Arka Nikitha
This okra hybrid between GMS-4 X IIIHR-299-14-11-585, has been identified for release by the Institute VTIC during 2017. It is developed through geneic male sterile line Early flowering and first female flower appears at 9th node from the base of the vine. Takes 39 days for the first flower appearance and 43 days for first picking of fruits. Produces dark green, medium, smooth and tender fruits. Excellent cooking quality, nutritionally rich in antioxidant activity, high mucilage content(1.08 % (FW) and high edible fiber content (8.85 % (DW) . It is rich in minerals like potassium (3.7 %), calcium 997 mg /100 g)and magnesium . Rich in iodine content (33.31µ g/kg).Yields 21-24 t/ha in 125 -130 days duration.