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Shivashankara K.S.

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Principal Scientist (Plant Physiology)
Division of Basic Sciences
Crop Physiology
M.Sc (Agri), Ph.D
Research Accomplishments: 

(During the Period of 2019-2023)

Associated in the development of pumelo and mango varieties. Developed a method to identify the nucellar seedlings in polyembryonic mango varieties using leaf volatiles. Assessed the stigma and pollen metabolites in mango varieties differing in fruit set like Totapuri, Amrapalli, Alphonso, Arka Anmol, and  Arka Puneet. High fruit setting types were found to have better salicylic acid, GA, IAA, higher polyamines and lower phenolic acids in both pollen and stigma. Metabolites and flower minerals were found to improve under irrigation. Volatiles produced by different bioagents were also assessed. Esablished the GCMS/MS facility under central facility of the institute. Assessed more than 10,000 samples under SAIF facility of the institute. Generated more than Rs 15.00 lakhs revenue.Guided 3 MSc students UAS, GKVK for Crop Physiology. Guidng 1 PhD student. Published 25 papers, 3 book chapters, attended various seminars/symposia/conferences, gave lead lectures.

Varieties / Technologies Developed: 


Associated in 2 Pumelo and one mango varieties


 (Best 10/High Impact) 

  1. Arivalagan, M., Karunakaran, G., Roy, T.K., Dinsha, M., Sindhu, B.C., Shilpashree, V.M., Satisha, G.C. and Shivashankara, K.S., 2021. Biochemical and nutritional characterization of dragon fruit (Hylocereus species). Food Chemistry, 353, p.129426. NAAS Rating –13.51
  2. Shivashankar K.S, Geetha, G.A Ravishankar K.V Sudhakar Rao, D.V., Pavithra K.C., Tapas Kumar Roy. 2022. Temperature gradient storage induced biochemical and molecular changes in mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. Alphonso) fruits. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (2022) 44:46 Naas rating 8.35(link is external)
  3. Ramesh, S.V., Rose Mary, Shameena, B.P., Ravi P., Sugatha P., Neenu S.,, Sandip S., Vittal Niral, Manikantan M. R., Lokesh, A.N., Shivashankara, K.S., Hebbar, K.B. 2023. Physicochemical characterization and fatty acid profiles of testa oils from various coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) genotypes Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 103: 370-379. NAAS rating 9.64
  4. 4.Bhargav Veluru, Rajiv Kumar, KS Shivashankara, T Usha Bharathi, T Manjunatha Rao, Anuradha Sane, TK Roy, DV Sudhakar Rao. 2022.Anthocyanin profile diversity in China aster (Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees) genotypes. J. South African Journal of Botany,151:107-113        Naas rating 8.32
  5. Ranjitha, K., Shivashankara, K.S., Rao, D.V. and Roy, T.K., 2022. Retention of freshness and isothiocyanates in fresh-cut radish (Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus) through glucose dip treatment. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59(1), pp.409-415. 8.70 NAAS Rating – 8.70
  6. 6.Waman, A.A., Bohra, P., Roy, T.K. and Shivashankara, K.S., 2021. Seed morphological and biochemical studies in certain wild nutmegs. Trees, 35(3), pp.939-945. NAAS Rating –8.53
  7. 7. Singh, P., Roy, T.K., Kanupriya, C., Tripathi, P.C., Kumar, P. and Shivashankara, K.S., 2022. Evaluation of bioactive constituents of Garcinia indica (kokum) as a potential source of hydroxycitric acid, anthocyanin, and phenolic compounds. LWT, 156, p.112999     rating 10.95
  8. 8.Das, A., Geetha, G.A., Ravishankar, K.V., Shivashankara, K.S., Roy, T.K. and Dinesh, M.R., 2019. Interrelations of growth regulators, carbohydrates and expression of flowering genes (FT, LFY, AP1) in leaf and shoot apex of regular and alternate bearing mango (Mangifera indica L.) cultivars during flowering. Scientia Horticulturae, 253, pp.263-269 Naas rating 9.46.
  9. 9. Shivashankara KS, GeethaGAand Roy TK.(2019). Influence of girdling on flower sex ratio, biochemical constituents, and fruit set intensity in mango (Mangifera indica L.). Biol. Plant., 63:432-439   NAAS rating 7.75
  10. Hebbar, K.B., Arivalagan, M., Pavithra, K.C., Roy, T.K., Gopal, M., Shivashankara, K.S. and Chowdappa, P., 2020. Nutritional profiling of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) inflorescence sap collected using novel coco-sap chiller method and its value added products. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 14(5), pp.2703-2712.  Naas rating 8.43

Books Chapter 

  1. Shivashankara, K.S. and Geetha, G.A., 2021. Physiological disorders. The pomegranate: botany, production and uses. CAB International. PP.344-356.    ISBN: 9781789240764
  2. Prathibha, M.D and Harsha, S.G and Geetha, G.A and Lokesha, A.N and Shivashankara, K.S. 2023. Metabolomics as a Selection Tool for Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Crops in Translating Physiological Tools to Augment Crop Breeding Springer publisher, PP 311—335. ISBN: 9789811974984


Awards & Recognitions: 


  1. Selection committee member for the selection of Director of Central Sericultural Board institutes.
  2. Chairman for the selection of Ras/SRFs/Yps in the institute.
  3. As a DG nominee attended the CAS of Scientist. Best paper award for the publication made in the Journal of Hortl. Scie.
Address for Communication: 

# 538, 7th Main, 9th Cross, Coffee Board Layout, Hebbal-Kempapura, Bengaluru - 560 024.

Email Address:
Telephone #: 
080-23086100 Extn 243/244