for release at Karnataka State Level.
रजनीगंधा - अर्का निरंतरा
लंबी पुष्पावस्था के साथ यह सफेद, एकल पुष्प वाली किस्म है।
Tuberose - श्रृंगार
यह tuberose संकर मजबूत, मध्यम spikes पर एक सुगंधित फूल प्रकार लाता है. फूल कलियों थोड़ा गुलाबी रंग के साथ आकर्षक है. Spikes फूलों की अधिक संख्या है और व्यक्तिगत फूल 'स्थानीय' एकल cultivar की तुलना में बड़ा है. इस संकर का ढीला फूल माला के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है और tuberose कंक्रीट के निष्कर्षण के लिए. Spikes कट फ्लावर के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है. इस संकर के ढीले फूल उपज मौजूदा स्थानीय एक किस्म की तुलना के बारे में 36 प्रतिशत अधिक है. कर्नाटक राज्य स्तर पर जारी करने के लिए पहचान की. इस संकर को गाँठ nematodes जड़ सहिष्णु है.
Tuberose - Shringar
This tuberose hybrid bears single type fragrant flowers on strong, medium spikes. The flower buds are attractive with slightly pinkish tinge. The spikes have more number of flowers and the individual flowers are larger compared to the local 'single' cultivar. Loose flowers of this hybrid can be used for garlands and for extraction of tuberose concrete. The spikes can be used as cut flower. The loose flower yield of this hybrid is about 36 percent higher than the existing local single variety. Identified for release at Karnataka State Level. This hybrid is tolerant to root knot nematodes.
TUBEROSE - Vaibhav
This new hybrid bears double flowers on medium spikes. The flower buds are greenish in colour in contrast to pinkish buds in 'Suvasini' and local double. Flowers are white. Spike yield is 50 percent higher compared to Suvasini.
Carnation - Arka Flame
Red with smooth petal edges with long flower stalks
Yield: 300 to 325 flowers /m2 /year
Important character: Tolerant to Fusarium wilt and nematodes
Carnation - Arka Tejas
Red coloured single whorl flowers with white anthers
Yield: 20-25 flowers/stalk
Use: For pot culture
Important character: Dark red colour profuse bloom and mass effect
Crossandra - Arka Kanaka
Orange big flowers
Yield: 5.01 t /acre/year
Use: Loose flower
Important character: Bigger size flowers and also pleasing colour
Gerbera - Arka Krishika
Flowers are double type with yellow colour
Yield: 400 to 425 flowers /m2 /year
Use: Cut flower and floral decoration
Important character: Suitable for open field cultivation
Gladiolus - कुमारी कुमारी
- स्पाइक की लंबाई 15 florets के साथ 83 सेमी है. यह 9 दिनों का एक गुलदस्ता जीवन है. Florets पीला मुहासा के साथ लाल कर रहे हैं. यह मामूली Fusarium wilt रोग के लिए प्रतिरोधी है. (नेगी, एस एस, राव, TM, Raghava, एसपीएस, Chacko, CI, रामचंद्रन, एन और Janakiram, टी., 1997).
Mucuna - Arka Dhanvantri
Seed yield of 4.2 t/ha
L-dopa yield of 190 kg/ha
Long duration: 185-190 days
Purple flowers on long rachis
No Fruiting in basal nodes
Shiny black seed coat / medium sized seeds
Mucuna - Arka Aswini
Seed yield of 2.31t/ha
L dopa content of 3.5-4.0%
L-dopa yield of 80.62 kg/ha
Non-irritant trichomes
Short duration: 120-130 days
Purple flowers on short rachis
Fruiting in basal nodes
Immature fruits balck in colour
Rose - Arka Parimala
Red-purple coloured flowers, fragrant and moderately resistant to thrips and black spot.
Yield: 5.5 to 6.0 lakh loose flowers /acre /year
Crossandra - Arka Ambara
Orange red, big flowers
Yield: 5.9 t/acre/year
Use: Loose flower
Important character: Bigger size flowers and also pleasing colour
Gladiolus - Arka Naveen
Florets are purple with pale yellow blotch, wavy tepals.
Yield: 27.68 spikes /m2 / crop season
Use: Cut flower
Important character: It has 9 days vase life
Gladiolus - Arka Amar
Florets pink with white blotch
Yield: 30.24 spikes /m2 / crop season
Use: Cut flower
Important character: It is high yielding and has 8.5 days vase life
Gladiolus - Arka Gold
Florets are Yellow with red blotch
Yield: 24.80 spikes /m2 / crop season
Use: Cut flower
Important character: It comes to flowering 74 days after planting
Gladiolus - Kum kum
- Length of the spike is 83 cm with 15 florets. It has a vase life of 9 days.
- Florets are Red with Yellow blotch.
- It is moderately resistant to Fusarium wilt disease. (Negi, S.S., Rao, T.M., Raghava, S.P.S., Chacko, C.I., Ramachandran, N and Janakiram, T., 1997).
- It bears purple coloured decorative flowers. Floriferous, good for cut flower and has a vase life of 14 days. (Negi, S.S., Nancharaiah, D., Raghava, S.P.S., Rao, T.M. Sharma, T.V.R.S. and Janakiram, T. 1998).
CHRYSANTHEMUM - Arka Pink star
- Flowers are semi-double with pink colour
- Yield: 135.26 flowers/plant
- Use: For pot culture
- Important character: Dwarf, early flowering
China aster - Violet Cushion
- Its flowers are violet and are superior to the local violet variety.
- It produces pompon type of flowers having 4-5 rows of ray florets with tubular disc florets. It flowers are 4.5 cm in diameter and weighs 2 g each. It has a stalk length of 20 cm and a vase life of 8 days.
- It is a floriferous variety and produces 70 flowers a plant. floriferous (Negi, S.S., Raghava, S.P.S., Rao, T.M. and Janakiram, T., 1999).
China aster - Kamini
- This variety produces deep pink colored flowers more attractive than the local pink variety.
- It takes 1.38 days to flower and grows to about 60 cm. It has a stalk length of 30 cm and a vase life of 8 days.
- Flowers are 6 cm in diameter and weight 2g each.
- Each plant produces about 50 flowers.(Rao, T.M., Negi, S.S., Janakiram, T and Raghava, S.P.S., 1997).
Rose - Arka Pride
It is a cut flower rose variety suitable for protected cultivation Potential yield of 120fls/sq.mt
Rose - Arka Sukanya
It’s a fragrant rose variety with 0.22% of concrete yield in fresh flowers. With floriferous nature and being tolerant to pest and diseases, it is ideal choice for garden display. The variety has potential for various forms of aroma extraction and aroma therapy.
- Plants erect, bushy, photo insensitive, early with pods above the canopy.
- Pods green, medium thick, medium long round, tender, fleshy with out parchment.
- Good cooking qualities.
- Yield potential of 19 t/ha Duration of 70-75 days
- A F1 hybrid of the cross 15 SBSB x IIHR 1614 Plants semi-determinate. Light green leaves with good canopy. Fruits medium large(70-75g.), round with light green shoulder. Deep red firm fruits. Suitable for both fresh market and processing. High yielding F1 hybrid with bacterial wilt resistance. Suitable for rabi season Duration 140 days Yield 76 t/ha.
- Indeterminate with a plant height of 80-90 cm Dark green Foliage Fruits straight, smooth with pointed tip, 7-9 cm long Fruit colour green changing to deep red Yield: 25t green and 3 t dry chilli/ ha Resistant to powdery mildew and field tolerant to viruses.
- Deep orange roots with self colour core.
- Smooth root surface Conical shape Root length 15-18 cm, root diameter 3-4 cm TSS 8-10% Carotene content 11.27 mg% Tolerant to powdery mildew and nematode.
- Flowers and sets seeds under tropical condition.
- Yield potential of 15 t/ha Duration of 70 days
- High yielding chilli F1 hybrid developed by using MS line.
- Plants medium tall (95 cm) & spreading (82.5 cm).
- Fruits long (13.2 cm) with 1.3 cm width.
- Fresh yield 38.4t/ ha and dry yield of 6 t/ ha in 140-150 days.
- Fruits are light green, turns red.
- It is the offspring of Sunrise Solo x Pink Flesh Sweet. It was selected from F14 generation. Hence, seed can be produced by bagging the hermaphrodite flowers or by crossing the female flowers with hermaphrodite flowers. The plant is gynodioecious in nature with no male plants. Fruits resemble Sunrise Solo in shape. The plants are shorter compared to Solo. Skin is smooth, becomes uniformly yellow in colour on ripening. Fruits are medium in size of about 600 – 800 g with a small fruit cavity. Pulp is about 3 – 3.5 cm thick, deep red in colour and sweet with a T.S.S. of 13.5 – 15°brix. It does not have the odd flavour. Keeping quality of fruits is good. Yield per plant is approximately 55 – 65 kg (60 – 65t/acre).
- Developed through back cross and pedigree selection involving the Parents Hebbal Avare x IIHR 93. Plants dwarf, bushy, erect and photo insensitive.
- Flowers purple.
- Pods long, light green slightly curved, Without parchment.
- Vegetable type with excellent cooking qualities.
- Tolerant to low moisture stress. Duration 75 days. Pod Yield 12 t/ha
- Selection from a local collection from Hazipur, Bihar. An early tropical cauliflower variety. White, compact curds. Duration 60 days. Yield 22-25 t/ha.
- This hybrid is a cross between Angur Kalan and Black Champa .
- The plant is vigorous.
- On bower system of training at 3 m x 3 m planting distance, its yield potential is about 38 tons/ha and 34 kg/vine.
- Time required for harvest from pruning is 160-163 days.
- The bunches are well filled, weighing an average of 370 g/bunch, deep tan coloured, uniform round berries, having 2-3 small seeds per berry and bold roundish berries weighting on an average 7.7 g. T.S.S. from 18 to 20o Brix and acidity from 0.4 to 0.6 per cent. The pedicel attachment is very good and hence can go for export. All the buds are fruitful and therefore no specific pruning requirement. It is suitable for head system of training and possible to take two crops in a year. This hybrid is tolerant to Anthracnose disease. This was released in the year 1994.
- A pedigree selection (F8) of the cross Arka Vikas x IIHR 554 Plants semi-determinate. Narrow dark green leaves with good canopy. Fruits medium (65g.), oblate with light green shoulder. Deep red fruits. Suitable for fresh market. Bred for rainfed cultivation Suitable for kharif season. Duration 125 days. Yield 18 t/ha
- This hybrid is a cross between Black Champa and Thompson seedless.
- The plant is vigorous.
- On bower system of training at 3 m x 3 m planting distance, its yield potential is 28 tons/ha and 25 kg/vine.
- Time required for harvesting from pruning is 150-155 days.
- The bunches are well filled to slightly compact, weighing an average of 360 g/bunch, black, seedless and average berry weight is 3.2 g. T.S.S. varies from 20-22oBrix and acidity from 0.6-0.7 per cent. Vines are very productive. All the buds on the cane are fruitful and therefore no specific pruning requirement. It is possible to take two crops in a year and it is also suitable for head system of training. It is tolerant to anthracnose disease. Quality is superior because of high sugar content and crispy pulp of berries. It is very good for table and also for red dessert wine making. Trials of this hybrid has been done in Nasik and Sangli areas of Maharashtra. It is performing very well in both the locations. It responds very well to GA treatment for berry elongation. This variety was released in the year 1992.
- यह अल्फोंसो x नीलम के संकरण से उत्पन्न संतति है।
- यह एक पछेती मौसम वाली किस्म है, इसकी फसल-तुड़ाई जून माह के अंतिम सप्ताह के दौरान की जाती है।
- इसके पादपों में अर्द्ध-ओज होता है।
- इसकी फलों की आकृति अंडाकार होती है, इसके फल मध्यम आकार के होते हैं, फल का औसत वजन लगभग 270-280 ग्राम होता है। इसका डंठल लम्बवत होता है।
- पकने की अवस्था पर इसके फल का रंग सुनहरा पीला-भूरा हो जाता है, इसका छिलका मुलायम, मध्यम पतला होता है।
- गूदा गहरे पीले रंग का और ठोस होता है।
- यह रेशा एवं स्पंजी टिशु से मुक्त है।
- इसमें से 70% तक गूदा प्राप्त की जा सकती है।
- इसकी टिकाऊपन गुणवत्ता अच्छी है।
- A hybrid between Bangalore Blue and Black Champa, released during 1980.
