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A. Carolin Rathinakumari

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Principal Scientist
Division of Post Harvest Technology and Agricultural Engineering
Farm Machinery and Power
Research Accomplishments: 

Developed the following machineries:

  1. Tractor operated onion set planter
  2. Rooting media siever
  3. Rooting media mixer
  4. Rotary dibbler cum vacuum seeder for vegetable nursery
  5. Continuous rooting media filling, leveling, dibbling, sowing and watering machine
  6. Manually operated onion drum seeder
  7. Garlic bulb breaker
  8. Garlic peeler
  9. Hot water treatment plant for mango
  10. Size grader for pomegranate and mango

CarolinRathinakumari, A and G. SenthilKumaran, 2022. Onion de-topping machine-An emerging horticultural enterprising.Journal of Horticultural Sciences. 17(1): 199-203.

Yella swami, C., G. SenthilKumaran, A.C. Rathinakumari, R.K. Naik and B.S. Reddy, 2022.Constraints in dry chilli cultivation practices and mechanization of harvesting in Southern India.Journal of Horticultural Sciences. 17(1): 223-227.

CarolinRathinakumari, A., G. SenthilKumaran, S.A. Venu and B.S. Ashok Suraj, 2022.Energy Input-Output Analysis of Aggregatum Type Onion Cultivation in Karnataka State.Biological Forum  - An International Journal. 14(3): 1562-1567.

NenavathManikyam. A. CarolinRathinakumari, A.K. Dave and G. SenthilKumaran, 2022. Physical and Engineering Properties of Fertilizers Relevant to Design of a Precision Ferti Drill.Biological Forum  - An International Journal. 14(2): 1429-1433.

Sivamma, P., E.Mounika,A. CarolinRathinakumari,G.SenthilKumaran andB. Bindu, 2021. ComparativeStudybetweenModifiedSolarDryerand OpenSunDrying forDryingof OnionSlices. CurrentJournalofAppliedScienceandTechnology. 40(7):23-29.  DOI:10.9734/CJAST/2021/v40i731324

Sivamma, P., E.Mounika,A. CarolinRathinakumari,G.SenthilKumaran andB. Bindu, 2021. Developmentof Heatand HeatRetentionin theSolar GreenHouseDryer.CurrentJournalofAppliedScienceandTechnology. 40(7): 51-62. DOI:10.9734/CJAST/2021/v40i731329

Sivamma, P., E.Mounika,A. CarolinRathinakumari,G.SenthilKumaran andB. Bindu, 2021. Drying of white onion slices in modified solargreenhousedryerusingaluminiumfoilandblackmulchsheet. ThePharmaInnovation. 10(4):1156-1160.

Yella Swami C., SenthilKumaran G., Naik R.K., Reddy B.S. and Rathinakumari A.C., 2021.Physio-morphological and mechanical properties of chillies for mechanical harvesting.Journal of Horticultural Sciences. 16(2):271-279.

ShrinivasDeshpande, G. SenthilKumaran and A. CarolinRathinakumari, 2019.Development of Watermelon (Citrlluslanatus) Seed Extractor.Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America – AMA.Vol.50(3): 23-27.

Vaishnavi, D., A. CarolinRathinakumari, G. SenthilKumaran, B.V.S. Prasad, S.A. Venu and L. Edukondalu, 2018. Physical and engineering properties of vegetable seeds relevant for development of protray vacuum seeder for vegetable nursery.The Andhra Agricultural Journal. 65:179-183.

Shashikumar, G. SenthilKumaran, MeeraPandey and A. CarolinRathinakumari, 2018. Physical and engineering properties of sorghum grain towards development of spawn spreading machine for oyster mushroom (Pleurotus Florida) cultivation.  The Andhra Agricultural Journal. 65:175-178.

Priyanka, U, A. CarolinRathinakumari, G. SenthilKumaran and R.B. Tiwari (2017). Dehydration of amla segments in a solar tunnel dryer. Int. J Agr. Sci. 9(7): 3853-3858.

Priyanka, U, A. CarolinRathinakumari and G. SenthilKumaran, 2017. Dehydration of onion slices in a solar tunnel dryer. Green Farming. Vol. 8(3):  736-742.

CarolinRathinakumari, Aand  D. ManoharJesudas, 2017. Effect of planting of onion sets in different orientations on crop growth for development of onion set planter.Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America – AMA.Vol.48(3): 71-76.

Gayathri, G., K.V. Harshanjali, K.Rupavathi, D.Vijayakumar, G. SenthilKumaran,  A. CarolinRathinakumari and M.V. Ramana, 2016. International Journal of Agricultural Engineering. Vol. 9(2):121-129.

Theertha, D.P., G. SenthilKumaran and A. CarolinRathinakumari, 2016. Development and performance evaluation of a power operated onion seed extractor. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America – AMA. Vol. 47(1):33-37.

Channabasamma, B.B., A. CarolinRathinakumari, G. SenthilKumaran and P. Dayananda, 2016. Development and performance of power-operated garlic bulb-breaker.Journal of Horticultural Sciences. Vol. 11(1): 57-62. 

CarolinRathinakumari, A and D. ManoharJesudas, 2015.  Optimization of design and operational parameters of cell type metering unit for planting onion sets. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture. 33(2-Part-II):807-816.

CarolinRathinakumari, A and D. ManoharJesudas, 2015. Physical and mechanical                  properties of onion sets (Allium cepa. L.). International Journal of Tropical                   Agriculture. 33(2-Part-II):817-823.

CarolinRathinakumari, A., B.B. Channabasamma and G. SenthilKumaran, 2015.Physical and mechanical properties of garlic bulbs and cloves (Allium sativum L.) relevant to development of garlic bulb breaker.International Journal of Tropical Agriculture. 33(2-Part-IV):1881-1887.

CarolinRathinakumari, A and D. ManoharJesudas, 2015. Design and development of tractor operated onion set planter.  Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 85(8): 1138-41.

Channabasamma, B.B.,  A. CarolinRathinakumari and  G. SenthilKumaran, 2015. Design, development and performance evaluation of garlic bulb (Allium sativum L.) breaker for planting material production.Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 85(9): 1158-61.

Mandhar,S.C , A. CarolinRathinakumari  and G. SenthilKumaran, 2005. Innovative Machinery for Garlic Peeling. Indian Food Packer, September, 2005: 76-81.

Mandhar,S.C , A. CarolinRathinakumari and G. SenthilKumaran, 2005. Mechanization of nursery.Floriculture Today. January 2005, 8(9): 16-22.

CarolinRathinakumari, A., G. SenthilKumaran and S.C. Mandhar, 2005. Design and development of tray type vacuum seeder and tray type dibbler for vegetable nursery. Journal of Applied Horticulture. 7(1)49-51, January-June, 2005.

Mandhar,S.C and A. CarolinRathinakumari, 2004. Performance evaluation of microclimate inside naturally ventilated greenhouses for cultivation of flower crops. Journal of Ornamental Horticulture. 2004, 7(3&):191-201.

Carolin, R.K., S.C. Mandhar and K.P. Singh, 2003.Prediction of temperature and    relative humidity inside the greenhouse in relation to ambient condition.J. of Ornamental Horticulture. 6(4):294-302.

Mandhar, S.C., K.P. Singh and Carolin, R.K., 2001.Environmental conditions and gerbera production under different types of gerbera.J. Apl. Hort. 3(1):28-31.

Address for Communication: 

Division of Post Harvest Technology and Agricultural Engineering,

ICAR-Indian Insitute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru – 560 089.

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