Arka Majestic
This hybrid is a cross between Angur Kalan and Black Champa. The plant is vigorous with a yield potential of 38 tons/ha and 34 kg/vine. Time required for harvest from pruning is 160-163 days. The bunches are well filled, weighing an average of 370 g, deep tan coloured, uniform round berries, having 2-3 small seeds per berry and bold roundish berries weighting on an average 7.7 g. T.S.S. is 18 to 20 ° B and acidity is 0.4 to 0.6 per cent. All the buds are fruitful and therefore no specific pruning requirement. It is suitable for head system of training and possible to take two crops in a year. This hybrid is tolerant to Anthracnose disease.