- Clusters medium in size, bluish black, spherical to obovoid, sweet (TSS 20-25%) and mild foxy flavoured seeded berries. Tolerant to anthracnose.
- Very good for making dry table and dessert wines and juice and good for fresh table purpose.
- Developed through back cross and pedigree selection involving the Parents Hebbal Avare x IIHR 93. Plants dwarf, bushy, erect and photo insensitive.
- Leaves dark green, Flowers white.
- Pods short dark green. Seeds bold.
- Pods with characteristic aroma, without parchment.
- Vegetable type with excellent cooking qualities. Tolerant to low moisture stress. Duration 75 days. Pod Yield 12 t/ha.
- A pure line selection from IIHR 663-12-3-SB-SB (VC-8-1-2-1) from AVRDC, Taiwan. Plants semi determinate. Fruits oblate, with light green shoulder Fruits have stylar end scar with average fruit weight of 75g. Develops deep red color on ripening. Resistant to bacterial wilt caused by Rastonia solanacearum. Bred for fresh market Suitable for both kharif and rabi Duration 140 days Yield 43 t/ha.
- An interspecific hybrid between Abelmoschus esculentus(IIHR 20-31) x A.manihot spp. Tetraphyllus (Res. To YVMV) followed by backcross. Plants tall, well branched. Fruits lush green, tender and long. Fruits borne in two flushes. Purple pigment present on both sides of the petal base. Green stem with purple shade. Fruits free from spines having delicate aroma. Good keeping and cooking qualities. Resistant to yellow vein mosaic virus(YVMV) Duration 120-130 days. Yield 18 t/h
- A F1 hybrid of the cross 15 SBSB x IIHR 1334 Plants semi-determinate. Dark green leaves with good canopy. Fruits medium (65-70g.), round with green shoulder. Deep red, firm fruits. Suitable for fresh market Highly resistant to bacterial wilt. Duration 140 days Yield 65 t/ha.
- Developed through back cross and pedigree method of selection involving the Parents Bonneville, IIHR 209 & Freezer 656.. Pods 8-9 cm long Seeds bold, green and sweet Shelling percent 55 A mid season garden pea Combined resistance to powdery mildew and rust Duration 90 days. Pod Yield 10 t/ha.
- An interspecific hybrid between Abelmoschus esculentus(IIHR20-31) x A.manihot spp. Tetraphyllus (Res. To YVMV) followed bybackcross Plants tall well branched. Fruits lush green, tender and long. Fruits borne in two flushes. Purple pigment present on both sides of the petal base. Green stem with purple shade. Fruits free from spines having 5-6 ridges, delicate aroma. Good keeping and cooking qualities. Resistant to Yellow vein mosaic virus Duration 130-135 days. Yield 20 t/ha.
- This hybrid is a cross between Angur kalan and Anab-e-Shahi .
- The plant is moderately vigorous.
- On bower system of training at 3 m x 3 m planting distance, its yield potential is about 38 tons/ha and 34 kg/vine.
- Time required for harvest from pruning is 154-158 days.
- The bunches are well filled, weighing an average of 310 g/bunch, golden yellow with pink blush, slightly elongated and average berry weight is 3.18 g, T.S.S. varies from 20-21oBrix and acidity from 0.4-0.6 per cent. Vines are prolific yielders with very attractive berries. It is good for table purpose. All the buds are fruitful and therefore no specific pruning is required. It is also suitable for head system of training and possible to take two crops in a year. This hybrid is tolerant to powdery mildew and moderately susceptible to Anthracnose and Downy mildew. It was released in 1994.
- Derivative of the cross Dingrass Multiple Purple X Arka Sheel through pedigree method.
- Tall & branched plants bearing long fruits in clusters.
- Red purple glossy fruit skin with green calyx.
- Green leaves with purple leaf base and purple veins when young.
- Light purple green stem.
- Fruits tender with slow seed maturity with no bitter principles.
- Resistant to bacterial wilt.
- Duration 150 days. Yield 45 t/ha.
- Watermelon variety Arka Manik with triple disease resistance to anthracnose, powdery mildew can be successfully grown under sub-tropical conditions throughout the years breaking the seasonal barriers of watermelon cultivation and giving an economic returns Rs. 50-60 thousand per hectare in 110 days and reducing the yield losses by 50 to 60 per cent. An advanced generation derivative of modified back cross between IIHR 21 Crimson Sweet. Angular stem with light green deeply lobed foliage. Fruits oval with light green rind colour and grow to dark green stripes. Deep crimson flesh with granular texture, pleasant aroma, very sweet(TSS 12-15%) Average fruit weight 6 kg. Seeds small with dark brown specks on the testa. Triple resistant to powdery mildew, downey mildew and anthracnose. Duration 110-115 days. Yield 60 t/ha.
- This hybrid is a cross between Black Champa and Thompson seedless.
- The plant is vigorous.
- On bower system of training at 3 m x 3 m planting distance, its yield potential is 28 tons/ha and 25 kg/vine.
- Time required for harvesting from pruning is 150-155 days. The bunches are well filled to slightly compact, weighing an average of 360 g/bunch, black, seedless and average berry weight is 3.2 g. T.S.S. varies from 20-22oBrix and acidity from 0.6-0.7 per cent.
- Vines are very productive.
- All the buds on the cane are fruitful and therefore no specific pruning requirement. It is possible to take two crops in a year and it is also suitable for head system of training. It is tolerant to anthracnose disease. Quality is superior because of high sugar content and crispy pulp of berries. It is very good for table and also for red dessert wine making. Trials of this hybrid has been done in Nasik and Sangli areas of Maharashtra. It is performing very well in both the locations. It responds very well to GA treatment for berry elongation. This variety was released in the year 1992.
- Derivative of the cross Dingrass Multiple Purple X Arka Sheel through pedigree method.
- Tall & compact plants Bearing small fruits in clusters.
- Violet blue glossy fruit skin with green purple calyx.
- Dark green leaves with purple leaf base and purple veins when young.
- Purple green stem Fruits tender with slow seed maturity with no bitter principles.
- Resistant to bacterial wilt.
- Duration 150 days. Yield 43 t/ha.
- Derivative of the cross Dingrass Multiple Purple X Arka Sheel through pedigree method.
- Tall & compact plants Bearing medium long fruits in clusters, Blue black flossy fruit skin with green purple calyx.
- Dark green leaves with purple leaf base and purple veins, when young.
- Deep purple green stem.
- Fruits tender with slow seed maturity with no bitter principles.
- Resistant to bacterial wilt.
- Duration 150 days. Yield 48.5 t/ha.
- Developed through pedigree selection from the cross U.D. 102 x IIHR-396. Bulbs uniform yellow. Medium size (5.2-6.0cm) bulbs with globe shape and thin neck. Mild pungent with TSS 11% and total sugar 9.81%. Tolerance to purple blotch, basal rot diseases and thrips. Long storage life (3 months). Suitable for export market Suitable for kharif and Rabi seasons. Duration 140 days. Yield 35 t/ha.
- A pure line selection from an exotic collection from Taiwan (IIHR 13560) Light green, succulent stem and broad leaves.
- First harvest in 25-30 days after sowing and 5-6 cuts in 90 days.
- Moderately resistant to white rust under field conditions.
- Yield 25-30 t/ha.
- A F9 pedigree selection of the cross Pusa Komal x Arka Garima. Plants erect, bushy, photo insensitive, early with pods above the canopy. Pods medium long, tender, fleshy crisp, without parchment. Good cooking qualities. Resistant to rust Duration 70-75 days. Pod Yield 18 t/ha.
- Pedigree selection from the cross Blue Crop x Contender.
- Resistant to rust Plants bushy and photo insensitive. Pods straight, oval, light green, fleshy, stringless and crisp. Duration 70 days. Pod Yield 19 t/ha.
- This hybrid is a cross between Bangalore Blue and Convent Large Black,
- The plant is vigorous.
- On bower system of training at 3 m x 3 m planting distance, its yield potential is 26 tons/ha and 23 kg/vine.
- Time required for harvest from pruning is 148 days.
- The bunches are well filled, weighing an average of 130 g/bunch, deep tan coloured, round to ovoid and average berry weight is 3.34 g. T.S.S. varies from 22-23o Brix and acidity from 0.3-0.4 per cent.
- Vines are good croppers. It is a male sterile hybrid and tolerant to anthraconse and downy mildew diseases and good for wine making. It is an improvement over Bangalore Blue cultivar. All the buds on the cane are highly fruitful and therefore no specific pruning is required. It is possible to take two crops in a year and it is also suitable for head system of training. This variety was released in 1994.
- Resistant to Powdery mildew, Bacterial blight and Leaf spot
- It is an F1 hybrid of passion fruit obtained by crossing purple and yellow varieties and is superior to both the parents for many plant and fruit attributes. The vines are very vigorous and exhibit tolerance to important pests and diseases. Kaveri produces ovoid to round, purple dotted, large size (80-90 g) fruits with 30-35 % juice which has 12% total sugars and about 3% acidity. Plants are tolerant to brown leaf spot, wilt, and collar rot, root-knot nematode and thrips. On an average 25 tonnes of fruits/ ha can be harvested.
- Length of the spike is 83 cm with 15 florets. It has a vase life of 9 days.
- Florets are Red with Yellow blotch.
- It is moderately resistant to Fusarium wilt disease. (Negi, S.S., Rao, T.M., Raghava, S.P.S., Chacko, C.I., Ramachandran, N and Janakiram, T., 1997)
- Rasraj is an inter-specific polyembryonic hybrid developed for resistance to bacterial canker disease by breeding.
- The hybrid derives genes for canker resistance from the Nepali Round lemon parent and other characters from the acid lime parent.
- The fruit is yellow coloured, weighs on an average about 55g containing 70 % of juice and 12 seeds. The rind is thicker than lime. The acidity is 6 % and TSS is around 8° B.
- This tuberose hybrid bears single type fragrant flowers on strong, medium spikes. The flower buds are attractive with slightly pinkish tinge. The spikes have more number of flowers and the individual flowers are larger compared to the local 'single' cultivar. Loose flowers of this hybrid can be used for garlands and for extraction of tuberose concrete. The spikes can be used as cut flower. The loose flower yield of this hybrid is about 36 percent higher than the existing local single variety. Identified for release at Karnataka State Level. This hybrid is tolerant to root knot nematodes.
- This hybrid is a cross between Anab-e-Shahi and Thompson Seedless .
- The plant is moderately vigorous.
- On bower system of training at 3 m x 3 m planting distance, its yield potential is 31 tons/ha and 28 kg/vine.
- Time required for harvest from pruning is 153-155 days.
- The bunches are well filled, weighing an average of 260 g/bunch, greenish yellow coloured, obovoid uniform seedless berries and average berry weight is 4.08 g, T.S.S. varies from 18-19oBrix and acidity from 0.5-0.6 per cent. It is good for table. It can be an export quality. It responds to GA treatment for thinning as well as berry enlargement. It was released in 1994.
- A pure line selection from Dyavanur dubba, (a local variety grown in Kundgol taluk, Dharwad District). Plants tall. Fruits light green, wrinkled turning deep red on maturity. Has better colour (color value maximum 1,65,541 c.u) and low pungency(0.05% Capsaicin) Suitable for oleoresin extraction, oleroesin yield from fruits without seed 5.78%. Duration 160-180 days. Yield 2.0 t/ha.(dry Chilli).
