- ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticulture Research, undertook a survey to identify superior jackfruit genotypes in the traditional jackfruit growing tracts of Southern Karnataka.
- Two elite jack fruit varieties with attractive coppery red coloured flakes were identified.
Linking biodiversity to livelihood security
- These varieties identified by ICAR-IIHR, was given wide publicity through mass media, research journals, official web sites and by organising jackfruit diversity fairs. Overwhelming response was received for the saplings of jackfruit.
- Hence, ICAR-IIHR created a model for commercialization in 2017, after recognising and honouring the farmers for conserving this variety as “Custodians of Genetic Diversity”.
- Revenue generation is shared between the Licensor (jackfruit farmer) in such a way that 75% of the earning would go to the farmer and 25% would go to the Institute, if the price per sapling is Rs 150 then Rs 112 would go to the farmer and Rs. 38 for the Institute.
- Mr. S. S. Paramesha and Shankariah were also trained in propagation techniques for mass propagation of quality plants.
- S. S. Paramesha is currently producing the Siddu jackfruit plants and has distributed more than 25,000 saplings to the farmers, earneda gross income of Rs.22 lakhs within two years because of the handholding by ICAR-IIHR. His earning from this tree earlier was a meagre amount of Rs. 8,000 only per annum.
Characteristic features of identified varieties
- Noveljackfruit tree with coppery red in colour and firm flakes was identified from Mr. S.S. Paramesha,Tumkur district, Karnataka
- Average fruit weight is 2.44 kg/fruit; each fruit has 25-30 bulbs.
- Has total carotenoids: 4.43 mg/100g; lycopene: 1.12 mg/100g, total phenolics: 31.76 mg Gallic acid equivalents/100g.
- Selection from a 25-year-old tree in farmer’s field of Sri. Shankariah, in Tumkur (dt.)
- Fruit weight is 2-5 Kg, 60 flakes with average flake weight of 18 g. The flakes are sweet, aromatic, crispy and coppery red in colour.
- Has total carotenoids: 5.83 mg/100 g; lycopene: 2.26 mg/100 g; total phenolics: 37.99 mg Gallic acid equivalents/100g.
This innovative model of linking biodiversity with livelihood security will help us to double the income.
Hon'ble Shri Parshottam Rupala, Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India inaugurated the Annual Conference of Vice Chancellors of Agricultural Universities and Directors of ICAR Institutes. During the inaugural session on 5th Dec, 2020 at Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi, Hon'ble Minister distributed the cheque of Rs. 5.00 Lakhs each to Mr. S. S. Paramesha, and Mr. Shankaraiah, from Tumakuru through virtual meet as a benefit for selling the saplings, in the presence of Shri Kailash Choudhary, Hon'ble Union Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research and Education & Director General, ICAR, explained the importance of linking biodiversity to livelihood security of the farmers.