ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru, organised a 5-day ICAR Sponsored HRM Training on “Soil, Plant and Water Analysis For Nutrient Recommendations in Horticultural Crops” for Scientific and Technical staff of ICAR institutes, different SAUs and NGOs from 06th to 10th January, 2025. The main aim of this training programme was to acquaint the participants on soil, plant and water analysis and exposing the participants to the various laboratory instruments including their handling and working principles. A total of 24 Participants including 4 female participants from 11 different states attended the training programme. Out of those, 13 were from ICAR Institutes, 11 from SAUs and NGOs. The Heads of Divisions; Sections; Nodal Officer, HRD; Resource persons and Scientists of the Division of Natural Resources also attended the inaugural programme.
Dr. T.K. Behera, Director, ICAR-IIHR, in his Presidential address during the Inaugural programme, highlighted the importance of role of soil health in plant, animal and human continuum. He also emphasized that soil and water are the most important natural resources. Achievement of food and nutritional security on a sustainable basis depend on the efficient and judicious use of these two natural resources. He underscored how soil, plant and water analysis will lead to improved recommendations for efficient and economic use of fertilizers. Dr. T.R. Rupa, Principal Scientist and Course Director of the ICAR-HRM training programme delivered welcome address and briefed about the training programme. Dr. L.R. Varalakshmi, Head I/c Division of Natural Resources, spoke on the importance of soil, plant and water analysis in agriculture. Dr. R. Umamaheswari, Principal Scientist & Nodal Officer (HRD) sensitized the participants on ICAR-HRM training programmes. On this occasion, E-Training manual on “Soil, Plant and Water Analysis for Nutrient Recommendations in Horticultural Crops” was released by the Director, ICAR-IIHR. Dr. S. Ramachandran, Course Coordinator proposed vote of thanks.
The objectives of the training programme were i) To give an overview of soil testing and plant analysis as a diagnostic tool for assessing nutritional requirements of crops; ii) To train participants in irrigation water quality analysis and iii) To provide hands-on in handling of laboratory instruments used in soil, plant and water analysis. The various topics covered included i) Soil sampling, soil fertility evaluation for physical, chemical and microbial parameters and nutrient recommendations; ii) Leaf tissue sampling guidelines, testing, nutrient norms, nutrient diagnosis and nutrient recommendations; iii) Irrigation water quality testing and management; iv) Microbial interventions in horticultural crops and v) Handling and usage of instruments in the soil testing, plant analysis and water quality in laboratory. The training included 18 sessions comprising lectures and practicals, conducted by renowned experts in soil, plant and water management. The training programme also included study tour and exposure visit to the technologies developed by the Institute.
The valedictory function was conducted on 10th January, 2025, the last day of the training programme wherein Dr. T.K. Behera, Director, ICAR-IIHR addressed the participants and received the feedback of the training programme from participants. The trainees were tested for his/her skill and knowledge through formative assessment at the end of the training programme. Dr. T.R. Rupa, Principal Scientist (Soil Science) was the Course Director and Dr. S. Ramachandran, Senior Scientist (Soil Science) and Dr. Yukti Verma, Scientist (Soil Science) were the Course Coordinators of the training programme.