- A pure line selection from IHR 143-3-7-SB-1(Ottawa 60 from Canada) Plants semi- determinate. Fruits oblong with 2-3 locules. Thick fleshed fruits have light green shoulder, ripens to dark attractive red, TSS 5.2% Bred for processing- tomato puree. Suitable for kharif and rabi seasons. Duration 140 days Yield 42 t/ha.
- A pure line selection from (IIHR-105) Rajasthan. Vigorous vines, green broad leaves without any pattern. Stem hairy. Fruit round with pressed blossom end. Rind colour green with white patches when immature which turns to light brown colour with self colored patches. Thick orange flesh, solid cavity. Fruit weight 2-3 kg. Rich in carotene (3331 iu of carotene/100g flesh) Duration 115-120 days. Yield 33 t/ha.
- An improvement over a local (IIHR 103) collection from Lucknow. Angular stem with dark green lobed leaves. Fruits small (350 g.), round but flat at both the ends. Skin colour dark green at early stage of fruit development which turns into golden orange at full stip stage. Flesh white,medium texture, excellent flavour with high TSS(13-16%) and rich in vitamin C (41.6 mg/100 g) Duration 90 days. Yield 14-15 t/ha.
- It is a high yielding amaranth variety, with high antioxidant activity of 499mg (AEAC units) and minimum nitrate content of 27.3 mg and 1.34g of oxalates per 100g fresh weight of leaves. It is a pulling type amaranth variety with green leaves and stem, yields 10.9t/ha in 30-35 days duration.
It is a high yielding amaranth variety, with high antioxidant activity of 417mg (AEAC units), nitrate content of 37.6mg and 1.42g of oxalates per 100g fresh weight of leaves. It is a pulling type amaranth variety with green leaves and pink stem, yields 10.6 t/ha in 30-35 days duration.
- It is the offspring of Sunrise Solo x Pink Flesh Sweet. It was selected from F14 generation. Hence, seed can be produced by bagging the hermaphrodite flowers or by crossing the female flowers with hermaphrodite flowers. The plant is gynodioecious in nature with no male plants. Fruits resemble Sunrise Solo in shape. The plants are shorter compared to Solo. Skin is smooth, becomes uniformly yellow in colour on ripening. Fruits are medium in size of about 600 – 800 g with a small fruit cavity. Pulp is about 3 – 3.5 cm thick, deep red in colour, sweet with a T.S.S. of 13.5 – 15°brix and rich in carotene. It does not have the odd flavour. Keeping quality of fruits is good. Yield per plant is approximately 55 – 65 kg (60 – 65t/acre).
- A pure line selection from a local collection(IIHR-20) from Karnataka.
- Vigorous vines, dark green foliage with soft leaf surface.
- Fruits medium long, straight without crock neck.
- Light green shining fruit skin when tender (1 kg).
- Tolerant to blossom end rot Duration 120 days. Yield 40-45 t/ha.
- Derivative of the cross T.U.V.762 x V.uniquiculata sub sp.sesquipedalis Developed by back cross and pure line selection.
- Plants tall, vigerous, bushy, with small vines and photo insensitive.
- Leaf colour light green.
- Flower colour purple. Pods light green, long, thick, round, fleshy and string less.
- Suitable for vegetable purpose.
- Tolerant to heat, drought and low moisture stress. Duration 90 days. Pod Yield 18 t/ha.
- A pure line selection from a local collection(IIHR-4) from Rajasthan.
- Thin stem with light green, deeply lobed foliage.
- Fruits spindle shaped, glossy green skin colour without tubercles.
- Duration 100-110 days. Yield 12 t/ha.
- Developed through back cross and pedigree selection involving the Parents Hebbal Avare x IIHR 93.
- Plants dwarf, bushy, erect and photo insensitive.
- Flowers purple.
- Pods long, light green slightly curved, Without parchment.
- Vegetable type with excellent cooking qualities.
- Tolerant to low moisture stress. Duration 75 days.
- Pod Yield 12 t/ha
- Selection from a local collection from Hazipur, Bihar.
- An early tropical cauliflower variety.
- White, compact curds.
- Duration 60 days. Yield 22-25 t/ha.
- A pure line selection from IIHR-60 (Collection from Australia).
- Plants erect and bushy, Photo insensitive Flat, green straight pods. Seeds light brown, oblong and large.
- Good transportation and cooking qualities.
- Drought hardy Seed yield 1500 kg./ha Duration 70 days.
- Pod Yield 20 t/ha.
- A pure line selection from IHR 324(local collection). Plants tall. Fruits dark green, smooth, straight, turning deep red on maturity (Capsanthin 0.205%) Fruits highly pungent (Capsaicin 0.708%) Suitable for irrigated and rainfed cultivation.
- Duration 180 days. Yield 25 t/ha. (green Chilli). 3 t/ha. (dry chilli)
- यह आईआईएचआर 22-1 सुप्रीम ग्रीन एंग्युलर लीव्स का एक एफ1 संकर किस्म है।
- इसके फल बड़े एवं अंडाकार होते हैं और इसका छिलका गहरा जामुनी चमकीला होता है।
- इसका बाह्यदलपुंज (कैलिक्स) हरा, मोटा और गूदेदार होता है।
- इसके फल का औसत वजन 450 ग्राम होता है।
- इसमें कड़वापन नहीं होता है और इसकी पाक गुणवत्ता अच्छी है।
- इसकी फसल-अवधि 150-160 दिन है।
- It is a progeny of Island gem (Annona atemoya Hort.) X Mammoth (A. squomosa L.).
- Arka Sahan fruits come to harvest in September-October and mature fruits (210 g) take about 6-7 days to ripe.
- The skin has a waxy bloom, light green in colour, moderately thick (0.5 cm) with large, flat eyes.
- The creamy white colour flesh is juicy with mild pleasant aroma and tender with scarce seeds (9/100 g) and large segments.
- The edible pulp is remarkable for its sweetness with 22.8% total sugars and measures more than 30oB as against 24oB in Mammoth.
- A 100g pulp of Arka Sahan contains 2.49 g of crude protein, 42.29 mg P and 225 mg Ca against 1.33 g, 17.05 mg and 159 mg respectively in Mammoth.
- On an average, 12 tonnes of fruits can be harvested / ha. and resistant to drought.
- A pure line selection from a Canadian Breeding line V-685 Plants semi-determinate. Broad light green leaves with good canopy. Fruits medium large (70-80g). round with light green shoulder. Deep red firm fruits with nipple tip. Bred for both fresh market and processing. Suitable for rabi season. Duration 140 days. Yield 30-35 t/ha.
- A pure line selection from a local collection (IIHR 3-1-1-1-5-1) from Lucknow.
- Monoecious plant with angular stem, Dark green, shallow lobed leaves.
- Fruits medium long(length 22cm. and girth 7.8 cm) with light green skin colour covered with soft hair.
- Each fruit weighing 90-100g at marketable stage.
- Free from bitter principles with crips texture.
- Seeds light tan colour. Duration 100-110 days. Yield 35 t/ha.
- Pure line selection from IIHR 194-1, a local collection from Karnataka Tall plants, green leaves with white flowers Fruits green, extra long.
- solitary bearing habit.
- Duration 140-150 days. Yield 39 t/ha
- An advanced pedigree selection of the cross between T3(from Rajasthan) and T8 (from Punjab) Angular stem with dark green deeply lobed, hirsute leaves. Fruits round with lush green shining skin covered with soft hair when young and tender(60 g) Hairy stem and ovary. Duration 110-115 days Yield 10 t/ha.
- Developed through back cross and pedigree selection involving the Parents Hebbal Avare x IIHR 93.
- Plants dwarf, bushy, erect and photo insensitive.
- Leaves dark green, Flowers white.
- Pods short dark green.
- Seeds bold. Pods with characteristic aroma, without parchment.
- Vegetable type with excellent cooking qualities.
- Tolerant to low moisture stress. Duration 75 days.
- Pod Yield 12 t/ha.
- The institute had initiated work on identification of rootstocks tolerant to drought and water stress in fruit crops. In this direction, the institute has identified rootstock “Dogridge” which performs very well in the dry belts of Northern Karnataka and Maharashtra. Procedures have been standardized to multiply these rootstocks and distributed to needy growers as these rootstocks have great demand in North interior Karnataka, Madhya Maharashtra and Telangana in Andhra Pradesh.
- Early fruit set and early harvest by 3 weeks to Umran High yield per plant (35.6 kg) excellent keeping quality escapes infestation from fruit borer and fruit fly resistant to drought
- It is a multiple hybrid of pomegranate developed for aril colour and seed mellowness. A fully grown plant of Ruby is about 2.72 m tall and less spreading (4.7 m2). The mature fruits resemble in size and shape the fruits of Cv. Ganesh, however, the skin colour of Ruby is reddish brown with green streaks. The rind is thin (0.24 cm), fruit contains red bold arils (37.2 g/100 arils) which yield (72%) thick (1.83 cps) dark red (4.71 at 540 nm) sweet (16oB) juice having tanin content of 173 mg per 100 ml juice. Under Bangalore conditions its performance is comparable with Cv. Ganesh in respect of seed softness (2.19 kg/cm2), fruit weight (270 g) and yield (16-18 tonnes/ha). Better adoptability to milder climate.
- Clonal selection High pulp content (63%) Fruits resistant to cracking Small seeds
- High yielding variety with unique character of dwarf vine of 1.2 mt, vine length, shorter internodal length and early maturing type (75-80 days). It has Round to oval fruits with dark green stripes and deep red flesh. Average fruit weight is 2.5-3 kg with T.S.S ranging from 12 to 14 %. Fruit yield 55 to 60 t/ha.
- High yielding F1 hybrid. Green with Dark green deeply lobbed foliage, round to oval fruit, Dark green with light green broken stripes, red flesh, with TSS of 13-14% (brix), average fruit weight 7.5kg with 1-2 fruit per vine. Duration 95-100 days. Fruit yield 75 to 80 t/ha, red flesh, crispy, delicious, juicy and very good taste. Good keeping and transport qualities.
- High yielding F1 hybrid. Dark green with light green broken specks slightly deep foliage, oblong fruit red flesh, with TSS of 12-13% (brix), average fruit weight 6.5kg with 1 fruit per vine. Duration 90-95 days. Fruit yield 65 to 70 t/ha, red flesh, juicy and very good taste. Good keeping and transport qualities.
- It is a tri-parental synthetic variety with dark Red globe shaped bulbs. Average bulb weight is 115 g. Yield 45 t/ha in 130 days.
- Florets pink with white blotch
- Yield: 30.24 spikes /m2 / crop season
- Use: Cut flower
- Important character: It is high yielding and has 8.5 days vase life
- Plants are medium tall, 50 % flowering in 40 days and pods are ready for harvest in 55 days. Pods are similar to Arka Jay and Konkan Bhushan. Yield: 19-20 t/ha.
- It is a progeny from the cross Allahabad Safeda x Triploid.
- Plants are medium in vigor and spreading type.
- Fruits are round in shape.
- Skin is smooth and yellow in colour.
- Fruits on an average weigh about 180 - 200 g, flesh is white in colour and firm.
T.S.S is around 12° Brix, soft seeded, weight of 100 seeds is 1.80g.
- Keeping quality is good.
- It is derived from the parentage Alphonso x Janardhan Pasand.
- It is a semi-vigorous type, regular bearing and is amenable for high density planting.
- It is a late season variety, fruits coming to harvest during second to third week of June.
- Fruits are oblong in shape, medium sized, weighing on an average about 300-330g.
- Stalk is inserted vertically.
- Fruits on maturity will be dull green in colour, attaining uniform golden yellow colour on ripening.
- Skin is thin and smooth. Pulp is orange coloured, firm and free from fibre and spongy tissue with good sugar-acid blend.
- TSS is around 19° Brix.
- The pulp recovery is about 70-75%. Keeping quality is good.
Seed yield of 2.31t/ha
L dopa content of 3.5-4.0%
L-dopa yield of 80.62 kg/ha
Non-irritant trichomes
Short duration: 120-130 days
Purple flowers on short rachis
Fruiting in basal nodes
Immature fruits balck in colour
It is a tri-parental synthetic variety with Red to pinkish red elongated globe shaped bulbs. Average bulb weight is 120 g. Yield 47t/ha in 130 days.
