In collaboration with the Karnataka State Department of Horticulture, the ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) organized a one-day awareness programme on tuberose cultivation, tube rose bulb (Arka Prajwal) distribution, and the Arka Microbial Consortium at ALLIPURA, Gauribidanur Taluk, Chikkaballapura District on 14 June 2023. Dr. R. Senthil Kumar, Principal Scientist and Nodal Officer (SCSP), and Dr. Sumangala H.P., Principal Scientist and member of SCSP, explained about various ICAR-IIHR technologies suitable for tuberose cultivation during the technical session and briefed the farmers about the Mucuna and Arka microbial consortium. The chosen beneficiaries received bulbs of the ICAR-IIHR developed Arka Prajwal tuberose bulbs, Arka Microbial Cosortium, Arka Supreme (Avocado). The program was attended by 60 farmers and state department officials.