Developed the following machineries:
- Tractor operated onion set planter
- Rooting media siever
- Rooting media mixer
- Rotary dibbler cum vacuum seeder for vegetable nursery
- Continuous rooting media filling, leveling, dibbling, sowing and watering machine
- Manually operated onion drum seeder
- Garlic bulb breaker
- Garlic peeler
- Hot water treatment plant for mango
- Size grader for pomegranate and mango
CarolinRathinakumari, A and G. SenthilKumaran, 2022. Onion de-topping machine-An emerging horticultural enterprising.Journal of Horticultural Sciences. 17(1): 199-203.
Yella swami, C., G. SenthilKumaran, A.C. Rathinakumari, R.K. Naik and B.S. Reddy, 2022.Constraints in dry chilli cultivation practices and mechanization of harvesting in Southern India.Journal of Horticultural Sciences. 17(1): 223-227.
CarolinRathinakumari, A., G. SenthilKumaran, S.A. Venu and B.S. Ashok Suraj, 2022.Energy Input-Output Analysis of Aggregatum Type Onion Cultivation in Karnataka State.Biological Forum - An International Journal. 14(3): 1562-1567.
NenavathManikyam. A. CarolinRathinakumari, A.K. Dave and G. SenthilKumaran, 2022. Physical and Engineering Properties of Fertilizers Relevant to Design of a Precision Ferti Drill.Biological Forum - An International Journal. 14(2): 1429-1433.
Sivamma, P., E.Mounika,A. CarolinRathinakumari,G.SenthilKumaran andB. Bindu, 2021. ComparativeStudybetweenModifiedSolarDryerand OpenSunDrying forDryingof OnionSlices. CurrentJournalofAppliedScienceandTechnology. 40(7):23-29. DOI:10.9734/CJAST/2021/v40i731324
Sivamma, P., E.Mounika,A. CarolinRathinakumari,G.SenthilKumaran andB. Bindu, 2021. Developmentof Heatand HeatRetentionin theSolar GreenHouseDryer.CurrentJournalofAppliedScienceandTechnology. 40(7): 51-62. DOI:10.9734/CJAST/2021/v40i731329
Sivamma, P., E.Mounika,A. CarolinRathinakumari,G.SenthilKumaran andB. Bindu, 2021. Drying of white onion slices in modified solargreenhousedryerusingaluminiumfoilandblackmulchsheet. ThePharmaInnovation. 10(4):1156-1160.
Yella Swami C., SenthilKumaran G., Naik R.K., Reddy B.S. and Rathinakumari A.C., 2021.Physio-morphological and mechanical properties of chillies for mechanical harvesting.Journal of Horticultural Sciences. 16(2):271-279.
ShrinivasDeshpande, G. SenthilKumaran and A. CarolinRathinakumari, 2019.Development of Watermelon (Citrlluslanatus) Seed Extractor.Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America – AMA.Vol.50(3): 23-27.
Vaishnavi, D., A. CarolinRathinakumari, G. SenthilKumaran, B.V.S. Prasad, S.A. Venu and L. Edukondalu, 2018. Physical and engineering properties of vegetable seeds relevant for development of protray vacuum seeder for vegetable nursery.The Andhra Agricultural Journal. 65:179-183.
Shashikumar, G. SenthilKumaran, MeeraPandey and A. CarolinRathinakumari, 2018. Physical and engineering properties of sorghum grain towards development of spawn spreading machine for oyster mushroom (Pleurotus Florida) cultivation. The Andhra Agricultural Journal. 65:175-178.
Priyanka, U, A. CarolinRathinakumari, G. SenthilKumaran and R.B. Tiwari (2017). Dehydration of amla segments in a solar tunnel dryer. Int. J Agr. Sci. 9(7): 3853-3858.
Priyanka, U, A. CarolinRathinakumari and G. SenthilKumaran, 2017. Dehydration of onion slices in a solar tunnel dryer. Green Farming. Vol. 8(3): 736-742.
CarolinRathinakumari, Aand D. ManoharJesudas, 2017. Effect of planting of onion sets in different orientations on crop growth for development of onion set planter.Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America – AMA.Vol.48(3): 71-76.
Gayathri, G., K.V. Harshanjali, K.Rupavathi, D.Vijayakumar, G. SenthilKumaran, A. CarolinRathinakumari and M.V. Ramana, 2016. International Journal of Agricultural Engineering. Vol. 9(2):121-129.
Theertha, D.P., G. SenthilKumaran and A. CarolinRathinakumari, 2016. Development and performance evaluation of a power operated onion seed extractor. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America – AMA. Vol. 47(1):33-37.
Channabasamma, B.B., A. CarolinRathinakumari, G. SenthilKumaran and P. Dayananda, 2016. Development and performance of power-operated garlic bulb-breaker.Journal of Horticultural Sciences. Vol. 11(1): 57-62.
CarolinRathinakumari, A and D. ManoharJesudas, 2015. Optimization of design and operational parameters of cell type metering unit for planting onion sets. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture. 33(2-Part-II):807-816.
CarolinRathinakumari, A and D. ManoharJesudas, 2015. Physical and mechanical properties of onion sets (Allium cepa. L.). International Journal of Tropical Agriculture. 33(2-Part-II):817-823.
CarolinRathinakumari, A., B.B. Channabasamma and G. SenthilKumaran, 2015.Physical and mechanical properties of garlic bulbs and cloves (Allium sativum L.) relevant to development of garlic bulb breaker.International Journal of Tropical Agriculture. 33(2-Part-IV):1881-1887.
CarolinRathinakumari, A and D. ManoharJesudas, 2015. Design and development of tractor operated onion set planter. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 85(8): 1138-41.
Channabasamma, B.B., A. CarolinRathinakumari and G. SenthilKumaran, 2015. Design, development and performance evaluation of garlic bulb (Allium sativum L.) breaker for planting material production.Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 85(9): 1158-61.
Mandhar,S.C , A. CarolinRathinakumari and G. SenthilKumaran, 2005. Innovative Machinery for Garlic Peeling. Indian Food Packer, September, 2005: 76-81.
Mandhar,S.C , A. CarolinRathinakumari and G. SenthilKumaran, 2005. Mechanization of nursery.Floriculture Today. January 2005, 8(9): 16-22.
CarolinRathinakumari, A., G. SenthilKumaran and S.C. Mandhar, 2005. Design and development of tray type vacuum seeder and tray type dibbler for vegetable nursery. Journal of Applied Horticulture. 7(1)49-51, January-June, 2005.
Mandhar,S.C and A. CarolinRathinakumari, 2004. Performance evaluation of microclimate inside naturally ventilated greenhouses for cultivation of flower crops. Journal of Ornamental Horticulture. 2004, 7(3&):191-201.
Carolin, R.K., S.C. Mandhar and K.P. Singh, 2003.Prediction of temperature and relative humidity inside the greenhouse in relation to ambient condition.J. of Ornamental Horticulture. 6(4):294-302.
Mandhar, S.C., K.P. Singh and Carolin, R.K., 2001.Environmental conditions and gerbera production under different types of gerbera.J. Apl. Hort. 3(1):28-31.
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