Seed yield of 4.2 t/ha
L-dopa yield of 190 kg/ha
Long duration: 185-190 days
Purple flowers on long rachis
No Fruiting in basal nodes
Shiny black seed coat / medium sized seeds
Red with smooth petal edges with long flower stalks
Yield: 300 to 325 flowers /m2 /year
Important character: Tolerant to Fusarium wilt and nematodes
Florets are Yellow with red blotch
Yield: 24.80 spikes /m2 / crop season
Use: Cut flower
Important character: It comes to flowering 74 days after planting
high yielding multicut type of coriander
Yields 3.7 t/ha by pulling at 40 days after sowing and 12.17 t/ha by cutting (3 cuts)
Leaf essential oil yield is 0.083% with good aroma.
Keeping quality at Room Temperature is 3 days and at Low Temperature is 3 weeks without loosing its aroma when stored in polythene bags (100 PE Gauge).
Orange big flowers
Yield: 5.01 t /acre/year
Use: Loose flower
Important character: Bigger size flowers and also pleasing colour
Pink pulp with soft seeded variety, mean fruit weight of 230g
- A F1 between MS-65 x Sel. 13-1-1 Medium size bulbs with globe shape and firm texture. Bulbs red in colour with bulb weight 120 -130 g. Tolerance to purple blotch, basal rot & thrips. Long storage (4-5 months) Suitable for kharif and rabi seasons. Duration 125-130 days. Yield 47 t/ha.
Flowers are double type with yellow colour
Yield: 400 to 425 flowers /m2 /year
Use: Cut flower and floral decoration
Important character: Suitable for open field cultivation
- A F1 between MS-48 x Sel. 14-1-1 Medium size bulbs with globe shape and firm texture.
- Bulbs red in colour with bulb weight 120-130 g. Tolerance to purple blotch, basal rot & thrips. Long storage (4-5 months) Suitable for kharif and rabi seasons. Duration 130-140 days. Yield 50 t/ha.
Triploid seedless watermelon variety
High yield 50-60 t/ha,
T.S.S 13-14 %.
Unique type , sweet , juicy and fully seedless
Longer shelf life and transport quality
Suitable for year round production under protected condition
- An advanced generation derivative of modified back cross between IIHR 21 and Crimson Sweet. Angular stem with light green deeply lobed foliage. Fruits oval with light green rind colour with dark green stripes. Deep crimson flesh with granular texture, pleasant aroma, Very sweet (TSS 12-15%) Average fruit weight 6 kg. Seeds small with dark brown specks on the testa. Triple resistant to powdery mildew, downey mildew and anthracnose. Duration 110-115 days. Yield 60 t/ha
- It is a selection from open pollinated seedlings of Allahabad Safeda.
- Plants are semi-vigorous in nature and spreading.
- Fruits are round in shape and weigh about 180g.
- Skin is yellow in colour and smooth.
- Flesh is white in colour.
- TSS is around 12° Brix.
- Fruits are soft seeded; weight of 100 seeds is 1.60g. Keeping quality is good.
The pectin content is 1.041%.
- It is good for jelly making.
Florets are purple with pale yellow blotch, wavy tepals.
Yield: 27.68 spikes /m2 / crop season
Use: Cut flower
Important character: It has 9 days vase life
- A F1 hybrid between IIHR 22-1 and Supreme Green angular leaves.
- Large oval fruits with deep purple shining skin.
- Calyx green, thick and fleshy.
- Average fruit weight 450gm.
- Free from bitter principles with very good cooking qualities.
- Duration 150-160 days.
- It is the progeny from the cross Alphonso x Neelum.
- It is a late season variety, fruits come to harvest during last week of June.
- Tree is semi-vigorous in nature.
- Fruit is elliptic in shape, medium sized weighing on an average about 270-280g.
- Fruit stalk is inserted vertically.
- Fruits on ripening get golden yellow blush.
- Skin is smooth, medium thick.
- Pulp is deep yellow in colour and firm.
- It is free from fibre and spongy tissue.
- Pulp recovery is 70%. Keeping quality is good.
White, single flowers with prolonged blooming
Pink coloured mushroom, synchronous flushing pattern, short duration and high shelf life
Red-purple coloured flowers, fragrant and moderately resistant to thrips and black spot.
Yield: 5.5 to 6.0 lakh loose flowers /acre /year
Flowers are semi-double with pink colour
Yield: 135.26 flowers/plant
Use: For pot culture
Important character: Dwarf, early flowering
Gynodioecious hybrid,
Average fruit weight of 1.2kg, deep pink pulp colour, 13-14 brix, 10-120 days shelf life and 90-100kg yield per plant
Plants are medium height, 50 % flowering in 40 days and pods are ready for harvest in 55 days. Pods are flat, light green, medium long (13-15 cm), medium width (1.5 cm). Yield: 19-20 t/ha
It has round, string less, smooth pods suitable for steamed beans. Pods are crisp, fleshy with no parchment and perfectly round on cross section. Plants are bushy and photo insensitive and it is suitable for both kharif and rabi seasons. It gives maximum number of pods per plant (44.5) compared to checks. It has high pod yield potential of 18.5 t/ha in 70 days.
- A F1 hybrid of the cross 15 SBSB x IIHR 1614 Plants semi-determinate.
- Light green leaves with good canopy. Fruits medium large(70-75g.), round with light green shoulder. Deep red firm fruits. Suitable for both fresh market and processing. High yielding F1 hybrid with bacterial wilt resistance. Suitable for rabi season Duration 140 days Yield 76 t/ha.
Arka Sona has the yellow bulb colour, globe shape, big size of bulb diameter 6.5-7cm, bulb weight 140.0g, low TSS 100 B, bulb yield 45 t/ha, duration 120 days, suitable for growing in Rabi season and suitable for export.
Plants are medium tall, 50 % flowering in 45 days and pods are ready for harvest in 55 days. Pods are slender (1.0 cm width), medium long (13-15 cm). Yield: 19 t/ha
- An advanced pedigree selection of the cross IIHR-54 x IIHR 18 Lush green and tender, medium long(35-45 cm) fruits with prominent ridges and delicate aroma Good transport and cooking qualities. Duration 100 days. Yield 53 t/ha.
- An advanced pedigree selection of the cross IIHR-54 x IIHR 18 Lush green and tender long fruits(50-65 cm) with prominent ridges and delicate aroma. Good transport and cooking qualities. Duration 110 days. Yield 50 t/ha
It is a white onion variety for fermented preservation has uniform white color, bulbs are oval globe in shape, TSS 18-20%, dry matter content 15-18%, edible bulb 98%, weight 35-40g, small in size (3-3.5 cm) suitable for bottle preservation. It gives bulb yield 16-18t/ha in 105 days.
Red coloured single whorl flowers with white anthers
Yield: 20-25 flowers/stalk
For pot culture
Important character: Dark red colour profuse bloom and mass effect
It is a multiplier onion variety with uniform bright dark red bulb color, compound bulb with flat shape ,bulb size 4-5cm,number of bulblets/bulb 3-5, bulb weight 40-45g, TSS 16-18%,dry matter content 14-16% and bulb yield 20-25t/ha in 85 days.
- A F1 hybrid between IHR 550-3XIHR 932 Plants indeterminate.
- Fruits large(140 g.) round with green shoulder, tolerant to cracking with thick flesh. Develops deep red colour on ripening Resistant to nematodes. High yielding F1 hybrid developed for fresh market. Needs staking Suitable for kharif and rabi seasons Duration 160 days. Yield 75 t/ha.
- A F1 hybrid between IHR 837 X IHR 932 Plants indeterminate.
- Fruits large(140 g.) round with green shoulder, tolerant to cracking with thick flesh. Develops deep red colour on ripening High yielding F1 hybrid developed for fresh market. Needs staking, suitable for kharif and Rabi seasons Duration 165 days Yield 75 t/ha.
Arka Vishwas has the bulb colour dark red, flat globe shape, small size of bulb diameter3- 4cm, bulb weight 40.0g, TSS 160 B, bulb yield 30t/ha, duration 115 days, suitable for growing in Rabi season and suitable for export.
- It is a selection from Honey Dew or popularly called Madhu Bindu.
- It is gynodioecious in nature and semi-dwarf.
- Fruits on an average weigh about 1.5 to 2.0 kg, skin is dark in colour with ridging on the surface.
- Fruits from hermaphrodite trees are elongated and oval, from female it is ovoid. Pulp is yellow in colour and on ripening melts; TSS is around 13.5° Brix. Keeping quality is poor.
- It yields about 70 kg per tree.
- Cultivation of Coorg Honey Dew papaya has resulted in 25-30% increased yield of fruits and papain
- This variety produces deep pink colored flowers more attractive than the local pink variety.
- It takes 1.38 days to flower and grows to about 60 cm. It has a stalk length of 30 cm and a vase life of 8 days.
- Flowers are 6 cm in diameter and weight 2g each.
- Each plant produces about 50 flowers.(Rao, T.M., Negi, S.S., Janakiram, T and Raghava, S.P.S., 1997).
- It bears purple coloured decorative flowers. Floriferous, good for cut flower and has a vase life of 14 days. (Negi, S.S., Nancharaiah, D., Raghava, S.P.S., Rao, T.M. Sharma, T.V.R.S. and Janakiram, T. 1998).
- It is the offspring of Sunrise Solo x Pink Flesh Sweet. It was selected from F14 generation.
- Hence, seeds can be produced by bagging the hermaphrodite flowers or by crossing the female flowers with hermaphrodite flowers.
- The plant is gynodioecious in nature with no male plants.
- Fruits resemble Sunrise Solo in shape.
- The plants are shorter compared to Solo.
- Skin is smooth, becomes uniformly yellow in colour on ripening.
- Fruits are medium in size of about 600 – 800 g with a small fruit cavity.
- Pulp is about 3 – 3.5 cm thick, deep red in colour and sweet with a T.S.S. of 13.5 – 15°brix.
- It does not have the odd flavour.
- Keeping quality of fruits is good.
- Yield per plant is approximately 55 – 65 kg (60 – 65t/acre).
- This tuberose hybrid is multi-whorled with bold, large, pure white fragrant flowers borne on long spikes in contrast to off-white flowers of local cv. 'Double'. The number of flowers per spike is more and flower opening is uniform in this hybrid as compared to the local 'Double' cultivar. Spike yield is 26 percent more compared to the local 'Double' cultivar. Spikes are best suited for cut flower purpose. Identified for release at Karnataka State Level.
- This new hybrid bears double flowers on medium spikes. The flower buds are greenish in colour in contrast to pinkish buds in 'Suvasini' and local double. Flowers are white. Spike yield is 50 percent higher compared to Suvasini.
Its flowers are violet and are superior to the local violet variety.
It produces pompon type of flowers having 4-5 rows of ray florets with tubular disc florets. It flowers are 4.5 cm in diameter and weighs 2 g each. It has a stalk length of 20 cm and a vase life of 8 days.
It is a floriferous variety and produces 70 flowers a plant. floriferous (Negi, S.S., Raghava, S.P.S., Rao, T.M. and Janakiram, T., 1999). -
- एक वंशावली चयन (पार Arka विकास x IIHR 554 के F8)
- यह संकर चम्पा काले और थॉमसन बीजरहित के बीच एक अंतर है.
- संयंत्र जोरदार है.
- प्रशिक्षण पर कुंज 3 एमएक्स 3 मीटर प्रणाली दूरी रोपण, अपनी उपज क्षमता 28 टन / हेक्टेयर और 25 किग्रा / दाखलता है.
- pruning से फसल कटाई के लिए आवश्यक समय 150-155 दिन है.
