Sh. Sangram Pradhan, a progressive mango grower of Boudh district, is cultivating mango (5m x 5m) in around 10-acre land and harvests around 40 tonnes of mango. He earns around Rs. 1.0 lakh from one acre of mango plantation but he realized that the income can be enhanced by cultivating pineapple as an intercrop. He attended training programs at CHES, Bhubaneswar and realized the potential of intercropping in mango orchard. The CHES (ICAR-IIHR), Bhubaneswar provided him good quality suckers (300-400g) of pineapple var. Mauritius. Dr. Kundan Kishore guided Sh. Pradhan in carrying out pineapple cultivation with scientific production technology. As pineapple prefers partial shade, he was advised to grow pineapple between the rows of mango trees. Around 2500 suckers were accommodated in one acre mango plantation by utilizing about 25% of area. Sh. Pradhan planted suckers on raised bed and followed standard planting distance. Beds were mulched and irrigation was assumed by drip. He also followed proper nutrient management schedule. Ethephon (100 ppm) was also used in the month of December for flower induction and synchronization. Sh. Pradhan did not spray any pesticide on pineapple. He realized good yield and harvested 2.5 tonnes from one acre area. He developed a market link with Reliance Fresh and sold pineapple @ Rs. 40 – 50/fruit. By selling pineapple he could earn more than Rs. 1.1 lakh and could increase farm income substantially. Initially, the system productivity of his mango orchard was Rs. 280-300/acre/day but with the cultivation of pineapple as an intercrop the system productivity increased about two times (Rs. 580-600/acre/day). He is happy with the adoption of mango + pineapple system. This year he has decided to increase the area of intercropping to three acres. He also motivated other mango growers of his area and imparted knowledge about the potential of mango + pineapple intercropping system. Now his farm is viewed as reference farms for other mango growers. Considering the impact of interventions in enhancing income, more than 20 mango growers of Boudh districts are planning to follow mango + pineapple model.