- bunches तरह थोड़ा कॉम्पैक्ट को भर रहे हैं, 360 ग्राम / गुच्छा, काले, बीजरहित के एक औसत और औसत बेरी वजन वजन 3.2 है जी T.S.S. 20 से लेकर-22oBrix और अम्लता प्रतिशत 0.6-0.7 से. बेलें बहुत उपयोगी हैं. सभी गन्ना पर कलियां और इसलिए उपयोगी हैं कोई विशेष आवश्यकता pruning. यह एक वर्ष में दो फसलें ले संभव है और यह प्रशिक्षण के प्रमुख प्रणाली के लिए भी उपयुक्त है. यह रोग anthracnose सहिष्णु है. क्योंकि चीनी उच्च गुणवत्ता की सामग्री और जामुन की खस्ता लुगदी के बेहतर है. यह टेबल के लिए बहुत अच्छा है और भी लाल मिठाई बनाने के लिए शराब. इस संकर का परीक्षण किया है नासिक और सांगली में महाराष्ट्र के क्षेत्रों में किया गया है. यह बहुत अच्छा प्रदर्शन कर रहा है दोनों स्थानों. यह बेरी वृद्धि के लिए GA उपचार के लिए बहुत अच्छी तरह से प्रतिक्रिया करता है. इस प्रकार वर्ष 1992 में जारी किया गया था.
- यह पार Alphonso से संतान x Neelum है.
- यह एक देर से मौसम विविधता है, फल जून के अंतिम सप्ताह के दौरान फसल के लिए आते हैं.
- ट्री अर्ध है प्रकृति में जोरदार.
- फलों का आकार अण्डाकार है, मध्यम 270-280g के बारे में औसतन वजन आकार. फल डंठल खड़ी डाला जाता है.
- स्वर्ण पीले लाल हो पकने पर फल. त्वचा चिकनी, मोटी माध्यम है.
- पल्प रंग और फर्म में गहरे पीले रंग की है.
- यह फाइबर और चिमड़ा से मुक्त ऊतक है.
- पल्प वसूली 70% है.
- रखते हुए गुणवत्ता अच्छी है.
एक स्थानीय संग्रह से Hazipur, बिहार से चयन.
- वापस पार और वंशावली को शामिल चयन के माध्यम से विकसित माता पिता Hebbal Avare x IIHR 93.
- यह संकर Angur कलां और काले चम्पा के बीच एक अंतर है.
- संयंत्र जोरदार है.
- प्रशिक्षण पर कुंज 3 एमएक्स 3 मीटर प्रणाली दूरी रोपण, अपनी उपज क्षमता के बारे में 38 टन / हेक्टेयर और 34 किग्रा / दाखलता है .
- pruning से फसल के लिए आवश्यक समय 160-163 दिन है.
- bunches अच्छी तरह से भर रहे हैं 370 ग्राम / गुच्छा, गहरे भूरे रंग का, एक समान गोल जामुन, 2-3 होने के एक औसत वजन औसतन 7.7 जी पर बेरी और साहसिक गोलाकार जामुन भार के अनुसार छोटे बीज T.S.S. 18 से 0.4 से 20o Brix और अम्लता प्रतिशत 0.6 है. डंठल लगाव है और बहुत अच्छा है, इसलिए निर्यात के लिए जा सकते हैं. सभी कलियों और इसलिए उपयोगी हैं कोई विशेष आवश्यकता pruning. यह प्रशिक्षण के प्रमुख प्रणाली और एक वर्ष में दो फसलें ले संभव के लिए उपयुक्त है. इस संकर को रोग Anthracnose सहिष्णु है. यह वर्ष 1994 में जारी किया गया था.
- वापस पार और वंशावली को शामिल चयन के माध्यम से विकसित माता पिता Hebbal Avare x IIHR 93.
- बंगलौर नीले और काले चम्पा, के बीच एक संकर 1980 के दौरान जारी की.
- आकार में क्लस्टर माध्यम, नीले काले, को obovoid गोलाकार, मीठा (TSS 20-25%) और हल्के लोमड़ी वरीयता प्राप्त जामुन स्वादिष्ट. सहिष्णु anthracnose है.
- बहुत सूखी मेज और वाइन और मीठे रस और ताजा तालिका प्रयोजन के लिए अच्छा बनाने के लिए अच्छा है.
- यह संकर Anab के बीच एक पार ई शाही x दाख की बारियों की रानी है.
- संयंत्र जोरदार है.
- प्रशिक्षण पर कुंज 3 एमएक्स 3 मीटर प्रणाली दूरी रोपण, अपनी उपज क्षमता के बारे में 40 टन / हेक्टेयर और 36 किग्रा / दाखलता है .
- pruning से फसल के लिए आवश्यक समय 158-160 दिन है.
- bunches अच्छी तरह से भरा, 410 ग्राम / गुच्छा, हरे पीले, ovoid और औसत बेरी वजन के दौर 3.8 जी है की एक औसत वजन रहे हैं T.S.S. 20 से लेकर-21o Brix और 0.5 फीसदी से अम्लता.
- बेलें भारी croppers हैं, लुगदी और भावपूर्ण है मस्क़ट स्वाद है और यह बहुत अच्छा सफेद मिठाई शराब बनाता है. कम कलियों और इसलिए उपयोगी हैं कोई विशिष्ट pruning है जरूरी है. यह एक वर्ष में दो फसलें ले सकता है. इस संकर Anthraconse, कोमल और वृक्षों का एक रोग ख़स्ता फफूंदी से सहनशील है. इस प्रकार 1994 में जारी किया गया था.
- पार IIHR का एक उन्नत वंशावली चयन-54 x IIHR 18
- 550 IHR के बीच एक संकर F1-932 3XIHR
- यह व्युत्पत्ति Alphonso x जनार्दन Pasand से ली गई है.
- यह एक अर्द्ध जोरदार प्रकार, नियमित रूप से प्रभाव पड़ता है और उच्च घनत्व रोपण के लिए उत्तरदायी है.
- यह एक देर से मौसम विविधता, फल जून के तीसरे सप्ताह के दौरान दूसरी फसल के लिए आ रहा है
- फल आकार में आयताकार हैं, मध्यम आकार, 300 330g के बारे में एक औसत पर वजन.
- डंठल खड़ी डाला जाता है.
- परिपक्वता पर फल रंग में हल्का हरा सकता है, तो पकने पर वर्दी सुनहरा पीला रंग प्राप्त होगा.
- त्वचा पतली और चिकनी है. गूदा नारंगी रंग का है, कंपनी और फाइबर और चिमड़ा से मुक्त अच्छा चीनी-एसिड मिश्रण के साथ ऊतक.
- TSS 19 ° Brix के आसपास है.
- गूदा वसूली के बारे में 70-75% है. रखते हुए गुणवत्ता अच्छी है.
- यह पार इलाहाबाद Safeda x Triploid से एक संतान है.
- संयंत्र शक्ति में मध्यम और प्रकार फैला रहे हैं.
- फल आकार में गोल है.
- त्वचा चिकनी और रंग पीला है.
- एक औसत पर फल के बारे में 180 - जी, मांस रंग और फर्म में सफेद वजन है 200.TSS 12 ° Brix, नरम वरीयता प्राप्त 100 बीजों के वजन के आसपास है 1.80g है.
- रखते हुए गुणवत्ता अच्छी है.
- एक उन्नत वापस संशोधित 21 IIHR और क्रिमसन मीठे के बीच अंतर के व्युत्पन्न पीढ़ी.
- IHR के बीच एक F1 संकर 837 एक्स IHR 932
- पार 15 SBSB x IIHR 1614 के एक संकर F1
- पार IIHR का एक उन्नत वंशावली चयन-54 x IIHR 18
- यह बैंगनी रंग के फूल सजावटी भालू. Floriferous, कट फ्लावर के लिए अच्छा है और 14 दिनों के गुलदस्ते जीवन है. (नेगी, एस एस, Nancharaiah, डी, Raghava, एसपीएस, राव, TM शर्मा, TVRS और Janakiram, 1998 टी.).
- यह tuberose संकर बहु है, बोल्ड बड़े, शुद्ध सफेद सुगंधित फूल के विपरीत लंबे spikes पर बंद वहन के साथ whorled स्थानीय CV के सफेद फूल. '' डबल. स्पाइक प्रति फूलों की संख्या अधिक है और फूल खोल रहा है इस संकर में वर्दी के रूप में स्थानीय 'डबल cultivar की तुलना में है. स्पाईक उपज है 26 प्रतिशत से अधिक स्थानीय 'डबल cultivar की तुलना में. Spikes सर्वश्रेष्ठ कट फ्लावर उद्देश्य के लिए उपयुक्त हैं. कर्नाटक राज्य स्तर पर जारी करने के लिए पहचान की.
- यह हनी ओस से एक चयन या लोकप्रिय मधु बिंदु कहा जाता है.
- यह प्रकृति और सेमीफाइनल में gynodioecious-बौना है.
- एक औसत पर फल के बारे में 1.5-2.0 किलो वजन, त्वचा की सतह पर ridging के साथ रंग में अंधेरा है.
- द्विलिंग पेड़ से फल लम्बी और अंडाकार होते हैं, महिला से यह ovoid है. पल्प रंग पीला है और पकने पर पिघला देता है; TSS 13.5 ° Brix के आसपास है. रखते हुए गुणवत्ता खराब है.
- है यह पेड़ के अनुसार लगभग 70 किलो पैदावार.
- कूर्ग हनी ओस पपीता की खेती 25-30% के परिणामस्वरूप है फल और papain की उपज वृद्धि
- यह हनी ओस से एक चयन या लोकप्रिय मधु बिंदु कहा जाता है.
- यह प्रकृति और सेमीफाइनल में gynodioecious-बौना है.
- एक औसत पर फल के बारे में 1.5-2.0 किलो वजन, त्वचा की सतह पर ridging के साथ रंग में अंधेरा है.
- द्विलिंग पेड़ से फल लम्बी और अंडाकार होते हैं, महिला से यह ovoid है. पल्प रंग पीला है और पकने पर पिघला देता है; TSS 13.5 ° Brix के आसपास है. रखते हुए गुणवत्ता खराब है.
- है यह पेड़ के अनुसार लगभग 70 किलो पैदावार.
- कूर्ग हनी ओस पपीता की खेती 25-30% के परिणामस्वरूप है फल और papain की उपज वृद्धि
- यह विविधता गहरे गुलाबी रंग का स्थानीय गुलाबी विविधता से अधिक आकर्षक फूल पैदा करता है.
- यह फूल को 1.38 दिन लगते हैं और लगभग 60 सेमी तक होती है. यह 30 सेमी और 8 दिन के एक गुलदस्ता जीवन का आधार लंबाई है.
- फूल व्यास और 2 जी वजन प्रत्येक में 6 सेमी हैं.
- प्रत्येक संयंत्र के बारे में 50 फूल पैदा करता है. (राव, TM, नेगी, एस एस, Janakiram, टी और Raghava, एसपीएस, 1997).
- इस नई संकर माध्यम spikes पर दो फूल भालू. फूल कलियों विपरीत रंग में हरा कर रहे हैं 'में कलियों गुलाबी' Suvasini और स्थानीय डबल. फूल सफेद होते हैं. स्पाईक पैदावार 50 प्रतिशत है Suvasini की तुलना में अधिक है.
- इसके फूल बैंगनी हैं और स्थानीय बैंगनी विविधता से बेहतर था.
- यह ट्यूबलर डिस्क florets के साथ किरण florets की 4-5 पंक्तियों वाले फूलों की pompon प्रकार लाता है. यह फूल व्यास 4.5 सेमी रहे हैं और जी 2 प्रत्येक होता है. यह 20 सेमी और 8 दिन के एक गुलदस्ता जीवन का आधार लंबाई है.
- यह एक floriferous विविधता है और 70 फूल एक संयंत्र का उत्पादन . floriferous (नेगी, एस एस, Raghava, एसपीएस, राव, TM और Janakiram, टी., 1999).
- यह सनराइज सोलो x गुलाबी मांस मीठे का वंश है. यह F14 पीढ़ी से चुना गया था. इसलिए, बीज द्विलिंग फूल जीतना या द्विलिंग फूलों के साथ महिला फूल पार द्वारा उत्पादन किया जा सकता है.
- संयंत्र कोई नर पौधों के साथ प्रकृति में gynodioecious है
- फल आकार में सनराइज सोलो समान है.
- पौधों सोलो की तुलना में कम हैं.
- त्वचा चिकनी है, समान रूप से हो जाता है पकने पर पीले रंग के फल के बारे में 600 के आकार में मध्यम - 800 हो जी के साथ एक छोटा सा फल गुहा.
- पल्प के बारे में 3-3.5 सेमी मोटी, गहरी में लाल रंग का है और मीठा एक TSS के साथ 13.5 के - 15 ° brix.
- यह अजीब स्वाद नहीं है.
- फल की गुणवत्ता को ध्यान में रखते हुए अच्छी है.
- संयंत्र प्रति यील्ड करीब 55-65 किलो है (60 - 65t/acre).
- एमएस के बीच एक F1-48 x Sel. 14-1-1
- यह संकर चम्पा काले और थॉमसन बीजरहित के बीच एक अंतर है.
- संयंत्र जोरदार है.
- प्रशिक्षण पर कुंज 3 एमएक्स 3 मीटर प्रणाली दूरी रोपण, अपनी उपज क्षमता 28 टन / हेक्टेयर और 25 किग्रा / दाखलता है.
- pruning से फसल कटाई के लिए आवश्यक समय 150-155 दिन है. Bunches तरह थोड़ा कॉम्पैक्ट को भर रहे हैं, 360 ग्राम / गुच्छा, काले, बीजरहित के एक औसत और औसत बेरी वजन वजन 3.2 जी है T.S.S. 20 से लेकर-22oBrix और अम्लता प्रतिशत 0.6-0.7 से.
- बेलें बहुत उपयोगी हैं.
- सभी गन्ना पर कलियां और इसलिए उपयोगी हैं कोई विशेष आवश्यकता pruning. यह एक वर्ष में दो फसलें ले संभव है और यह प्रशिक्षण के प्रमुख प्रणाली के लिए भी उपयुक्त है. यह रोग anthracnose सहिष्णु है. क्योंकि चीनी उच्च गुणवत्ता की सामग्री और जामुन की खस्ता लुगदी के बेहतर है. यह टेबल के लिए बहुत अच्छा है और भी लाल मिठाई बनाने के लिए शराब. इस संकर का परीक्षण किया है नासिक और सांगली में महाराष्ट्र के क्षेत्रों में किया गया है. यह बहुत अच्छा प्रदर्शन कर रहा है दोनों स्थानों. यह बेरी वृद्धि के लिए GA उपचार के लिए बहुत अच्छी तरह से प्रतिक्रिया करता है. इस प्रकार वर्ष 1992 में जारी किया गया था.
- वंशावली पद्धति के माध्यम से पार Dingrass एकाधिक बैंगनी एक्स Arka शील के व्युत्पन्न.
- पार UD से वंशावली चयन के माध्यम से विकसित 102 IIHR x-396
- यह संकर बंगलौर ब्लू और कॉन्वेंट बड़े काले, के बीच एक अंतर है.
- संयंत्र जोरदार है.
- प्रशिक्षण पर कुंज 3 एमएक्स 3 मीटर प्रणाली दूरी रोपण, अपनी उपज क्षमता 26 टन / हेक्टेयर और 23 किग्रा / दाखलता है.
- pruning से फसल के लिए आवश्यक समय 148 दिन है.
- bunches अच्छी तरह से भर रहे हैं 130 ग्राम / गुच्छा, गहरे भूरे रंग के, ovoid और औसत बेरी वजन के दौर के एक औसत वजन है 3.34 जी T.S.S. 22 से लेकर फीसदी 0.3-0.4 से 23o Brix और अम्लता.
- बेलें अच्छा croppers हैं. यह एक पुरुष बाँझ संकर और anthraconse और कोमल को सहिष्णु फफूंदी रोग और शराब बनाने के लिए अच्छा है. यह बंगलूर ब्लू cultivar पर एक सुधार है. सभी गन्ना पर कलियों उच्च और उपयोगी होते हैं और इसलिए कोई विशेष pruning है जरूरी है. यह एक वर्ष में दो फसलें ले संभव है और यह प्रशिक्षण के प्रमुख प्रणाली के लिए भी उपयुक्त है. इस प्रकार 1994 में जारी किया गया था.
- 550 IHR के बीच एक संकर F1-932 3XIHR
- माता पिता Bonneville, 209 IIHR & 656 फ्रीजर .. शामिल चयन के पीछे पार और वंशावली पद्धति के माध्यम से विकसित
- Abelmoschus esculentus के बीच एक जैसा एक संकर (IIHR20 31) A.manihot x spp. Tetraphyllus Res. (YVMV करने के लिए) bybackcross बाद
663 IIHR से एक शुद्ध लाइन चयन-12-3-एस.बी.-एस.बी. (कुलपति-8-1-2-1 AVRDC, ताइवान से).
663 IIHR से एक शुद्ध लाइन चयन-12-3-एस.बी.-एस.बी. (कुलपति-8-1-2-1 AVRDC, ताइवान से).
पार Dingrass एकाधिक बैंगनी एक्स Arka शील के व्युत्पन्न
ट्रिपल रोग प्रतिरोध के साथ तरबूज विभिन्न Arka माणिक anthracnose को ख़स्ता फफूंदी तरबूज की मौसमी बाधाओं को तोड़ने साल पूरे-उष्णकटिबंधीय शर्तों सफलतापूर्वक उप के अंतर्गत कर सकते हो सकता खेती और एक आर्थिक लाभ रुपए दे रही है. 50-60 दिनों में 110 हेक्टेयर प्रति हजार और उपज घाटा कम करने के 50 से 60 प्रतिशत है.
पार 15 SBSB x IIHR 1614 के एक संकर F1
पार पूसा कोमल x Arka Garima का एक F9 वंशावली चयन.
- Rasraj एक अंतर विशिष्ट polyembryonic प्रजनन द्वारा जीवाणु नासूर रोग प्रतिरोध करने के लिए विकसित संकर है.
- संकर नासूर प्रतिरोध के लिए नेपाली से जीन प्राप्त दौर नींबू माता पिता और एसिड चूने के माता पिता से अन्य वर्ण.
- फल का रंग पीला है, एक के बारे में 55g औसत से 70% से युक्त पर वजन रस और 12 बीज. छिलका चूने से अधिक गहरा हो जाता है. अम्लता 6% और TSS 8 ° बी के आसपास है.
- स्पाइक की लंबाई 15 florets के साथ 83 सेमी है. यह 9 दिनों का एक गुलदस्ता जीवन है.
- Florets पीला मुहासा के साथ लाल कर रहे हैं.
- यह मामूली Fusarium wilt रोग के लिए प्रतिरोधी है. (नेगी, एस एस, राव, TM, Raghava, एसपीएस, Chacko, CI, रामचंद्रन, एन और Janakiram, टी., 1997).
यह जुनून फल के एक संकर F1 बैंगनी और पीले रंग की किस्मों को पार कर प्राप्त किया है और बहुत से पौधों और फलों के गुण के लिए दोनों माता पिता से बेहतर है. दाखलताओं बहुत जोरदार प्रदर्शन कर रहे हैं और सहिष्णुता महत्वपूर्ण कीड़ों और बीमारियों को. कावेरी के दौर, बैंगनी बिंदीदार, बड़े आकार (80-90 30-35% रस जो 12% कुल शर्करा और लगभग 3% है अम्लता के साथ छ) फल ovoid पैदा करता है. पौधों भूरे रंग का पत्ता स्थान, wilt के सहिष्णु हैं, और कॉलर सड़ांध, जड़-गाँठ nematode और thrips. एक औसत फल के 25 टन पर / हा काटा जा सकता है.
- प्रतिरोधी ख़स्ता फफूंदी, बैक्टीरियल तुषार और पत्ती जगह
यह tuberose संकर मजबूत, मध्यम spikes पर एक सुगंधित फूल प्रकार लाता है. फूल कलियों थोड़ा गुलाबी रंग के साथ आकर्षक है. Spikes फूलों की अधिक संख्या है और व्यक्तिगत फूल 'स्थानीय' एकल cultivar की तुलना में बड़ा है. इस संकर का ढीला फूल माला के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है और tuberose कंक्रीट के निष्कर्षण के लिए. Spikes कट फ्लावर के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है. इस संकर के ढीले फूल उपज मौजूदा स्थानीय एक किस्म की तुलना के बारे में 36 प्रतिशत अधिक है. कर्नाटक राज्य स्तर पर जारी करने के लिए पहचान की. इस संकर को गाँठ nematodes जड़ सहिष्णु है.
- यह संकर Anab के बीच एक अंतर है, E-शाही और थॉमसन बीजरहित.
- पौधे मध्यम जोरदार है.
- प्रशिक्षण पर कुंज 3 एमएक्स 3 मीटर प्रणाली दूरी रोपण, अपनी उपज क्षमता 31 टन / हेक्टेयर और 28 किग्रा / दाखलता है.
- pruning से फसल के लिए आवश्यक समय 153-155 दिन है.
- bunches अच्छी तरह से भर रहे हैं 260 गुच्छा जी / औसतन, हरे पीले रंग की, obovoid वर्दी बीजरहित जामुन और औसत बेरी वजन वजन है जी 4.08, TSS 18 से लेकर-19oBrix और अम्लता प्रतिशत 0.5-0.6 से. यह टेबल के लिए अच्छा है. यह एक निर्यात गुणवत्ता हो सकता है. यह thinning के रूप में के रूप में अच्छी तरह का बीज वृद्धि के लिए GA इलाज का जवाब. यह 1994 में जारी किया गया था.
यह ToLCV और BW को संयुक्त प्रतिरोध के साथ एक अधिक उपज F1 संकर है
- फास्ट बैंगनी रंग के पत्तों के साथ multicut विविधता बढ़ रही है और स्टेम.
- उच्च मिर्च F1 एमएस पंक्ति का उपयोग करके विकसित संकर उपज.
- एमएस के बीच एक F1-65 x Sel. 13-1-1
- उच्च मिर्च F1 एमएस पंक्ति का उपयोग करके विकसित संकर उपज
- यह संकर चम्पा काले और थॉमसन बीजरहित के बीच एक अंतर है.
- संयंत्र जोरदार है.
- प्रशिक्षण पर कुंज 3 एमएक्स 3 मीटर प्रणाली दूरी रोपण, अपनी उपज क्षमता 28 टन / हेक्टेयर और 25 किग्रा / दाखलता है.
- pruning से फसल कटाई के लिए आवश्यक समय 150-155 दिन है.
- bunches तरह थोड़ा कॉम्पैक्ट को भर रहे हैं, 360 ग्राम / गुच्छा, काले, बीजरहित के एक औसत और औसत बेरी वजन वजन 3.2 है जी T.S.S. 20 से लेकर-22oBrix और अम्लता प्रतिशत 0.6-0.7 से.
- बेलें बहुत उपयोगी हैं. सभी गन्ना पर कलियां और इसलिए उपयोगी हैं कोई विशेष आवश्यकता pruning. यह एक वर्ष में दो फसलें ले संभव है और यह प्रशिक्षण के प्रमुख प्रणाली के लिए भी उपयुक्त है. यह रोग anthracnose सहिष्णु है. क्योंकि चीनी उच्च गुणवत्ता की सामग्री और जामुन की खस्ता लुगदी के बेहतर है. यह टेबल के लिए बहुत अच्छा है और भी लाल मिठाई बनाने के लिए शराब. इस संकर का परीक्षण किया है नासिक और सांगली में महाराष्ट्र के क्षेत्रों में किया गया है. यह बहुत अच्छा प्रदर्शन कर रहा है दोनों स्थानों. यह बेरी वृद्धि के लिए GA उपचार के लिए बहुत अच्छी तरह से प्रतिक्रिया करता है. इस प्रकार वर्ष 1992 में जारी किया गया था.
- घनी झबरा स्टेम, उथले lobes के साथ प्रकाश हरे पत्ते.
- यह द्वीप मणि की संतान (Annona atemoya Hort है.) एक्स Mammoth (ए squomosa एल).
- Arka Sahan फल सितंबर में फसल आने अक्तूबर और परिपक्व फलों 210 (छ) पका के बारे में 6-7 दिन लगेंगे.
- त्वचा एक मोमी खिल गया है, रंग में हल्के हरे रंग की, मध्यम (बड़े, फ्लैट आँखों से 0.5 सेमी) मोटाई.
- क्रीम की तरह सफेद रंग का मांस हल्के सुखद सुगंध और दुर्लभ बीज के साथ निविदा (9 / 100 के साथ रसदार है छ) और बड़े क्षेत्रों.
- खाद्य गूदा अधिक 30oB से कुल 22.8% शर्करा और उपायों के साथ अपने मिठास के लिए उल्लेखनीय है के रूप में 24oB के खिलाफ Mammoth में.
- Arka Sahan का एक 100g गूदा 2.49 कच्चे प्रोटीन, 42.29 पी मिलीग्राम और 225 मिलीग्राम Ca के छ 1.33 के खिलाफ हैं जी, 17.05 और मिलीग्राम Mammoth में क्रमशः 159 मिग्रा.
- औसतन , फल के 12 टन काटा जा सकता है हा /.
- पौधे खड़े, जंगली, फोटो असंवेदनशील, चंदवा फली इसके बाद के संस्करण के साथ जल्दी.
- आइएमजी छवियाँ
- 80-90 सेमी का एक संयंत्र ऊँचाई के साथ अनिश्चित
- जंगली और photoinsensitive विविध
- स्वर्गीय माध्यम, बड़े घने, काले हरे पत्तों के साथ विभिन्न प्रकार पेंच.
- यह व्युत्पत्ति Alphonso x जनार्दन Pasand से ली गई है. यह एक अर्द्ध जोरदार प्रकार, नियमित रूप से प्रभाव पड़ता है और उच्च घनत्व रोपण के लिए उत्तरदायी है. यह देर से मौसम विविधता है, फल जून के तीसरे सप्ताह के दौरान दूसरी फसल के लिए आ रहे हैं. फल आकार में आयताकार हैं, मध्यम आकार, 300 330g के बारे में एक औसत पर वजन. डंठल खड़ी डाला.
- है परिपक्वता पर फल हरे रंग में सुस्त हो जाएगा, पकने पर वर्दी सुनहरा पीला रंग प्राप्त करने.
- त्वचा पतली और चिकनी है. गूदा नारंगी रंग का है, कंपनी और फाइबर और चिमड़ा से मुक्त अच्छा चीनी-एसिड मिश्रण के साथ ऊतक.
- TSS 19 ° Brix के आसपास है. गूदा वसूली के बारे में 70-75% है. रखते हुए गुणवत्ता अच्छी है
- पार 15 SBSB x IIHR 1334 के एक संकर F1
- यह जीवाणु wilt के प्रतिरोध के साथ एक अधिक उपज F1 संकर है.
- IIHR से जोरदार जन चयन के माध्यम से विकसित-145
- पौधे, जंगली खड़े
- IIHR से एक शुद्ध लाइन चयन ऑस्ट्रेलिया से संग्रह (60).
- लगाने और जंगली, फोटो असंवेदनशील पौधे
- हरे पत्ते के साथ संयंत्र आदत दुविधा में पड़ा हुआ.
- पीले हरे पत्ते के साथ संयंत्र आदत दुविधा में पड़ा हुआ.
- संयंत्रों जंगली और फोटो असंवेदनशील.
- एक उन्नत वापस संशोधित 21 IIHR के बीच अंतर क्रिमसन मीठे के व्युत्पन्न पीढ़ी.
- अंधेरे हरे पत्ते के साथ संयंत्र आदत पक्का.
- उच्च मिर्च F1 एमएस पंक्ति का उपयोग करके विकसित संकर उपज.
- जंगली पौधे खड़े हैं
- स्व के साथ गहरे नारंगी रंग की जड़ें कोर.
- यह सनराइज सोलो x गुलाबी मांस मीठे का वंश है. यह F14 पीढ़ी से चुना गया था. इसलिए, बीज द्विलिंग फूल जीतना या द्विलिंग फूलों के साथ महिला फूल पार द्वारा उत्पादन किया जा सकता है. संयंत्र कोई नर पौधों के साथ प्रकृति में gynodioecious है. फल आकार में सनराइज सोलो समान है. पौधों सोलो की तुलना में कम हैं. त्वचा चिकनी हो जाती है, समान रूप से पकने पर पीले रंग में है. फल छ एक छोटा सा फल गुहा के साथ लगभग 600 के आकार में मध्यम - 800 हैं. लुगदी के बारे में 3-3.5 सेमी मोटी, गहरी में लाल रंग का है और मीठा एक TSS के साथ 13.5 के - 15 ° brix. यह अजीब स्वाद नहीं है. फलों की गुणवत्ता को ध्यान में रखते हुए अच्छी है. संयंत्र प्रति यील्ड करीब 55-65 किलो है (60 - 65t/acre).
An interspecific hybrid between Abelmoschus esculentus(IIHR 20-31) x A.manihot spp. Tetraphyllus (Res. To YVMV) followed by backcross. Plants tall, well branched. Fruits lush green, tender and long. Fruits borne in two flushes. Purple pigment present on both sides of the petal base. Green stem with purple shade. Fruits free from spines having delicate aroma. Good keeping and cooking qualities. Resistant to yellow vein mosaic virus(YVMV) Duration 120-130 days. Yield 18 t/h
एक विदेशी संग्रह से एक शुद्ध लाइन चयन ताइवान से (IIHR 13,560)
Abelmoschus esculentus के बीच एक जैसा एक संकर (IIHR 20-31) A.manihot x spp. Tetraphyllus Res. (YVMV करने के लिए) backcross द्वारा पीछा किया.
पार 15 SBSB x IIHR 1334 के एक संकर F1
यह संकर Angur कलाँ और Anab-e-शाही के बीच एक अंतर है.
संयंत्र मामूली जोरदार है.
प्रशिक्षण पर कुंज 3 एमएक्स 3 मीटर प्रणाली दूरी रोपण, अपनी उपज क्षमता के बारे में 38 टन / हेक्टेयर और 34 किग्रा / दाखलता है .
pruning से फसल के लिए आवश्यक समय 154-158 दिन है.
bunches अच्छी तरह से भर रहे हैं 310 ग्राम / गुलाबी लाल के साथ गुच्छा, सुनहरे पीले रंग के एक औसत वजन, थोड़ी लम्बी है और औसत बेरी वजन है जी 3.18, TSS 20 से लेकर-21oBrix और अम्लता प्रतिशत 0.4-0.6 से. बेलें बहुत आकर्षक जामुन के साथ फलदार yielders हैं. यह तालिका प्रयोजन के लिए अच्छा है. सभी कलियों और इसलिए उपयोगी हैं कोई विशिष्ट pruning है जरूरी है. यह प्रशिक्षण के प्रमुख प्रणाली और एक वर्ष में दो फसलें ले संभव के लिए भी उपयुक्त है. इस संकर ख़स्ता फफूंदी से सहिष्णु है और मामूली Anthracnose और रोएंदार वृक्षों का एक रोग की संभावना. यह 1994 में जारी किया गया था. -
पार ब्लू फसल से वंशावली चयन x दावेदार. को जंग प्रतिरोधी
- Dyavanur dubba से एक शुद्ध लाइन चयन, (एक स्थानीय Kundgol तहसील में हो विविधता, धारवाड़ जिला).
- 143 IHR से एक शुद्ध लाइन चयन-3-7-एस.बी. 1 (60 ओटावा कनाडा से)
(IIHR-105) राजस्थान से एक शुद्ध लाइन चयन.
- लखनऊ से एक एक स्थानीय (संग्रह 103 IIHR) पर सुधार.
- पार 15 SBSB x IIHR 1614 के एक संकर F1
- यह सनराइज सोलो x गुलाबी मांस मीठे का वंश है. यह F14 पीढ़ी से चुना गया था. इसलिए, बीज द्विलिंग फूल जीतना या द्विलिंग फूलों के साथ महिला फूल पार द्वारा उत्पादन किया जा सकता है. संयंत्र कोई नर पौधों के साथ प्रकृति में gynodioecious है. फल आकार में सनराइज सोलो समान है. पौधों सोलो की तुलना में कम हैं. त्वचा चिकनी हो जाती है, समान रूप से पकने पर पीले रंग में है. फल छ एक छोटा सा फल गुहा के साथ लगभग 600 के आकार में मध्यम - 800 हैं. लुगदी के बारे में 3-3.5 सेमी मोटी, एक TSS के साथ रंग मिठाई, में गहरे लाल है 13.5 के - 15 ° brix और कैरोटीन में अमीर. यह अजीब स्वाद नहीं है. फलों की गुणवत्ता को ध्यान में रखते हुए अच्छी है. संयंत्र प्रति यील्ड करीब 55-65 किलो है (60 - 65t/acre).
- पार TUV762 के व्युत्पन्न x V.uniquiculata उप sp.sesquipedalis
- एक स्थानीय संग्रह से एक शुद्ध लाइन चयन (IIHR-20) कर्नाटक से.
- एक स्थानीय संग्रह से एक शुद्ध लाइन चयन (IIHR-20) कर्नाटक से.
- एक वंशावली चयन (पार Arka विकास x IIHR 554 के F8)
- 22-1 IIHR और सुप्रीम बीच एक संकर F1
- यह द्वीप मणि की संतान (Annona atemoya Hort है.) एक्स Mammoth (ए squomosa एल).
- Arka Sahan फल सितंबर में फसल आने अक्तूबर और परिपक्व फलों 210 (छ) पका के बारे में 6-7 दिन लगेंगे.
- त्वचा एक मोमी खिल गया है, रंग में हल्के हरे रंग की, मध्यम (बड़े, फ्लैट आँखों से 0.5 सेमी) मोटाई.
- क्रीम की तरह सफेद रंग का मांस हल्के सुखद सुगंध और दुर्लभ बीज के साथ निविदा (9 / 100 के साथ रसदार है छ) और बड़े क्षेत्रों.
- खाद्य गूदा अधिक 30oB से कुल 22.8% शर्करा और उपायों के साथ अपने मिठास के लिए उल्लेखनीय है के रूप में 24oB के खिलाफ Mammoth में.
- Arka Sahan का एक 100g गूदा 2.49 कच्चे प्रोटीन, 42.29 पी मिलीग्राम और 225 मिलीग्राम Ca के छ 1.33 के खिलाफ हैं जी, 17.05 और मिलीग्राम Mammoth में क्रमशः 159 मिग्रा.
- औसतन , फल के 12 टन काटा जा सकता है हा /. और सूखे की प्रतिरोधी.
- T3 के बीच अंतर (राजस्थान) और T8 (पंजाब से एक उन्नत नस्ल के चयन)
- Abelmoschus esculentus के बीच एक जैसा एक संकर (IIHR 20-31) A.manihot x spp. Tetraphyllus Res. (YVMV करने के लिए) backcross द्वारा पीछा किया.
- एक स्थानीय संग्रह से Hazipur, बिहार से चयन.
- IIHR से एक शुद्ध लाइन चयन ऑस्ट्रेलिया से संग्रह (60).
- वापस पार और वंशावली को शामिल चयन के माध्यम से विकसित माता पिता Hebbal Avare x IIHR 93.
- एक स्थानीय संग्रह से एक शुद्ध लाइन चयन (IIHR-20) कर्नाटक से.
- 324 IHR (स्थानीय संग्रह) से एक शुद्ध लाइन चयन.
- एक अमेरिकी विभिन्न प्रकार से एक शुद्ध लाइन चयन टिप टॉप.
- वापस पार और वंशावली को शामिल चयन के माध्यम से विकसित माता पिता Hebbal Avare x IIHR 93.
- 194-1 IIHR, कर्नाटक से एक स्थानीय संग्रह से शुद्ध लाइन चयन
- एक स्थानीय संग्रह से लखनऊ से एक शुद्ध लाइन चयन (IIHR 3-1-1-1-5-1).
- एक स्थानीय संग्रह से लखनऊ से एक शुद्ध लाइन चयन (IIHR 3-1-1-1-5-1).
- एक कनाडा के प्रजनन की रेखा से एक शुद्ध लाइन चयन वी-685
- यह अनार की एक बहु संकर aril रंग और मधुरता बीज के लिए विकसित की है. रूबी की एक पूर्ण विकसित संयंत्र के बारे में 2.72 मीटर लंबी और कम (4.7 m2) फैल रहा है. परिपक्व फल आकार में समान और CV का फल आकार. गणेश बहरहाल, रूबी की त्वचा का रंग लाल हरे रंग की धारियाँ भूरे रंग के साथ है. छिलका (0.24 सेमी) पतली है, फल लाल बोल्ड arils (37.2 g/100 arils) जो 173 की उपज (72%) मोटी (1.83 सीपीएस) गहरे लाल 4.71 (कम 540 एनएम) मिठाई 16oB () रस होने tanin सामग्री है 100 मिलीलीटर रस प्रति मिग्रा. बंगलौर शर्तों के तहत अपने प्रदर्शन CV के साथ तुलनीय है. बीज कोमलता (2.19 kg/cm2), फलों के वजन के संबंध में गणेश (270 ग्राम) और आय (16-18 टन / हेक्टेयर). बेहतर मामूली जलवायु को adoptability.
- Clonal चयन
- संस्थान फल फसलों में सूखे और पानी के तनाव को सहिष्णु rootstocks की पहचान पर काम शुरू किया था. इस दिशा में संस्थान की पहचान की है rootstock "Dogridge" जो कि बहुत अच्छी तरह में उत्तरी कर्नाटक और महाराष्ट्र के सूखा बेल्ट प्रदर्शन करती है. प्रक्रियाओं गया है इन rootstocks गुणा मानकीकृत किया है और जरूरतमंद उत्पादकों को वितरित के रूप में इन rootstocks आंध्र प्रदेश में उत्तरी आंतरिक कर्नाटक, मध्य महाराष्ट्र और तेलंगाना में भारी मांग है.
- Umran से 3 सप्ताह के शुरू में फल सेट और शीघ्र फसल
- एमएस के बीच एक F1-65 x Sel. 13-1-1
- 22-1 IIHR और के बीच एक संकर F1
- यह पार Alphonso से संतान x Neelum है.
- यह एक देर से मौसम विविधता है, फल जून के अंतिम सप्ताह के दौरान फसल के लिए आते हैं.
- ट्री अर्ध है प्रकृति में जोरदार.
- फलों का आकार अण्डाकार है, मध्यम 270 के बारे में एक औसत वजन 280g-पर आकार.
- फल डंठल खड़ी डाला जाता है.
- स्वर्ण पीले लाल हो पकने पर फल
- त्वचा, सहज मोटी माध्यम है.
- पल्प रंग और फर्म में गहरे पीले रंग की है.
- यह फाइबर और चिमड़ा से मुक्त ऊतक है.
- वसूली 70% है. रखते हुए गुणवत्ता अच्छी है.
- An advanced generation derivative of modified back cross between IIHR 21 Crimson Sweet. Angular stem with light green deeply lobed foliage. Fruits oval with light green rind colour and grow to dark green stripes. Deep crimson flesh with granular texture, pleasant aroma, very sweet(TSS 12-15%) Average fruit weight 6 kg. Seeds small with dark brown specks on the testa. Triple resistant to powdery mildew, downey mildew and anthracnose. Duration 110-115 days. Yield 60 t/ha.
- An advanced generation derivative of modified back cross between IIHR 21 Crimson Sweet. Angular stem with light green deeply lobed foliage. Fruits oval with light green rind colour and grow to dark green stripes. Deep crimson flesh with granular texture, pleasant aroma, very sweet(TSS 12-15%) Average fruit weight 6 kg. Seeds small with dark brown specks on the testa. Triple resistant to powdery mildew, downey mildew and anthracnose. Duration 110-115 days. Yield 60 t/ha.
- It is a high yielding F1 hybrid with combined resistance to ToLCV and BW Plants semi-determinate with good foliar cover. Foliage dark green. Fruits round, firm (5.0 kg/cm2), medium (50-65g) with light green shoulder. First fruit maturity 55-60 days. Develops deep red color on ripening Yields 76 tons/ha. in 140 days. Suitable for summer and rainy seasons.
- It is derived from the parentage Alphonso x Janardhan Pasand. It is a semi-vigorous type; regular bearing and is amenable for high density planting. It is a late season variety; fruits coming to harvest during second to third week of June. Fruits are oblong in shape, medium sized, weighing on an average about 300-330g. Stalk is inserted vertically.
- Fruits on maturity will be dull green in colour, attaining uniform golden yellow colour on ripening.
- Skin is thin and smooth. Pulp is orange coloured, firm and free from fibre and spongy tissue with good sugar-acid blend.
- TSS is around 19° Brix. The pulp recovery is about 70-75%. Keeping quality is good.
- Bushy and photoinsensitive variety Pods are flat, smooth, crispy with less parchment Yield potential of 20t/ha Duration of 70 days Combined resistance to rust and bacterial blight
- Late bolting variety with medium large, thick, dark green leaves.
- It has got excellent cooking quality and is rich in vitamins and minerals.
- Resistant to Cercospora leaf spot under epiphytotic conditions.
- Yield potential of 41 t/ha 4 cuttings in 65-70 days
- Fast growing multicut variety with purple coloured leaves and stem.
- It has got excellent cooking quality and is rich in vitamins and minerals Resistant to white rust under epiphytotic conditions.
- Yield potential of 26-28 t/ha 3 cuttings in 60 days
- Indeterminate plant habit with yellow green foliage.
- Thick fleshed, 2-3 lobed conical fruits Average fruit weight 50-80 g Fruits erect, cream coloured, which turn orange red on ripening.
- Yield potential of 16 t/ha Duration of 150 days
- Plants bushy and Photo insensitive.
- Pods flat string less, fleshy, crisp, extra large (16 cm) and medium long.
- Resistant to rust.
- Yield potential of 15 t/ha Duration of 70 days
- Indeterminate plant habit with green foliage.
- Thick fleshed, 3-4 lobed green blocky fruits.
- Average fruit weight 130-150 g. Fruits erect which turn orange yellow on ripening.
- Yield potential of 16 t/ha Duration of 150 days
- High yielding chilli F1 hybrid developed by using MS line.
- Plants tall (1m) & spreading (90cm.).
- Fruits medium long (10 cm) with width 1 cm.
- Fresh yield 31 t/ hectare and dry yield 6 t/ ha in 150-160 days.
- Fruits are dark green and turn red.
- Tolerant to powdery mildew and viruses.
- Developed through vigorous mass selection from IIHR-145 Globe shaped bulbs with medium large size. Deep red coloured outer scales and fleshy succulent internal scales. Average bulb weight 130-180g. Pungent with TSS 11-13%. Moderately resistant to purple blotch caused by Altermaria porii Seed yield 8 quintals/ha. Suitable for kharif season. Duration 140 days. Yield 47 t/ha.
- Plants bushy, erect Resistant to both rust and powdery mildew.
- Pods long (11-12 cm) with 8-10 green sweet seeds.
- Yield potential of 11 t/ha Duration of 90 days
- A F1 between MS-65 x Sel. 13-1-1 Medium size bulbs with globe shape and firm texture. Bulbs red in colour with bulb weight 120 -130 g. Tolerance to purple blotch, basal rot & thrips. Long storage (4-5 months) Suitable for kharif and rabi seasons. Duration 125-130 days. Yield 47 t/ha.
- A pure line selection from IIHR-60 (Collection from Australia).
- Plants erect and bushy, Photo insensitive Flat, green straight pods. Seeds light brown, oblong and large.
- Good transportation and cooking qualities.
- Seed yield 1500 kg./ha Duration 70 days.
- Pod Yield 20 t/ha.
- High yielding chilli F1 hybrid developed by using MS line.
- Plants medium tall (81.3 cm) & spreading 69.5 cm.
- Fruits long (10.6 cm) with width of 1.2 cm.
- Very early, taking 24 days for 50% flowering.
- Fresh yield of 33.5 t/ ha and dry yield of 5 t/ ha in 140-150 days.
- Fruits are dark green and turn deep red.
- Tolerant to powdery mildew and viruses.
- Determinate plant habit with dark green foliage.
- Thick fleshed, 3-4 lobed dark green blocky fruits.
- Average fruit weight 180-200 gms Fruits pendent, which turn red on ripening.
- Yield potential of 20 t/ha Duration of 160 days
- This hybrid is a cross between Black Champa and Thompson seedless.
- The plant is vigorous.
- On bower system of training at 3 m x 3 m planting distance, its yield potential is 28 tons/ha and 25 kg/vine.
- Time required for harvesting from pruning is 150-155 days.
- The bunches are well filled to slightly compact, weighing an average of 360 g/bunch, black, seedless and average berry weight is 3.2 g. T.S.S. varies from 20-22oBrix and acidity from 0.6-0.7 per cent.
- Vines are very productive. All the buds on the cane are fruitful and therefore no specific pruning requirement. It is possible to take two crops in a year and it is also suitable for head system of training. It is tolerant to anthracnose disease. Quality is superior because of high sugar content and crispy pulp of berries. It is very good for table and also for red dessert wine making. Trials of this hybrid has been done in Nasik and Sangli areas of Maharashtra. It is performing very well in both the locations. It responds very well to GA treatment for berry elongation. This variety was released in the year 1992.
- Densely hirsute stem, light green foliage with shallow lobes.
- Fruits medium large, round to slightly oval, creamy white skin, netted with shallow vein tracks at full slip stage.
- Fruit skin white with green vein tracts when immature.
- Flesh white with pink seed cavity, crisp texture and mild flavour when ripe.
- Average fruit weight 1 kg. with 2-3 fruits per plant.
- Yield potential of 25 t/ha Duration of 85-90 days
- Densely hirsute stem, light green foliage with shallow lobes.
- Fruits medium large, round to slightly oval, creamy white skin, netted with shallow vein tracks at full slip stage.
- Fruit skin white with green vein tracts when immature.
- Flesh white with pink seed cavity, crisp texture and mild flavour when ripe.
- Average fruit weight 1 kg. with 2-3 fruits per plant.
- Yield potential of 25 t/ha Duration of 85-90 days
- स्व के साथ गहरे नारंगी रंग की जड़ें कोर.
यह सनराइज सोलो x गुलाबी मांस मीठे का वंश है. यह F14 पीढ़ी से चुना गया था. इसलिए, बीज द्विलिंग फूल जीतना या द्विलिंग फूलों के साथ महिला फूल पार द्वारा उत्पादन किया जा सकता है. संयंत्र कोई नर पौधों के साथ प्रकृति में gynodioecious है. फल आकार में सनराइज सोलो समान है. पौधों सोलो की तुलना में कम हैं. त्वचा चिकनी हो जाती है, समान रूप से पकने पर पीले रंग में है. फल छ एक छोटा सा फल गुहा के साथ लगभग 600 के आकार में मध्यम - 800 हैं. लुगदी के बारे में 3-3.5 सेमी मोटी, गहरी में लाल रंग का है और मीठा एक TSS के साथ 13.5 के - 15 ° brix. यह अजीब स्वाद नहीं है. फलों की गुणवत्ता को ध्यान में रखते हुए अच्छी है. संयंत्र प्रति यील्ड करीब 55-65 किलो है (60 - 65t/acre).